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The education of students with disabilities In Montenegro

dc.creatorVeljić, Čedo
dc.description.abstractDuhovna slika sveta i života, formira se kroz uticaj nasleđa, poro- dice socijalne sredine, škole, društvene zajednice. Sazrevanje čoveka pred- stavlja istoriju njegovih napora da postane gospodar svoje nesavršenosti. Taj celokupni napor odvija se u etapama. Razvoj rehabilitacije, specijal- ne edukacije i socijalne zaštite osoba sa invaliditetom uvek je uslovljen društveno ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim razvojem društva. Dakle, polazeći od novih društvenih okolnosti koje u prvi plan ističu potrebu prilagođavanja sistemskih rešenja i zakonodavstva postojećim evropskim rešenjima i reafirmacije povelja, deklaracija i konvencija Ujedinjenih na- cija, vaspitanje i obrazovanje dece i omladine sa invalidnošću treba da bude predmet posebne brige društva. Crna Gora je prihvatila obavezu da kroz sistem inkluzivnog obrazo- vanja stvori takve uslove koji će omogućiti invalidnoj deci i omladini ravnopravno školovanje sa svojim vršnjacima, a u isto vrijeme uticati da se nijedan učenik ne oseća drugačijim od bilo kojeg drugog . Inkluzija objedi- njuje različite i brojne strategije, metode i tehnike razvoja kvalitetnog obrazovanja. Učenici sa telesnim invaliditetom u Crnoj Gori do nedavno nisu imali mogućnosti obrazovanja sem u jednoj ustanovi namijenjenoj tim oso- bama(Zavod za rehabilitaciju i profesionalno osposobljavanje djece i omla- dine Podgorica). Uvođenjem inkluzije u obrazovni sistem u Crnoj Gori su se stvorili uslovi da učenici sa telesnim invaliditetom mogu da pohađaju teritorijalno najbliže škole u mestu svog življenja Kroz istraživanje želimo da utvrdimo u kojoj meri prosvetni radni- ci prihvataju ili ne decu sa posebnim potrebama i u kojoj mjeri su stekli stručne kompetencije da mogu valjano izvoditi nastavu.sr
dc.description.abstractThe spiritual view of the world and life is formed through the influence of heritage, family, social environment, school, social community. The maturation of a person represents the history of his/her efforts to become a master of his/her imperfection. This overall effort takes place in several stages. The evolution of rehabilitation, special education and social protection of persons with disabilities is always conditioned by the socio-economic, social and cultural development of the society. Therefore, starting from the new social circumstances that emphasise the need of adaptation of the system solutions and legislation to the existing European legislation and reaffirmation of the charters, declarations and conventions of the United Nations, the education of children and young people with disabilities should be subject of the special concern of the society. Montenegro, through its inclusive education system, has accepted the obligation to create the conditions that will enable equal education to disabled children and young people as to their peers, and, at the same time, lead to a state in which no student will feel different than any other. Inclusion brings together a number of different strategies, methods and techniques of the development of quality education. Students with physical disabilities in Montenegro until recently did not have educational opportunities other than in an institution intended for those persons (Institute for rehabilitation and professional training of children and youth in Podgorica). The introduction of inclusion in the educational system in Montenegro has created conditions for students with physical disabilities to attend the territorially closest school in their residence place. Through the research, we want to determine the extent to which teachers accept or do not accept children with special needs and the extent to which they have acquired professional competencies so they can properly teach.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjecttelesna invalidnostsr
dc.subjectinkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectphysical disabilitysr
dc.subjectinclusive educationsr
dc.titleObrazovanje učenika sa fizičkim invaliditetom u Crnoj Gori (odnos učitelja prema uključivanju ove dece u redovne škole)sr
dc.titleThe education of students with disabilities In Montenegrosr



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