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Contribution of modern dance workshops in raising the awareness of society towards people with disabilities

dc.contributorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorJasmina, Karić
dc.creatorRadovanović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractProces razvoja inkluzivnog društva je proces koji dugo traje i zahteva angažovanje svih njegovih segmenata. Inkluzija se povezuje sa procesima demokratizacije u društvu i u obrazovanju i u tom kontekstu govori se o društvenoj inkluziji u širem smislu. Mnoga dosadašnja istraživanja bave se prvenstveno pitanjima inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u proces obrazovanja. Takva inkluzija se bavi uključivanjem u obrazovni proces osoba iz marginalizovanih grupa. Naša ideja je bila da razmišljamo o inkluziji u širem društvenom kontekstu. O inkluziji kao načinu života... Projekat pod nazivom, "Okvir tela – inkluzivan pristup u radionicama savremenog plesa", imao je za cilj da se kroz inkluzivne radionice savremenog plesa utiče na povećanje senzibiliteta šire društvene zajednice prema osobama sa invaliditetom. U projektu su učestvovale 22 osobe, 12 osoba sa senzornim i/ili motornim invaliditetom, koreografi, plesači, kao i građani zainteresovani za širenje inkluzivne kulture društva. Projekat je realizovan u periodu od septembra do decembra, 2009. godine, sadržao je dve radionice u trajanju od pet dana i dve finalne predstave nakon održanih radionica. Radionice kao i finalne predstave realizovale su se u prostorijama Dah teatra. U decembru, kao sinteza rada u okviru ovih radionica, održana je premijera RESET u Ustanovi kulture "Vuk Karadžić". Na osnovu analize anketnih upitnika postavljenih učesnicima na početku radionica i na kraju radionica, praćenja i analize zainteresovanosti medija u pružanju podrške inkluzivnom pristupu u radionicama savremenog plesa, opservacije rada učesnika radionica, predstava, reakcije publike. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost značajnog doprinosa kulture u razvoju inkluzivnog društva, kao i potrebu za dalje širenje ovakvih i sličnih ideja na polju inkluzije osoba sa invaliditetom.sr
dc.description.abstractThe process of the development of an inclusive society is a long-lasting one, and it requires that all segments of society are involved. Inclusion is connected to the process of democratization of society and education, and in that context we speak of social inclusion in the broadest sense. Much previous research has primarily dealt with the questions of the inclusion of children with developmental disabilities into the process of education. Such a form of inclusion deals with the inclusion of people from marginalized groups in the process of education. Our idea was to think about inclusion in broader social context; about inclusion as a way of life. The aim of the project named Body Frame was to raise the awareness of the whole social community towards people with disabilities by means of inclusive modern dance workshops. Twenty-two people participated in the project - twelve people with sensory and/or motor disabilities, choreographers, dancers, and citizens interested in broader inclusive culture of the society. The project was realized in the period from September to December 2009, and it included two workshops that lasted for five days and two final shows after the workshops were completed. Both the workshops and the shows were organized in Dah Theatre. In December, as a synthesis of the work in these workshops, there was a RESET opening night in the Cultural Centre Vuk Karadzic. The results were obtained by analysis of the questionnaires given to participants at the beginning and the end of the workshops, as well as by monitoring and analysis of the media’s interest in and support of the inclusive approach in the modern dance workshops, observation of the participants’ performance at the workshops and shows, and the reaction of the audience. The analysis of the results points to the possibility of a considerable benefit of this kind of initiative to the development of an inclusive society, and the need for further spreading of these and similar ideas in the field of the inclusion of people with disabilities.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010sr
dc.subjectsavremeni plessr
dc.subjectosobe sa invaliditetomsr
dc.subjectmodern dancesr
dc.subjectpeople with disabilitiessr
dc.titleDoprinos radionica savremenog plesa u senzibilizaciji društva prema osobama sa invaliditetomsr
dc.titleContribution of modern dance workshops in raising the awareness of society towards people with disabilitiessr



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