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Uticaj stepena oštećenja sluha na opis slika u nizu u školama za gluvu i nagluvu decu

dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.creatorAtansković, Mirjana
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractWritten language is the primary means of general and speech development of deaf and children with hearing disabilities. A-series-of-picture - has an important role in shaping the culture of language learners. Description of the image includes a visual perception and language expression. Picture has a stimulating effect on students, develops their ability of observation and thinking, as well as their thoughts and feelings associated with the past experience and their opportunity to imagine the whole situation in which the action takes place on picture. We can assess what are the possibilities of written expression children tested in the description of related pictures in a row. At the beginning, we set the general objective of the research: to investigate the function of pictures story in the Serbian language teaching in schools for deaf and children with hearing disabilities. In doing so, we also determine the specific research objectives, which is: to determine the impact of hearing loss on the description of images in teaching Serbian language in schools for deaf and hard of hearing children, to determine what kinds of mistakes pupils make to describe pictures in a row, to determine the frequency and type of words to describe images in teaching Serbian language in schools for deaf and hard of hearing children. The survey has been conducted in the Republic of Serbia, the two primary schools in Belgrade: school for deaf and hard of hearing children 'Stefan Decanski,' and primary school for children with hearing and speech loss 'Radivoj Popovic'. The sample included fifty-six pupils of two schools from third till the eight grade. In this paper we present a subsample of pupils who are classified by degree of hearing loss with a distinctive group of six pupils with cochlear implants: cochlear implanted children -6 pupils (6%), medium auditory deficiency-12 pupils (18%) , hard auditory deficiency -7 pupils (26% ), deep auditory deficiency 31 pupils (47%). We used two pictures stories - 'Winter' and 'Spring' (F. Kostic, S. Vladisavljevic, M. Popovic). The results are presented in tables and charts. The obtained results led to our conclusion that there was slight differences between the results of pupils with deep auditory deficiency in the use of the word, sentence or expression level of the frequency of certain types of words in relation to pupils with severe, medium auditory deficiency and also in relation to the cochlear implanted pupils who have achieved better results compared to all the above parameters, but not as much as expected. In a sample of cochlear implanted pupils there are even three pupils who were aged to fifth grade and we can prescribe, in a small degree, the poor results because they are in the initial phase of literacy. Furthermore, in conversation with their main teachers we came to the information that children do not permanently carry the batteries, which certainly affects on the auditory perception, on the quality of language-oral and written expression.en
dc.description.abstractPisani govor je osnovno sredstvo opšteg i govorno-jezičkog razvoja gluve i nagluve dece. Strip priča ili slike u nizu imaju značajnu ulogu u formiranju jezičke kulture učenika. Opis slike obuhvata vizuelnu percepciju i jezičko izražavanje. Slika stimulativno deluje na učenika, razvija sposobnost posmatranja i mišljenja, povezuje misli i osećanja sa ranijim iskustvom i pruža mogućnost da se zamisli cela situacija u kojoj se zbiva radnja na slici. Putem slike možemo da ocenimo koje su mogućnosti pismenog izražavanja učenika. Na početku istraživanja postavljen je opšti cilj koji glasi: ispitati funkciju strip priče u nastavi srpskog jezika u školama za gluvu i nagluvu decu. Na osnovu cilja postavljeni su zadaci istraživanja: utvrditi uticaj stepena oštećenja sluha na opis slika u nastavi srpskog jezika u školama za gluvu i nagluvu decu, utvrditi koje vrste grešaka učenici prave pri opisu slika u nizu, utvrditi frekvenciju i vrstu reči pri opisu slika u nastavi srpskog jezika u školama za gluvu i nagluvu decu. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Republike Srbije, u dve osnovne škole na području Beograda: Školi za oštećene sluhom-nagluve 'Stefan Dečanski' i Osnovnoj školi za decu oštećenog sluha i govora 'Radivoj Popović'. Uzorak je činilo 56 učenika uzrasta od trećeg do osmog razreda. U ovom radu predstavićemo poduzorak koga čine učenici razvrstani prema stepenu oštećenja sluha sa posebno izdvojenom grupom učenika sa kohlearnim implantom: kohlearno implantirana deca 6 učenika (6%), srednja auditivna deficijencija 12 učenika (18% ), teška auditivna deficijencija 17 učenika (26%), duboka auditivna deficijencija 31 učenik (47%). Kao instrument su korišćene strip priče 'Zima' i 'Proleće' (Đ. Kostić, S. Vladisavljević, M. Popović). Dobijeni rezultati prikazani su tabelarno i grafički. Na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata zaključili smo da postoje neznatne razlike između rezultata učenika sa dubokom auditivnom deficijencijom (u prosečnom broju upotrebljenih reči, rečeničnom nivou izražavanja ili frekventnosti određenih vrsta reči) u odnosu na učenike sa teškom i srednjom auditivnom deficijencijom, kao i u odnosu na kohlearno implantirane učenike, koji postižu procentulno bolje rezultate u odnosu na sve pomenute parametre, ali ne u meri u kojoj se očekivalo. U uzorku kohlearno implantiranih učenika ima čak 3 učenika koji su uzrasta do petog razreda, pa se lošija postignuća donekle mogu pripisati i tome da se oni još uvek nalaze u razredima početnog opismenjavanja. Takođe, u razgovoru sa njihovim nastavnicima došlo se do podatka da deca u svojim implantima često nemaju baterije, što svakako utiče i na slušnu percepciju, kvalitet jezika i usmenog i pisanog
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectpictures storyen
dc.subjectthe Serbian languageen
dc.subjectcochlear implanten
dc.subjectthe deaf and hard of hearingen
dc.subjectstrip pričasr
dc.subjectsrpski jeziksr
dc.subjectkohlearni implantsr
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvisr
dc.titleImpact of hearing loss in image descriptions in a series of pictures for deaf and hard of hearing childrenen
dc.titleUticaj stepena oštećenja sluha na opis slika u nizu u školama za gluvu i nagluvu decusr
dc.citation.other(3): 427-438

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