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Vizuomotorna kontrola kod dece sa lezijom plexus brachialisa

dc.creatorKljajić, Dragana
dc.creatorEminović, Fadilj
dc.creatorTrgovčević, Sanja
dc.description.abstractObstetric brachial plexus injury is the most common peripheral neurological syndrome that occurs by birth. The characteristic of this lesion is the fact that it emerges and it's consequences endure in a period of intensive growth and development changes. Growth, development and formation of sensomotoric hand pattern in early childhood is conditioned by anatomical intactness, maturing of nervous system, and by tactile and kinesthetic informations that come from the environment, and are supplemented with visual and hearing impressions. Our study was done during 2008/2009 and it included 60 preschool children all diagnosed an OBP injury. The aim of the study was to point out possibilities and importance of somatopedic treatment in optimizing the level of visuomotor control. From the results of the study and their statistical analysis, we could conclude that participants in experimental group have made an remarkable advance in mentioned areas than the children in control group, who were not involved in somatopedic treatment.en
dc.description.abstractPorođajna lezija plexus brachialisa je najčešći neurološki sindrom, perifernog tipa, nastao na rođenju. Specifičnost lezije je u činjenici da ona nastaje, a njene posledice traju u periodu intenzivnih promena u rastu i razvoju. Rast, razvoj i formiranje senzomotornih obrazaca ruke u ranom periodu uslovljeno je anatomskom intaktnošću, sazrevanjem centralnog nervnog sistema, taktilnim i kinestetskim saznanjima koja stižu iz spoljašnje sredine, a dopunjena su vidnim i slušnim utiscima. Naše istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2008/09 godine i obuhvatilo je 60 dece predškolskog uzrasta, sa dijagnozom porođajne traume plexus brachialisa. Cilj istraživanja je bio da ukažemo na mogućnosti i značaj somatopedskog tretmana u optimalizaciji nivoa vizuomotorne kontrole. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja i njihove statističke analize, mogli smo konstatovati da su ispitanici eksperimentalne grupe značajno napredovali u odnosu na ispitanike kontrolne grupe, koji nisu bili obuhvaćeni somatopedskim
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectplexus brachialisen
dc.subjectvisuomotor cintrolen
dc.subjectsomatopedic treatmenten
dc.subjectplexus brachialissr
dc.subjectvizuomotorna kontrolasr
dc.subjectsomatopedski tretmansr
dc.titleVisuomotor control in children with a lesion of plexus brachialisen
dc.titleVizuomotorna kontrola kod dece sa lezijom plexus brachialisasr
dc.citation.other(1): 141-152

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