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Motivation of persons with disability for employment

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorOdović, Gordana
dc.creatorStošljević, Miodrag
dc.creatorŠpanović, Tamara
dc.description.abstractPodaci Ministarstva za rad i socijalnu politiku pokazuju da je stopa nezaposlenosti osoba sa invaliditetom u Srbiji čak 75%. U literaturi se kao razlog otežanog zapošljavanja osoba sa invaliditetom (OSI) navode negativni stavovi poslodavaca i stigma koja se javlja kao rezultat ovih pojava. Pored toga, razlog može biti nedovoljna motivisanost OSI za zapošljavanje i aktivno učešće u pronalaženju zaposlenja. Cilj rada je ispitati motivisanost OSI za zapošljavanje i njihovo aktivno učešće u pronalaženju posla. Za istraživanje je konstruisan poseban upitnik, a pitanja su formulisana tako da se ispita motivisanost za zapošljavanje i uključenost u aktivno traženje posla. Uzorak čine 32 OSI (14 osoba muškog i 18 osoba ženskog pola). Istraživanje je obavljeno tokom 2010. god. u Nacionalnoj službi za zapošljavanje, Filijala za grad Beograd. Podaci će biti sre�����eni, numerički i procentualno prezentirani u tabelama. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je 25% ispitanika bilo uključeno u dodatne obuke, 50% ispitanika bi radili bilo koji posao koji im se ponudi, pa čak i kada bi bio na nižem stepenu stručne spreme od one koju imaju (53,12%). Ipak nije zanemarljiv procenat ispitanika (37,5%) koji su nezainteresovani za ijedan posao. Analiza rezultata o načinima pronalaženja posla pokazuje da 59,37 % ispitanika ne očekuje samo da ih drugi pozovu i ponude posao već se angažuje oko pronalaženja posla (praćenjem oglasa, čestog kontakta sa savetnicima za zapošljavanje i sl.) dok 40,74 % nije aktivno i očekuju da budu pozvani na razgovor za zapošljavanje. Prethodno izneseni rezultati istraživanja su pokazatelj postojanja motivisanosti za zapošljavanje kod više od polovine ispitanika i njihovog aktivnog uključivanja u traženje posla. Ipak, nije zanemarljivi procenat ispitanika koji u tom smislu nisu motivisani, a tim i pasivni u traženju posla. Upravo te osobe predstavljaju fokus grupu za rad stručnjaka iz oblasti zapošljavanja OSI: specijalnih edukatora i rehabilitatora, psihologa i socijalnih
dc.description.abstractDatas of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs show that the unemployment rate of disabled people in Serbia is 75%. The researchers have identified negative attitudes of employers and the stigma as a reason for difficulties in hiring people with disabilities (PWDs). In addition, it may be insufficient motivation for the employment of PWDs and inactively participate in finding employment. The aim of this paper was research the motivation for the employment of PWDs and their active participation in finding a job. The questionnaire was constructed for this research and the questions are framed to examine the motivation for employment and involvement in active job seeking. The sample included 32 PWDs (14 male and 18 females). The survey was conducted in 2010. at the National Employment Service, Branch Office in Belgrade. The datas were arranged and afterwards numerical and percentage presented in the tables. The results show that 25% of respondents were involved in additional training, 50% of respondents would do any job if it would be offered, even if it were at a lower level of their current education (53.12%). But it could not forget percentage of respondents (37.5%) who are not interested in job. Analysis of the results on ways to finding job shows that 59.37% of respondents do not expect from others that just call and offer jobs, but they actively seeking a job (research advertasnent, frequent contact with counselors for employment, etc.) whilest 40.74% respondents did not actively and expect to be invited for an interview for employment. Previously presented results are indicators of the existence of motivation for employment in more than half of the respondents and it indicate their active involvement in job seeking. However, it is not negligible percentage of respondents who are not motivated in that sens and are passive in job seeking. These people are the focus group for the work of experts in the employment PWDs field: special educators and rehabilitators, psychologists and social
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011sr
dc.subjectaktivno traženje poslasr
dc.subjectosobe sa invaliditetomsr
dc.subjectjob seekingsr
dc.subjectpeople with disabilitiessr
dc.titleMotivisanost osoba sa invaliditetom za zapošljavanjesr
dc.titleMotivation of persons with disability for employmentsr

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