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The relationship between reading skills and fine motor abilities in younger school-age children

dc.creatorBuha, Nataša
dc.creatorBanković, Slobodan
dc.creatorGligorović, Milica
dc.description.abstractUvod: Uloga motorike u veštini čitanja nije toliko očigledna, te je i znatno ređe proučavana. Rezultati pojedinih istraživanja ukazuju na to da je veza između motorike i čitanja prisutna i da zavisi od ispitivane motoričke komponente. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi povezanost vizuomotoričke koordinacije i vizuomotoričke integracije sa tehnikom čitanja kod učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta. Metode: Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 103 ispitanika uzrasta od devet do 11 godina. Za procenu tehnike čitanja korišćena je skala Likertovog tipa sa četiri deskriptora, kojima su obuhvaćeni najčešći tipovi problema tokom čitanja. Fina motorika je procenjena subtestovima Akadija testa razvojnih sposobnosti – Vizuomotorička koordinacija i mogućnost sleda i Crtanje oblika. Kao kovarijati odabrani su inteligencija, radna memorija i inhibitorna kontrola. Inteligencija je procenjena Ravenovim progresivnim matricama, radna memorija zadatkom Raspon cifara unazad, a inhibitorna kontrola Kreni/stani zadatkom. Rezultati: Primenom hijerarhijske regresione analize utvrđeno je da su vizuomotorička koordinacija i radna memorija nezavisni prediktori tehnike čitanja. Vizuomotorička koordinacija objašnjava 5.2% varijanse, nakon što je uklonjen uticaj inteligencije i bazičnih egzekutivnih funkcija. Vizuomotorička integracija nije razmatrana kao prediktor tehnike čitanja pošto je utvrđeno da sa njom nije statistički značajno povezana. Zaključak: U razmatranju značaja fine motorike potrebno je analizirati pojedinačne komponente, jer rezultati ovog, kao i prethodnih istraživanja, ukazuju na to da nisu svi aspekti fine motorike podjednako značajni činioci razvoja veštine čitanja. U kontekstu prevencije teškoća u usvajanju čitanja bilo bi poželjno primenjivati aktivnosti kojima bi se stimulisao razvoj fine motorike i radne memorije već od predškolskog
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. The role of motor skills in reading seems counter-intuitive, and thus it has played a minor role in studies on predictors of reading skills. The results of some studies indicate that the connection between motor skills and reading is present and that it depends on the examined motor component. Objective. The aim of this research was to determine the relation between visuomotor coordination and visuomotor integration with reading skills in younger school-age students. Methods. The sample included 103 participants aged 9 to 11 years. A Likert-type scale with four descriptors covering the most common types of problems during reading was used to evaluate reading skills. Fine motor skills were assessed with the subtests of the Acadia Test of Developmental Abilities – Visuomotor Coordination and Sequencing and Figure Copying. Intelligence, working memory, and inhibitory control were selected as covariates. Intelligence was assessed by Raven’s Progressive Matrices, working memory by the Digit Span Backward task, and inhibitory control by the Go/NoGo task. Results. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that visuomotor coordination and working memory are independent predictors of reading skills. Visuomotor coordination explains 5.2% of the variance after removing the influence of intelligence and basic executive functions. A statistically significant relationship between visuomotor integration and reading skills was not found, so visuomotor integration was not considered a predictor in further analysis. Conclusion. When considering the importance of fine motor skills, it is necessary to analyze its individual components, because the results of this, as well as previous studies, indicate that not all aspects of fine motor skills are equally important factors in the development of reading skills. In the context of preventing difficulties in learning to read, it would be desirable to apply activities that would stimulate the development of fine motor skills and working memory from preschool
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectvizuomotorička koordinacijasr
dc.subjectvizuomotorička integracijasr
dc.subjectegzekutivne funkcijesr
dc.subjectreading skillssr
dc.subjectvisuomotor coordinationsr
dc.subjectvisuomotor integrationsr
dc.subjectexecutive functionssr
dc.titleOdnos tehnike čitanja i fine motorike kod učenika mlađeg školskog uzrastasr
dc.titleThe relationship between reading skills and fine motor abilities in younger school-age childrensr



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