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Integrativni razvojni teorijski modeli u etiologiji delinkventnog ponašanja

dc.creatorPopović-Ćitić, Branislava
dc.creatorĐurić, Slađana
dc.description.abstractThe introduction of developmental approach in criminological science caused the reorientation of criminological research from discovering cross or inter-individual differences in the manifestation of delinquency to the topics of anti-social behaviour development in individual and also the establishment of intra-individual changes through time. Giving an answer to these questions has required the respect for complex reciprocal and transactional developmental processes which result in delinquent behaviour in youth. Complementary respect for these processes could be achieved only by creation of the multi-variant criminological models for investigating and understanding anti-social behavior. During the last twenty years, based on the results of longitudinal research studies, eight influential developmental theoretical models have been shaped, that aspire to explain the variations in anti-social behaviour throughout the life cycle. These are Developmental Model of the Propensity, Complementary Pair of Developmental Theories (Life-Course-Persistent and Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Behavior), Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential Theory, Social Development Model, Integrative Personal Control Theory, General Age-Graded Theory of Crime, and Interactional Theory. The subject of this paper is an account of the characteristics of integrated developmental models and an analysis of their basic tenets, as well as their comparation in relation to key theoretical issues that need to be addressed in any developmental criminological theories. The issue refers to requirements bound to the problem of delinquent behaviour continuity, positing a key construct which underlies delinquency, the need for distinguishing various types of delinquents, the explanation of delinquency phenomenon and of delinquents' development, the influence of individual and social factors on the origin of delinquency, respect for the importance of life events, the understanding of the effects of risk and protective factors, the analysis of motives for delinquency and the influence of consequences of delinquent behaviour. Although none of the models satisfies completely all the requirements of developmental criminological science, their contribution is indisputable in emphasizing the importance of delinquency research by means of tracking youngsters exposed to risk in time, in pointing out the necessity of development path use for the purpose of predicting the continuity, discontinuity and potential disappearance of delinquent behaviour, and also, finally, in underlining the importance of examining risk and protective effects of multivarious individual and environmental factors which influence final results through reciprocal interaction during development.en
dc.description.abstractUvođenje razvojne orijentacije u kriminološku nauku uslovilo je preusmeravanje kriminoloških istraživanja sa otkrivanja među individualnih razlika u ispoljavanju delinkvencije na pitanja razvoja antisocijalnog ponašanja kod pojedinca i utvrđivanja unutar individualnih promena tokom vremena. Davanje odgovora na ova pitanja zahtevalo je uvažavanje komplikovanih recipročnih i transakcionih razvojnih procesa koji kod dece i omladine rezultuju delinkventnim ponašanjem. Komplementarno uvažavanje ovih procesa moglo je biti učinjeno isključivo kroz stvaranje multivarijantnih kriminoloških modela proučavanja i razumevanja antisocijalnog ponašanja. U poslednjih dvadeset godina koncipirano je, na osnovu rezultatâ longitudinalnih istraživačkih studija, osam uticajnih razvojnih teorijskih modela koji nastoje da objasne varijacije u antisocijalnom ponašanju tokom čitavog života. To su: razvojni model antisocijalne sklonosti, komplementarni par razvojnih teorija (celoživotno-perzistentno i adolescencijom limitirano antisocijalno ponašanje), integrativna teorija kognitivnog antisocijalnog potencijala, model socijalnog razvoja, integrativna teorija personalne kontrole, opšta uzrastom određena teorija kriminala, interakciona teorija i razvojna ekološka teorija akcije. Predmet ovoga rada čini prikaz karakteristika i analiza osnovnih postavki integrativnih razvojnih modela, kao i njihova komparacija u odnosu na teorijske zahteve koji se postavljaju pred razvojne kriminološke teorije.sr
dc.publisherSociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceSociološki pregled
dc.subjectcriminological theoriesen
dc.subjectdevelopmental theoretical modelsen
dc.subjectdevelopmental criminologyen
dc.subjectdevelopmental and life-course criminologyen
dc.subjectetiology of delinquencyen
dc.subjectkriminološke teorijesr
dc.subjectrazvojni teorijski modelisr
dc.subjectrazvojna kriminologijasr
dc.subjectrazvojna kriminologija životnog tokasr
dc.subjectetiologija delinkvencijesr
dc.titleIntegrative developmental theoretical models in the etiology of delinquent behavioren
dc.titleIntegrativni razvojni teorijski modeli u etiologiji delinkventnog ponašanjasr
dc.citation.other44(1): 99-117



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