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The typhlological interpretation of the vision acuity in the conditions of low vision

dc.contributorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić, Vesna
dc.creatorEškirović, Branka
dc.creatorVučinić, Vesna
dc.description.abstractOštrina vida kao osnovna merna jedinica centralnog, foveolarnog vida u modelu vizuelnog funkcionisanja je jedan od ključnih endogenih činilaca. Ima specifičan značaj u vizuelnom profilu slabovidih osoba. U radu ćemo analizirati značaj oštrine vida za vizuelnu efikasnost slabovide dece, individualno i u korelaciji sa vidnim poljem. Pratićemo odnos oštrine vida i intenziteta hiperkinetičkog ponašanja. Kako su osnovne odlike hiperkinetičkog ponašanja labilnost pažnje, impulsivnost i hiperaktivnost, dobićemo jasniji uvid u odnos oštrine vida i položaja slabovide dece u nastavi. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvr�����ivanja uticaja oštrine vida i širine vidnog polja na uspeh u rešavanju različitih vizuelnih zadataka, kao i povezanosti oštrine vida i intenziteta hiperkinetičkog ponašanja slabovide dece. Uzorkom istraživanja su obuhvaćena 162 slabovida učenika uzrasta od 6 do15 godina čija je oštrina vida na boljem oku sa korekcijom u rasponu 0,05 do 0,4. U uzorku nije bilo dece sa višestrukim oštećenjima. Od metoda i instrumenata prikupljanja podataka korišćen je Conners upitnik za nastavnike, Test „Gledaj i misli“ i analiza dokumentacije. Korišćene su odgovarajuće statističke metode i tehnike za obradu rezultata istraživanja: deskriptivna statistika, mere centralne tendencije, koeficijenti korelacije, t – test, �����² - test. Utvr�����eno je da je prosečan broj razvijenih vizuelnih veština slabovide dece sa većom oštrinom vida i manjim stepenom oštećenja vidnog polja značajno veći u odnosu na decu manje oštrine vida, odnosno većeg stepena oštećenja vidnog polja. Dobijena razlika od 2,07, odnosno 3,28 veština je statistički značajna na nivou 0,01 (t-test, df=70, odnosno df=47). U ispitivanju odnosa oštrine vida i percepcije dvodimenzionalnih prikaza razlike su bile statistički značajne (t-test =0,01, df=70). Uticaj širine vidnog polja utvr�����en je i u drugim oblastima vizuelnog opažanja. Izme�����u stepena slabovidosti i intenziteta hiperkinetičkog ponašanja nije utvr�����ena statistički značajna povezanost (�����²=1.23604, C=0,11639).sr
dc.description.abstractVision acuity, as the basic measurement unit of the central, foveolary vision, in the model of visual functioning, is one of the key endogenous factors. It has a specific significance in the visual profile of low vision persons. In this work, we will analyse the importance of the vision acuity for the visual efficacy of low vision children, both individually and in the correlation with vision field. We will follow the relations between the vision acuity and the intensity of hyperkinetic behaviour. As the main characteristics of the hyperkinetic behaviour are the instability of the attention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity, we will receive a clearer insight into the relations between the vision acuity and the situation of low vision children regarding the teaching process. The research was conducted with the aim of find out the influence of the vision acuity and the width of vision field on the success in solving various visual tasks, and the connections between the vision acuity and the intensity of the hyperkinetic behaviour of low vision children. The sample included 162 low vision pupils aged between 6 and 15, whose vision acuity on the better eye with corrections is between 0,05 and 0,4. The children with multiple disabilities were not included in the sample. The methods and the instrument for the collecting data were: Conners questionnaire for teachers, the "Look and think" test, and the analysis of documentation. We also used the proper statistical methods and techniques for the results processing: the descriptive statistics, the Central tendency measures, correlation coeficients, t-test, �����²-test. It was found out that the average number of the developped visual skills of low vision children with bigger vision acuity and with the smaller degree of the impairment of vision field is significantly bigger than that of the children with smaller vision acuity and the bigger degree of the impairment of vision field. The gained difference of 2,07, i.e. 3,28 skills is statistically significant at the level 0,01 (t-test, df=70, i.e. df=47). In the examination of the relations between the vision acuity and the perception of bi-dimensional presentations (2D), the differences were statistically significant (t-test =0,01, df=70). The influence of the width of vision field was also found out in other areas of visual perception. Statistically significant connection between the degree of low vision and the intensity of hyperkinetic behaviour (�����²=1.23604, C=0,11639).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar
dc.subjectslabovida decasr
dc.subjectoštrina vidasr
dc.subjectvidno poljesr
dc.subjecthiperkinetičko ponašanjesr
dc.subjectlow vision childrensr
dc.subjectvision acuitysr
dc.subjectvision fieldsr
dc.subjecthyperkinetic behavioursr
dc.titleTiflološka interpretacija oštrine vida u uslovima slabovidostisr
dc.titleThe typhlological interpretation of the vision acuity in the conditions of low visionsr

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