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Stress in families with physically disabled child

dc.contributorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorDragojević, Nada
dc.description.abstractU izvedenom istraživanju ispitane su karakteristike porodičnog funkcionisanja i strategije prevladavanja stresa u porodicama s telesno invalidnim detetom u svetlu sistemskog pristupa porodici, s ciljem da se utvrde eventualni poremećaji u stabilnosti, prilagodljivosti i kohezivnosti ovih porodičnih grupa. Otkrivanje specifičnih odlika ovih porodičnih sistema i efekata ometenosti deteta na funkcionisanje roditelja kao pojedinca, na bračni par i na porodični sistem značajno je radi iznalaženja što efikasnijih pristupa porodičnim resursima koji omogućavaju zdrav razvoj porodičnog sistema. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na disfunkcionalnost porodičnih sistema porodica s telesno invalidnim detetom, na po više parametara stresogeniju životnu situaciju ovih porodica u odnosu na porodice sa zdravim detetom, na razlike između roditelja zdrave i roditelja telesno ometene dece na nivou ličnosti i na specifičnu strukturu korišćenja strategija porodičnog prevladavanja stresa. Ovakvi rezultati ukazuju na moguće pravce daljih istraživanja usmerenih, pre svega, na otkrivanje puteva poboljšanja funkcionisanja ovih porodičnih sistema i na dalje utvrđivanje strategija prevladavanja stresa koje treba ojačati.sr
dc.description.abstractThis investigation, being a part of more extensive study, was intended to reveal the characteristics of a physically disabled child’s family functioning, the problems which parents of these children are meeting, as well as the coping strategies likely to be used within these family systems. Structured interview and a battery of questionnaires were applied to a sample of 61 parents of physically disabled children and the results have been compared with results obtained from parents of children with other types of disability, as well as for parents of healthy children. Data about satisfactions and dissatisfactions with marital and family life, about most difficult problems these parents are meeting in rearing the children and about reactions of social surrounding, have been obtained. This investigation findings suggest for these family systems that they fall into the category of flexible and highly cohesive systems, that there is a tendency of closing within the boundaries of primary family, that the strategy of passive coping is the most common strategy, that parents of these children are not inclined to search for social support, and use basic personality supports less often than parents of healthy children do. The findings point to the direction needed in further investigations. All of the mechanisms this group of parents are using and the strategies these families could use in coping with such a pervasive stressful event, have to be explored.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo I / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010sr
dc.subjectsistemski pristup porodicisr
dc.subjectometeno detesr
dc.subjectstrategije prevladavanjasr
dc.subjectporodična kohezivnostsr
dc.subjectporodična adaptabilnostsr
dc.subjectbazični oslonci ličnostisr
dc.subjectphysically disabled childsr
dc.subjectfamily systemsr
dc.subjectadaptability and cohesion of family systemsr
dc.subjectbasic supports of personalitysr
dc.titleStres u porodicama sa telesno invalidnim detetomsr
dc.titleStress in families with physically disabled childsr



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