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Accredited training programs in the system of social protectionas a resource for prevention of displacement of disabled children from their families

dc.creatorBranković, Iva
dc.creatorŠarac, Nada
dc.creatorŽivanić, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractUvod: Razumevanje sistemskog odgovora na problem izmeštanja dece sa in- validitetom iz porodica u Republici Srbiji podrazumeva sagledavanje proble- matike na više nivoa. Pored normativnog okvira i nivoa dostupnosti i kvaliteta usluga socijalne zaštite u oblasti, važno je sagledati i mogućnosti za stručno usavršavanje profesionalaca koji rade sa porodicama koje se suočavaju sa višestrukim problemima i porodicama u krizi. Akreditacija programa obuke uvedena je sa ciljem uspostavljanja sistema kvaliteta u stručno usavršavanje zaposlenih u socijalnoj zaštiti, a akreditovani programi, kao način za sticanje kompetencija, predstavljaju značajan resurs za osnaživanje profesionalaca u cilju unapređenja stručnog rada i kvaliteta pruženih usluga. Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je predstavljanje rezultata analize akreditovanih programa obuke iz perspektive njihove primenjivosti i funkcionalnosti sadržaja, odnosno, mera koje doprinose razvoju relevantnih kompetencija za osnaživanje rodite- lja i prevenciju izmeštanja dece sa invaliditetom iz porodice. Metod: Korišćeni metod je desk analiza kojom je obuhvaćeno svih 246 rezimea akreditovanih programa obuke pri čemu je zaključeno da 84 (33,3%) imaju sadržaje relevantne za rad sa porodicama. Dokumentacija za akreditaciju, od- nosno, teorijski okvir i sinopsisi navedenih 84 programa bili su predmet produ- bljene analize sadržaja. Rezultati: Rezultat analize je kritički pregled sadržaja programa obuke i njiho- va podela u tri kategorije u odnosu na nivo opštosti u razvoju kompetencija. Zaključak: Ključni zaključak je da među akreditovanim programima obuke ima sadržaja relevantnih za razvoj kompetencija u oblasti osnaživanja rodi- telja dece sa invaliditetom, ali da je za prevenciju izmeštanja dece sa invali- ditetom iz porodice neophodno obogatiti opus akreditovanih programa obu- kama za primenu strukturiranih pristupa i usluga namenjenih porodicama sa višestrukim problemima i porodicama u krizi. Akreditovani programi, dakle, predstavljaju potencijalni resurs za prevenciju izmeštanja dece sa invalidite- tom iz porodice, a u kojoj meri će se aktuelizovati, zavisi od toga koliko se zaista ostvaruju ciljevi i kompetencije koje autori navode u sinopsisima obuka, kao i koliko su primenjivi i dostupni u kontekstu postojećih usluga u sistemu socijalne zaštite.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Understanding the systemic response to the problem of displacement of children with disabilities from their families in the Republic of Serbia implies considering the issue at several levels. In addition to the normative framework, which regulates the area, availability and quality of social protection services, it is important to consider opportunities for professional development of professionals working with families facing multiple problems and families in crisis. Accreditation of training programs was introduced with the aim of establishing a quality system in professional development of employees in social protection, and accredited programs, as a way to acquire competencies, represent a significant resource for empowering professionals to improve professional work and quality of services. Aim: The aim of this paper is to present the results of the analysis of accredited training programs from the perspective of their applicability and content functionality, i.e. the extent to which they contribute to the development of relevant knowledge and skills for strengthening parents and prevention of displacement of children with disabilities from their families. Method: The method used was desk analysis which included summaries of all 246 accredited training programs, concluding that 84 (33.3%) had content relevant to working with families. The documentation for accreditation, that is, the theoretical framework and synopses of the mentioned 84 programs were the subject of an in-depth analysis of the content. Results: The result of the analysis is a critical review of content of accredited programs and their division into three categories in relation to the level of generality in the development of competencies. Conclusion: The key conclusion is that among the accredited training programs there is content relevant to the development of competencies related to strengthening of parents of children with disabilities, but that to prevent the displacement of children with disabilities from the family it is necessary to enrich the quantity of accredited programs with trainings aimed at working with families with multiple problems and families in crisis. Accredited programs, therefore, represent a potential resource for the prevention of displacement of children with disabilities from their families, but to what extent this resource will be actualized depends on how much the goals and competencies stated by the authors in training synopses are achieved, as well as on how available and applicable they are in the existing services in the social protection system.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 11. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 29–30.10.2021.sr
dc.subjectporodice dece sa invaliditetomsr
dc.subjectakreditovani programi obukesr
dc.subjectsocijalna zaštitasr
dc.subjectfamilies of children with disabilitysr
dc.subjectaccredited training programssr
dc.subjectsocial protectionsr
dc.titleAkreditovani programi obuke u sistemu socijalne zaštite kao resurs za sprečavanje izmeštanja dece sa invaliditetom iz porodicesr
dc.titleAccredited training programs in the system of social protectionas a resource for prevention of displacement of disabled children from their familiessr



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