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Characteristics and importance of early parent-child Interaction for development of communication skills in Children with down syndrome

dc.creatorCvijetić, Marija
dc.description.abstractDeca sa Daunovim sindromom od najranijeg detinjstva pokazuju niz specifičnosti i teškoća u oblasti verbalne i neverbalne komunikacije, koje u manjoj ili većoj meri perzistiraju kod ove populacije i kasnije tokom života. Kako se ove teškoće mogu uočiti rano u razvoju i kako ova deca u prvim godinama života provode najveći deo vremena u porodičnom okruženju, njihovi roditelji mogli bi imati značajnu ulogu u ranom stimulisanju govora i komunikacije. Cilj rada odnosi se na utvrđivanje karakteristika i značaja rane interakcije dece sa Daunovim sindromom i njihovih roditelja za razvoj komunikacionih sposobnosti ove dece, kao i identifikovanje potencijalnih pravaca intervencije u ovoj oblasti koji podrazumevaju angažovanje roditelja. Na osnovu pregleda i analize dostupne literature može se zaključiti da učestalost i stil interakcije, responzivnost roditelja za komunikacione pokušaje deteta, uvremenjenost odgovora roditelja i praćenje detetovih interesovanja u komunikaciji mogu biti povezani sa kasnijom komunikacionom kompetencijom dece sa Daunovim sindromom. Posebno se ističe značaj zajedničke, strukturisane igre ove dece sa roditeljima, kao metod unapređenja kvaliteta te igre, što je važan prediktor razvoja govorne komunikacije. Takođe, pokazalo se da su programi rane intervencije koji se zasnivaju na povećanju responzivnosti roditelja za komunikaciono ponašanje njihove dece sa Daunovim sindromom i obučavanju roditelja strategijama podsticanja razvoja komunikacionih sposobnosti deteta u kućnim uslovima efikasni u unapređenju kvantiteta i kvaliteta jezičkih sposobnosti i komunikacije ove dece.Kako kvalitet rane interakcije dece sa Daunovim sindromom i njihovih roditelja predstavlja značajnu determinantu razvoja veštine komunikacije ove dece, važno je ulagati napore u uspostavljanje adekvatnih obrazaca ove interakcije, ugrađujući intervencije u svakodnevne rutine i interakcije u prirodnom (porodičnom) okruženju deteta, u cilju optimalnog stimulisanja ovih veština na ranom uzrastu.sr
dc.description.abstractChildren with Down syndrome from infancy have a number of peculiarities and difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, which to a lesser or greater extent persist later in life in this population. As these problems can be spotted early in development, and these children spend most of their time with their families during first few years of life, their parents could play a significant role in early stimulation of speech and communication. The aim of this paper was to determine characteristics and importance of early interaction of children with Down synrome and their parents for development of communication skills of these children, as well as identifying potential directions of intervention in this area, which include the involvement of parents. Based on review and analysis of available literature it can be concluded that frequency and style of interaction, responsiveness of parents for the child’s communication attempts, timeliness of parents’ responses and monitoring the child’s interest in communication may be associated with subsequent communication competence of children with Down syndrome. Special attention is given to shared, structured play of these children with their parents, as a method of improving the quality of play, which is an important predictor of verbal communication skills. Also, it has been shown that early intervention programs, which are based on increasing the responsiveness of parents for communication behavior of their children with Down syndrome and teaching parents strategies for encouraging the development of communication capacities of the child at home are effective in improving the quantity and quality of language and communication abilities of these children. As quality of early interaction of children with Down syndrome and their parents is an significant determinant for the development of communication skills of these children, it is important to make efforts to establish appropriate patterns of interaction, incorporating interventions in routines and interactions in the natural (family) environment of the child, in order to achieve optimal stimulation of these skills at an early age.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectintelektualna ometenostsr
dc.subjectinterakcija roditeljdetesr
dc.subjectrana intervencijasr
dc.subjectintellectual disabilitysr
dc.subjectparent-child interactionsr
dc.subjectearly interventionsr
dc.titleOsobenosti i značaj rane interakcije roditelj-dete za razvoj veština komunikacije kod dece sa Daunovim sindromomsr
dc.titleCharacteristics and importance of early parent-child Interaction for development of communication skills in Children with down syndromesr



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