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What we can do to enlarge social closeness of Roma and non-Roma students on fasper and Psychology study group

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorArsenović-Pavlović, Marina
dc.creatorBuha, Nataša
dc.description.abstractCilj rada je da se istakne značaj poznavanja i izučavanja kulture i života Roma u toku fakultetskog obrazovanja stručnjaka ovih profila za njihov profesionalni rad sa romskom populacijom. U radu se prikazuju rezultati teorijskih i empirijskih istraživanja studentskih stereotipa o Romima, njihova informisanost, stepen distance i obrazloženja distance prema Romima. U drugom delu rada prikazuju se rezultati ispitivanja mišljenja i predloga studenata kako da se postigne veća socijalna bliskost sa Romima i da se pomogne studentima romskog porekla da završe ove fakultete da bi pomogli svome narodu da se što uspešnije integriše u većinsko društvo. Značaj ovakvog obrazovanja je veliki jer bi oni mogli da doprinesu smanjenju broja dece Roma koja rano napuštaju školovanje, kao i da se smanji njihov priliv u sporedne kanale školovanja. U prvom delu rada prikazani su rezultati 108 studenata psihologije i 139 studenata FASPER-a na prilago�����enoj Bogardusovoj skali i upitniku, koji je za potrebe istraživanja specijalno konstruisan. U drugom delu rada su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja putem upitnika 70 studenata FASPER-a o tome šta da čine obrazovne institucije da bi se stvarali kvalitetniji stručnjaci za rad sa decom Roma, posebno na univerzitetskom
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is to present stereotypes and some knowledge of FASPER students and psychology students from Faculty of philosophy about Roma people. Also, we aimed to investigate theirs social distance toward Roma people, as well as to gather students proposals on social distance reduction which may help Roma students to finish their studies at FASPER and Faculty of psychology so they can help their ethnic group to successfully integrate in society of majority. The significance of these profile of professionals reflects in their attempts to stop the flow of Roma children into marginal schooling channels, as well as reducing the drop out from schooling system by strengthening professional care of society. In the first part of the paper the results of the assessment of 108 psychology students and 139 FASPER students are presented. These data are collected during the 1999 using the questionnaire constructed on the model of Bogardus scale of social distance. In the second part of the paper we presents assessment results of 68 FASPER students collected during the current school year. Assessment was related to the question what Faculty, as an educational institution, and our society can undertake to help Roma students to enroll and complete these study programs. Although students have usual stereotypes about Roma people and they have lack of information about Roma culture, results show that they have willingness for establishing most of examined relationships. The only significant difference between students of these two faculties is that FASPER students are less bothered by the membership of Roma people in student's associations. In the second assessment, students gave an array of fruitful suggestions on improvement of educational work with Roma
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011sr
dc.subjectprofiliranje stručnjakasr
dc.subjectsadržaji obrazovanjasr
dc.subjectvrednosti i stereotipi studenatasr
dc.subjectprofiling the professionalssr
dc.subjectcontents of educationsr
dc.subjectaction researchessr
dc.subjectsocial distancesr
dc.subjectRoma peoplesr
dc.titleŠta bismo mogli da učinimo da se poveća socijalna bliskost studenata Roma i ne-Roma na Fasperu i grupi za psihologijusr
dc.titleWhat we can do to enlarge social closeness of Roma and non-Roma students on fasper and Psychology study groupsr



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