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The characteristics of auditory perception in Children with disturbed articulation

dc.creatorMaksimović, Slavica
dc.description.abstractIzgovor glasova je značajan za pravilno razumevanje lingvističke poru- ke. Uzroci nepravilnog izgovora mogu biti različiti, a posledice su manja ili veća razumljivost govorne poruke. Stepen pravilnosti upotrebe izgo- vornih glasova direktno je proporcionalan nivou kvaliteta verbalne ko- munikacije jer se preko njih prenose i svi ostali elementi koji doprinose pravilnom govornom izrazu. Pravilnost izgovornog glasa zavisi od pravil- nosti percepcije foneme i stepena razvijenosti artikulacionog i fona- cionog mehanizma (Kostić, Vladisavljević, 1995). Diskretni i minimalni poremećaji auditivne percepcije u ranom uzrastu dovode do poremećaja iz- govora, pa je metodologija koja se primenjuje u tretmanu i korekciji izgo- vora od velikog značaja kako za dužinu tako i za efekte tretmana posebno sa aspekta razvoja sposobnosti koje kasnije mogu imati uticaj na usvajanje školskih veština. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita auditivna percepcija kod dece sa poremećajem izgovora. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 22 dece uzrasta 5-8 godina sa poremećajem izgovora i 20 dece sa tipičnim govorno jezičkim i slušnim razvojem, istog uzrasta. U istraživanju su korišćeni rezultati dobijeni primenom: impedan- cmetrije, tonalne audiometrije, TEOAE, DPOAE i govorne audiometrije.Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da deca sa poremećajima izgovora na svim primenjenim metodološkim procedurama pokazuju lošije rezultate u odnosu na decu sa tipičnim govorno jezičkim i slušnim razvojem, ali dobi- jene razlike nisu statistički značajne.sr
dc.description.abstractAdequate articulation of phonemes is important for a proper understanding of the linguistic message. Causes of irregular articulation may be different, and the result is more or less misunderstanding of speech message. The degree of regularity of adequate articulation of phonemes is directly proportional to the level of verbal communication quality. All other elements that contribute to the correct colloquialism are also transmitted by this way. Articulatory accuracy depends on the regularity of phoneme perception and of the developmental level of articulatory and phonatory mechanisms (Kostic, Vladisavljevic, 1995). Discreet and minimal disruption of auditory perception at early age can lead to articulation disorder. Methodology, that is applied in treatment and in correction of articulation, is of great importance both for the length and the effects of treatment, particularly in terms of developing abilities that can later affect the adoption of school skills. The aim of this research was to examine the auditory perception in children with disturbed articulation. The sample comprised of 22 children aged 5-8 years with disturbed articulation and 20 children of the same age with normal speech-language and hearing development. The research was conducted by using: Impedancemetry, tonal audiometry, TEOAE, DPOAE and speech audiometry. Obtained results indicate that children with articulation disorders show worse results in all applied methodological procedures in relation to children with normal hearing and speech development, but obtained differences were not statistically significant.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjecttonalna audiometrijasr
dc.subjectgovorna audiometrijasr
dc.subjectauditory perception,sr
dc.subjectarticulation disordersr
dc.subjectnormal speech-language developmentsr
dc.subjecttonal audiometrysr
dc.subjectspeech audiometrysr
dc.titleKarakteristike auditivne percepcije Kod dece sa poremećajem izgovorasr
dc.titleThe characteristics of auditory perception in Children with disturbed articulationsr



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