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Frequency and severity of maladaptive behavior in adults with down syndrome

dc.creatorMastilo, Bojana
dc.description.abstractUvod: Genetski osnov Daunovog sindroma je jedan od najčešće identifikova- nih genetskih uzroka intelektualne ometenosti. Daunov sindrom karakteriše atipičan bihevioralni fenotip tj. pojava određenih specifičnosti u ponašanju u odnosu na osobe tipične populacije. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi učestalost i težinu različitih pojavnih obli- ka maladaptivnog ponašanja kod odraslih osoba sa Daunovim sindromom. Metod: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 30 odraslih osoba sa Daunovim sindro- mom iz „DS Centar” u Banjaluci i UG „Tračak nade” iz Foče, čija se starost kreće od 20 do 33 godine (AS=25,6; SD=3,6). Za procjenu ponašanja korištena je skala Inventara problematičnog ponašanja (Behavior Problems Inventory, BPI-01) koja se sastoji iz tri podskale kojima se utvrđuje frekvencija i težina ra- zličitih pojavnih oblika samopovređivanja, stereotipnog ponašanja i agresije/ destrukcije. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da je kod odraslih osoba sa Daunovim sindro- mom najučestalije maladaptivno ponašanje stereotipno ponašanje (Min=0; Max=43; AS=12,13; SD=13,8), za kojim slijede samopovređivanje (Min=0; Max=20; AS=4,0; SD=4,57) i agresija/destrukcija (Min=0; Max=11; AS=2,43; SD=3,0). Rezultati težine maladaptivnog ponašanja, ocjenjeni od strane in- formanata, pokazuju da sterotipno ponašanje ima najveću težinu (Min=0; Max=19; AS=6,43; SD=6,56) za kojim slijede samopovređivanje (Min=0; Max=22; AS=4,6; SD=3,31) i agresija/destrukcija (Min=0; Max=10; AS=2,27; SD=2,77). Zaključak: U svrhu eliminisanja ili redukcije simptoma maladaptivnog pona- šanja u literaturi se navode neke od sledećih tehnika: funkcionalna procjena i analiza ponašanja, strategije zasnovane na prethodnim situacijama i podu- čavanje vještinama koje služe kao zamjena maladaptivnom ponašanju (aka- demske, socijalne, komunikacijske).sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The genetic basis of Down syndrome is one of the most frequently identified genetic causes of intellectual disability. Down syndrome is characterized by an atypical behavioral phenotype, i.e. appearance of certain specifics in behavior compared to typical population. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and severity of various manifestations of maladaptive behavior in adults with Down syndrome. Method: The study included 30 adults with Down syndrome from “DS Center” in Banja Luka and AC “Tračak nade” from Foča, who were 20 to 33 years old (M=25.6; SD=3.6). The Behavior Problems Inventory scale (BPI-01) consisting of three subscales that determine the frequency and severity of various manifestations of self-harm, stereotypical behavior, and aggression/destruction, was used to assess behavior. Results: The results showed that, in adults with Down syndrome, the most common maladaptive behavior was stereotypic behavior (Min=0; Max=43; M=12.13; SD=13.8), followed by self-harm (Min=0; Max=20; M=4.0; SD=4.57) and aggression/destruction (Min=0; Max=11; M=2.43; SD=3.0). The results of the severity of maladaptive behavior, evaluated by the informants, showed that stereotypical behavior was the most severe (Min=0; Max=19; M=6.43; SD=6.56) followed by self-harm (Min=0; Max=22; M=4.6; SD=3.31) and aggression/ destruction (Min=0; Max=10; M=2.27; SD=2.77). Conclusion: In order to eliminate or reduce the symptoms of maladaptive behavior, the literature reveals some of the following techniques: functional assessment and analysis of behavior, strategies based on previous situations and teaching skills that serve as a substitute for maladaptive behavior (academic, social, communicative).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju / University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 11. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 29–
dc.subjectDaunov sindromsr
dc.subjectmaladaptivno ponašanjesr
dc.subjectDown syndromesr
dc.subjectmaladaptive behaviorsr
dc.titleUčestalost i težina maladaptivnog ponašanja kod odraslih osoba sa daunovim sindromomsr
dc.titleFrequency and severity of maladaptive behavior in adults with down syndromesr

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