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Upotreba osnovnih glagolskih vremena kod gluvih i nagluvih učenika srednje škole

dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.creatorDinić, Miroslav
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractHearing impairment at an early age leaves negative repercussions on the development of speech and language. Those consequences greatly depend on the level of hearing impairment. Greater and more serious impairments have more significant implications. The development of speech and language in deaf and hard of hearing children is very significant within the re-habilitation period, which takes place throughout the duration of their primary and high school years. During this time the children develop articulation of vocals of their native language, they develop an active and passive vocabulary, adopt grammar and grammar rules of their native language, etc. Due to inadequate proficiency and inadequate utilization of grammar rules, in the speech of deaf and hard of hearing children there is often the problem of agrammatisms, as found by studies completed by both domestic and foreign authors. In the speech of deaf and hard of hearing individuals verbs are after nouns the most utilized type of word. During speech development, deaf and hard of hearing children, often make mistakes in their use of verbs. They tend to use the wrong grammatical categories of entities, numbers and gender. Also, in deaf and hard of hearing children the identification of the grammatical category of tense (time) is quite difficult. During their primary school years pupils should adopt and master the grammar of their native tongue. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the use of basic verb tenses (perfect, present and future) by deaf and hard of hearing high school students. The study utilized the Corpus for the assessment of the use of basic verb tenses (N.Dimic). The test encompasses 20 sentences and the students are required to conjugate the verb found in the infinitive into the applicable form, whilst considering the grammatical categories of time, entities, gender and numbers. All of the results will be presented in tabular and graphical form. The paper gives conclusions which point to certain (in)abilities of deaf and hard of hearing children to use appropriate verb tenses in their everyday language.en
dc.description.abstractOštećenje sluha na ranom uzrastu kod dece ostavlja negativne posledice na razvoj govora i jezika. U zavisnosti od stepena oštećenja sluha, zavisiće i posledice koje ono prouzrokuje. Teža i veća oštećenja prouzrokuju i veće posledice. Razvoj govora i jezika kod gluve i nagluve dece je veoma značajan u toku re/ habilitacionog perioda, osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. U toku tih perioda kod dece se razvija artikulacija glasova maternjeg jezika, razvoj aktivnog i pasivnog rečnika, usvajanje gramatike i gramatičkih pravila maternjeg jezika. Zbog nedovoljnog ovladavanja i neadekvatne upotrebe gramatičkih pravila, u govoru gluvih i nagluvih često dolazi do agramatizma, što potvrđuju istraživanja domaćih i inostranih autora. U govoru gluvih i nagluvih glagoli su nakon imenica najzastupljenije vrste reči. Tokom razvoja govora, gluvi i nagluvi učenici, često greše prilikom upotrebe glagola. Dolazi do pogrešne upotrebe gramatičkih kategorija lica, roda i broja. Takođe, kod gluvih i nagluvih učenika je otežano identifikovanje gramatičke kategorije vremena. Tokom osnovne škole učenici treba da usvoje i ovladaju gramatikom maternjeg jezika. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita upotreba osnovnih glagolskih vremena (perfekt, prezent i futur) kod gluvih i nagluvih učenika srednje škole. U istraživanju je korišćen Korpus za procenu upotrebe osnovnih glagolskih vremena (N. Dimić). Test uključuje 20 rečenica i od učenika se traži da glagol koji se nalazi u infinitivu stave u odgovarajućem obliku, poštujući pritom gramatičke kategorije vremena, lica, roda i broja. Svi rezultati biće prikazani grafički i tabelarno. Na kraju rada su izvedeni zaključci koji ukazuju na određene (ne)mogućnosti gluvih i nagluvih učenika da u svom svakodnevnom jeziku upotrebljavaju glagole u odgovarajućim vremenima. .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectdevelopment of speech and languageen
dc.subjectdeaf and hard ofhearingen
dc.subjectrazvoj govora i jezikasr
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvisr
dc.titleThe use of basic verb conjugation by deaf and hard of hearing high school studentsen
dc.titleUpotreba osnovnih glagolskih vremena kod gluvih i nagluvih učenika srednje školesr
dc.citation.other(1): 19-37



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