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Characteristics of leisure time of young Deaf and hard of hearing

dc.creatorNestorov, Stevan
dc.description.abstractSocijalna uključenost je jedan od najvažniji prioriteta kada govorimo o inkluzivnom konceptu razvoja društva. Učestvovanje u redovnim društvenim tokovima je, ne jedini, ali svakako važan, pokazatelj kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom. Učešće osoba sa invaliditetom u svakodnevnim društvenim aktivnostima je ograničeno zbog ekonomskih i socijalnih barijera. Predrasude opšte populacije takođe igraju značajnu ulogu. Gluvi i nagluvi se teško prilagođavaju ovim uticajima, pa je razumljivo da se druže i okupljaju u klubovima gluvih unutar zajednice Gluvih. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da odgovorimo na pitanje kojim aktivnostima se bave mladi gluvi i nagluvi tokom slobodnog vremena, odnosno da opišemo na koji način oni provode slobodno vreme. Interesovalo nas je koje su specifične aktivnosti i sadržaji kojima se mladi gluvi i nagluvi bave tokom slobodnog vremena. Na osnovu rezultata ovog istraživanja pokušali smo da na smislen način interpretiramo ponašanje mladih gluvih i nagluvih tokom slobodnog vremena. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najzastupljeniji model slobodnog vremena orijentisanom na sadržaje koji predstavljaju aktivnosti usmerene ka zabavi. To su uglavnom aktivnosti, poput praćenja televizijskih serija i čitanja časopisa, koje ne zahtevaju veće intelektualno angažovanje. Gluvi i nagluvi se najviše druže međusobno, što potvrđuje naše pretpostavke o povezanosti u zajednici gluvih. Svi ispitanici redovno posećuju klubove gluvih. Naši ispitanici dosta slobodnog vremena provode uz kompjutere, retko prate vesti na znakovnom jeziku, a od filmskih žanrova najviše vole horor filmove. Ovi rezultati o slobodnom vremenu gluvih i nagluvih su u skladu sa rezultatima drugih istraživanja o slobodnom vremenu mladih opšte populacije, u smislu toga da govore da su mladi uglavnom „potrošači“ kulture, okrenuti kulturnoj recepciji i pasivnijim oblicima provođenja slobodnog vremena Ovo polje specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacije koje se tiče kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom, odnosno kvaliteta života gluvih i nagluvih je kod nas nedovoljno istraženo. Tim pitanjima su se do sada uglavnom bavile nevladine organizacije kroz međunarodne projekte koji su se bavili praćenjem ostvarivanja prava osoba sa invaliditetom. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju dobru osnovu za dalja istraživanja kulturnih navika mladih gluvih i nagluvih. Valjalo bi istražiti povezanost između aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu sa socio- ekonomskim statusom porodice, polom, uslovima života kao i mestom
dc.description.abstractSocial inclusion is one of the most important priorities when we talk about the concept of inclusive social development. Participation in regular social activities is not the only, but certainly an important indicator of the quality of life of people with disabilities. The participation of people with disabilities in everyday social activities is limited due to economic and social barriers. The prejudices of the general population also play a significant role. Deaf and hard of hearing is hard to adapt to these impacts, so it is understandable to socialize and gather in clubs within the Deaf community. The main objective of this research was to answer the question of what activities dealing with young deaf and hard of hearing during free time, or to describe the way they spend their leisure time. We were interested in specific activities and facilities which young deaf and hard of hearing dealing with during free time. Based on the results of this study, we tried to meaningfully interpret the behavior of young deaf and hard of hearing during free time. Results showed that the most common leisure-oriented model to represent the contents of activities geared towards entertainment. These are mainly activities, such as watching the television series and reading magazines that do not require higher intellectual engagement. Deaf and hard of hearing is the most socialize with each other, which confirms our assumptions about the connection in the deaf community. All respondents regularly visit the Deaf clubs. Our respondents plenty of their free time spend with computers, rarely follow the news in sign language, and most of the film genres prefer horror movies. These results on the free time of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing are in accordance with the results of other studies on the free time of young of the general population, in the sense that they are saying that they are mostly young „consumers“ of culture, facing cultural reception and more passive forms of leisure time. This field of special education and rehabilitation concerning the quality of life of people with disabilities, or the quality of life of deaf and hard of hearing is the insufficiently explored_ These issues are usually addressed through international non-governmental organization projects that are concerned with monitoring the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities_ Our results provide a good basis for further research on the cultural habits of young deaf and hard of hearing_ One should investigate the relationship between leisure activities with socio-economic status of the family, gender, living conditions as well as place of residence_sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectmladi gluvi i nagluvisr
dc.subjectslobodno vremesr
dc.subjectkultura gluvihsr
dc.subjectyoung deaf and hard of hearingsr
dc.subjectleisure timesr
dc.subjectculture of the Deafsr
dc.subjectyoung deaf and hard of hearingsr
dc.subjectleisure time, culture of the Deafsr
dc.titleSpecifičnosti slobodnog vremena mladih gluvih i nagluvihsr
dc.titleCharacteristics of leisure time of young Deaf and hard of hearingsr

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