Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

The characteristics of spoken expression and the Segments of speech – aspect of perception

dc.creatorMaksimović, Slavica
dc.creatorPunišić, Silvana
dc.description.abstractUslov za realizaciju govornog procesa i pokretanje perceptivnog meha- nizma je prisustvo dva učesnika, jednog koji proizvodi zvučne segmente (ar- tikuliše/produkuje) i drugog koji prima te segmente (sluša/percipira). U ovom složenom komunikacionom lancu osnovna jedinica govornog procesa je fonema, kao najmanja distinktivna jedinica glasovne strukture čijom se zamenom menja lingvističko značenje reči. Fonema se u govoru realizuje kao artikulisani zvuk ili glas čija su osnovna akustička obeležja: trajanje, frekvencija i intenzitet, a nastaju kao rezultat koordiniranog dejstva sistema govornih organa. Javljanje ovih obeležja u različitim odnosima omogućava varijacije akustičkog kvaliteta. Zbog činjenice da svaku fonemu realizuje skup različitih varijanti, u artikulacionoj bazi svakog poje- dinačnog jezika postoji mnogo više glasova nego fonema. Svi ljudi poseduju iste govorne organe, i sa artikulaciono-akustičke strane u stanju su da proizvedu i percipiraju svaki od mnoštva glasova koji se javljaju u bilo kom jeziku. Međutim, svaki pojedinačni jezik pravi svoju selekciju glasova i gla- sovnih obeležja iz tog univerzalnog fonetskog rezervoara, izgrađujući svoj osobeni sistem glasova. Ograničenje broja i vrste glasova u pojedinačnim gla- sovnim sistemima prouzrokovano je čovekovim perceptivnim mogućnostima i karakteristikama svake pojedinačne artikulacione baze. U osnovnom značenju percepcija govora podrazumeva prepoznavanje i razu- mevanje govorne poruke. To znači da slušalac pored poznavanja relacija izme- đu karakteristika akustičkog signala i fonetskih segmenata, mora upotrebiti i svoje znanje o fonološkim, leksičkim, sintaksičkim i seman- tičkim pravilima datog
dc.description.abstractThe condition for the realization of speech process and startup the perceptual mechanism is the presence of two participants, one that produces a sound segments (articulates/produces) and another who receives these segments (listens/perceives). In this complex chain of communication, the basic unit of the speech process is phoneme as the smallest distinctive unit of voice structure, whose replacement causes a change of linguistic meaning of the word. The phoneme in speech is realized as articulated sound or voice whose basic acoustic characteristics are: duration, frequency and intensity, and they occur as the result of the coordinated action of the system of speech organs. The appearance of these features in different relations, provides the variations of acoustic quality. Due to the fact that each phoneme is realized by set of variants, in articulation basis of each language there is a much more voices than phonemes. All humans have the same organs of speech and if viewed from articulatory-acoustic side, they are able to produce and perceive each of a plurality of voices that occur in any language. However, each language makes its selection of voices and voice`s features from the universal phonetic reservoir, building their special system of voices. Restrictions on the number and type of voices in individual voice systems are caused by the human perceptual capabilities and characteristics of each articulatory base. In its basic meaning, the speech perception implies recognition and understanding of the voice message. This means that the listener besides the knowledge of relations between the characteristics of the acoustic signal and phonetic segments, must use their knowledge of the phonological, lexical, syntactic and semantic rules of the
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectpercepcija govorasr
dc.subjectakustičke karakteristikesr
dc.subjectdi- stinktivne karakteristikesr
dc.subjectdetektori akustičkih karakteristikasr
dc.subjectmodeli percepcije govorasr
dc.subjectspeech perceptionsr
dc.subjectacoustic characteristicssr
dc.subjectdistinctive characteristicssr
dc.subjectdetectors of acoustic characteristicssr
dc.subjectmodels of speech perceptionsr
dc.titleKarakteristike govornog izraza i govornih Segmenata -aspekt percepcijesr
dc.titleThe characteristics of spoken expression and the Segments of speech – aspect of perceptionsr



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