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Children with developmental disorders in the inclusive process - experiences and challenges

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić, Zorica
dc.creatorRapaić, Dragan
dc.creatorStojković, Irena
dc.creatorNedović, Goran
dc.creatorIlić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractProces inkluzivnog obrazovanja u različitim zemljama praćen je suprotstavljenim stavovima stručnjaka u pogledu tog procesa (Ainscow, 2006). Neusaglašeni stavovi posledica su mnogih nedoumica i nesigurnosti u pogledu efikasnosti inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Potrebno je sprovođenje empirijskih studija u cilju razumevanja činilaca koji određuju ishode inkluzivnog obrazovanja u različitim aspektima razvoja učenika sa smetnjama i drugih učenika. Istraživanje o kome izveštavamo u ovom radu imalo je za cilj da sagleda iskustva nastavnika i direktora redovnih škola u kojima se sprovodi inkluzivno obrazovanje u saradnji sa specijalnom školom “Milan Petrović” iz Novog Sada. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da su glavne teškoće sa kojima se susreću redovne škole u inkluzivnom procesu nepostojanje jasnih smernica za određivanje ciljeva obrazovanja za učenike sa smetnjama u razvoju, nepoznavanje metoda rada i kriterijuma vrednovanja obrazovnog postignuća ovih učenika. Ispitani nastavnici i direktori, kao preporuke za unapređenje procesa inkluzivnog obrazovanja, navode saradnju između redovnih i škola za decu sa smetnjama u razvoju, dodatnu edukaciju nastavnika redovnih škola i zapošljavanje specijalnih edukatora u okviru redovnih š
dc.description.abstractThe movement for inclusive education, which has been taking place in a number of countries, has been accompanied by varied attitudes among professionals (Ainscow, 2006). Controversy concerning inclusive education stems from many dilemmas and uncertainties in regard to the efficacy of this model of education. Empirical studies are needed in order to understand factors which determine developmental outcomes of inclusive education for pupils with developmental disorders and for other pupils. Present research was aimed to investigate the experiences of regular school teachers and headmasters concerning inclusive education process in their schools, which is supported by the cooperation with the special school “Milan Petrović”, Novi Sad. The results show that main challenges of inclusive process in these schools are: lack of clear directions for determination of objectives of pupils’ with developmental disorders education, insufficient knowledge of teaching methods and of criteria for the evaluation of academic achievement of children with developmental disorders among regular school teachers. Teacher and headmasters from the sample give following recommendations for further development of inclusive process: continuing cooperation between regular and special schools, additional education of of regular school teachers, employment of special educators in regular
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.relation“Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building. Universities of Belgrade, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tuzla, Zagreb & Oslo (WB 04/06)”sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009sr
dc.subjectInkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectspecijalno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectdeca sa smetnjama u razvojusr
dc.subjectinclusive educationsr
dc.subjectspecial educationsr
dc.subjectchildren with developmental disorderssr
dc.titleDeca sa smetnjama u razvoju u inkluzivnom procesu - iskustva i izazovisr
dc.titleChildren with developmental disorders in the inclusive process - experiences and challengessr

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