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Music education for children with developmental disabilities – teaching music

dc.creatorMarković, Vedrana
dc.creatorVeljić, Čedo
dc.description.abstractInkluzivno obrazovanje je već nekoliko godina aktuelno u crnogorskim osnovnim školama. U redovna odjeljenja su uključena djeca sa različitim teškoćama u razvoju: senzornim, tjelesnim ili intelektualnim. I pored snažne podrške koju inkluzija ima u pedagoškim, defektološkim i širim društvenim krugovima, određen broj djece sa teškoćama u razvoju i dalje se, prema preporuci komisija za kategorizaciju, školuje u Centru za školovanje i osposobljavanje „1.Jun“. To je ustanova specijalizovanog internatskog tipa, namijenjena vaspitanju, obrazovanju i profesionalnom osposobljavanju intelektualno ometene djece iz cijele Crne Gore. Posebno nas je zanimao proces muzičkog vaspitanja i obrazovanja navedene populacije djece u ovoj ustanovi, kao i značaj koji bavljenje muzičkim aktivnostima ima u životu intelektualno ometenog djeteta. U saradnji sa profesorom muzičke kulture, učiteljima i učiteljicama, te defektolozima zaposlenim u ovoj ustanovi, sproveli smo jedno mikro istraživanje, sa ciljem da ustanovimo koliko je muzičko vaspitanje i obrazovanje prisutno u životu intelektualno ometenog djeteta, da dođemo do konkretnih prijedloga šta treba uraditi kako bi nastava muzike bila u korak sa najnovijim naučnim istraživanjima, što svrsishodnija i u funkciji poboljšanja sposobnosti i vještina intelektualno ometenog djeteta.sr
dc.description.abstractGeneral and unique contemporary system of education of school children shows its necessity in building and forming of child’s personality, as well as in providing for best possibilities for development and shaping of each individual into a positive, creative and complete person. Education of children with developmental disabilities should be an integral part of the contemporary education system. Such a system cannot be perceived without application of the latest scientific achievements in the field of psychology, defectology and pedagogy. In this context, particular importance should be placed on Music Culture, which implies teaching music, instead of studying music. Special place in the education system of children with developmental disabilities has a music teacher, who must have certain knowledge on defectology and methodology of teaching children with developmental disabilities, beside professional knowledge on music art, methodology of music teaching, pedagogy and psychology. In the light of this, it would be useful and almost necessary to organize seminars, workshops and similar professional trainings which would enable teachers who work with children with disabilities to learn about the most recent achievements in the field of methodology of teaching children with disabilities. Therefore, professional engagement of each teacher would be of higher quality and functionality. Significance and role that music can have in the life of a child with developmental disabilities are undoubtedly major. All the potentials provided by music should be exploited, and it should be a part of an everyday educative work as much as possible.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectintelektualno ometeno dijetesr
dc.subjectvaspitavanje i podučavanje muzikomsr
dc.subjectpjevanje pjesama po sluhusr
dc.titleMuzičko vaspitanje i obrazovanje intelektualno ometene dece – podučavanje muzikomsr
dc.titleMusic education for children with developmental disabilities – teaching musicsr



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