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Indicators of successful rehabilitation of adolescents with addictive disorders and their families

dc.creatorMilošević, Slađana
dc.creatorFilipović, Snežana
dc.description.abstractUvod: Lečenje adolescenata sa poremećajem zavisnosti i njihovih porodica zahteva stalnu evaluaciju sledećih komponenti terapijskog procesa: dijagno- ze, fleksibilnosti terapijskog pristupa u odnosu na konkretnu porodicu i toka terapijskog procesa u celini. Pored toga, evaluacija je potrebna i u procesu uspostavljanja terapijske predikcije postrehabilitacionog „uklapanja” i potpu- ne resocijalizacije adolescenata i njihovih porodica. Istraživanja pokazuju da je za uspešan rehabilitacioni proces neophodna promena na individualnom, roditeljskom, porodičnom, relacionom i socijalnom nivou funkcionisanja. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je analiza pokazatelja uspešnosti rehabilitacionog procesa na svim nivoima (individualnom, roditeljskom, porodičnom, relacionom i soci- jalnom), s obzirom na to da su ove kategorije praktično povezane i neodvojive, te da se i njihov međusobni uticaj kontinuirano terapijski potvrđuje. Metod: U radu se koriste analiza i sinteza teorijskih i empirijskih nalaza kroz proučavanje relevantne literature u različitim naučnim izvorima podataka. Rezultati: Individualni pokazatelji uspešnosti rehabilitacije se ogledaju u po- boljšanju zdravstvenog stanja adolescenta, poštovanju terapijskih pravila i zahteva na „duže staze”. Prema empirijskim podacima adolescent obogaćuje interpersonalne relacije, prihvata rekonstruisanu strukturu porodice, koriguje poziciju roditeljskog autoriteta. Kod roditelja dolazi do progresivne promene u tri pravca: ličnom domenu, roditeljskoj relaciji i promeni u odnosu prema adolescentu. Napeti, nestabilni odnosi u porodici ustupaju mesto pozitivnim emotivnim tendencama. Kako terapijski proces odmiče, uspostavlja se dijalog između mlađih i starijih članova porodice. Porodica definiše nove diskurse u kojima poziciju konstantne kritike menja u poziciju podrške i usvaja obrazac traženja rešenja. Na socijalnom nivou adolescent i porodica prevazilaze sti- gmu i socijalnu izolaciju i na terapijski i funkcionalan način obnavljaju reduko- vane socijalne veze. Zaključak: Zaključna razmatranja ukazuju na to da su analiza i praćenje po- menutih pokazatelja rehabilitacije kompleksni procesi otežani varijabilnim intenzitetom. Stoga, temeljna evaluacija omogućava da se dobije realnija slika kretanja terapijskog procesa u celosti, kao i bolje razumevanje nepredvidivosti poremećaja
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Treatment of adolescents with addictive disorders and their families requires constant evaluation of the following components of the therapeutic process: diagnosis, flexibility of the therapeutic approach in relation to a specific family and the course of the therapeutic process as a whole. In addition, evaluation is needed in the process of establishing a therapeutic prediction of post-rehabilitation “fitting in” and complete resocialization of adolescents and their families. Research shows that a successful rehabilitation process requires change at the individual, parental, family, relational and social levels of functioning. Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyze the success indicators of the rehabilitation process at all levels (individual, parental, family, relational and social), given that these categories are practically connected and inseparable, and that their mutual influence is continuously confirmed therapeutically. Method: The paper uses the analysis and synthesis of theoretical and empirical findings through the study of relevant literature in various scientific data sources. Results: Individual indicators of rehabilitation success are reflected in the improvement of the adolescent’s health condition, respect for therapeutic rules and requirements in the “long run”. According to empirical data, the adolescent enriches interpersonal relations, accepts the reconstructed structure of the family, and corrects the position of parental authority. There is a progressive change in parents in three directions: personal domain, parental relationship and change in attitude towards the adolescent. Tense, unstable family relationships give way to positive emotional tendencies. As the therapeutic process progresses, a dialogue is established between younger and older family members. The family defines new discourses in which the position of constant criticism changes into a position of support and adopts a pattern of seeking solutions. At the social level, adolescents and families overcome stigma and social isolation and renew reduced social ties in a therapeutic and functional way. Conclusion: Concluding remarks indicate that the analysis and monitoring of the mentioned rehabilitation indicators is a complex process complicated by variable intensity. Therefore, a thorough evaluation enables getting a more realistic picture of the movement of the therapeutic process as a whole, as well as a better understanding of the unpredictability of addictive
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 11. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 29–
dc.subjectporemećaji zavisnostisr
dc.subjectaddictive disorderssr
dc.titlePokazatelji uspešne rehabilitacije adolescenata sa poremećajem zavisnosti i njihovih porodicasr
dc.titleIndicators of successful rehabilitation of adolescents with addictive disorders and their familiessr



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