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Importance of early intervention in treating Difficulties in intellctual development

dc.creatorCvijetić, Marija
dc.description.abstractRana intervencija obuhvata širok spektar aktivnosti usmerenih na podsticanje razvoja deteta u prvim godinama života i preveniranje ili ublažavanje teškoća u razvoju. Uporedo sa nalazima razvojnih i neurobioloških studija o značaju ranog učenja i iskustva za kasnije intelektualno funkcionisanje deteta, raste interesovanje istraživača i praktičara za rani tretman kao potencijalni put delovanja na smetnje i teškoće u kognitivnom funkcionisanju, pre njihovog manifestovanja u punom obliku. Važnu potporu procesu kreiranja, strukturisanja i implementacije programa rane intervencije daju nalazi studija u kojima su uočeni pozitivni ishodi u domenu intelektualnog razvoja kao rezultat sprovođenja ranog tretmana kod dece sa teškoćama u intelektualnom funkcionisanju. Dok se postojanje kratkoročnih efekata uglavnom više ne dovodi u pitanje, dugoročna efikasnost ovih programa i dalje je predmet naučne rasprave i predstavlja oblast koju je potrebno dalje temeljno istražiti. U cilju unapređenja praktičnog delovanja u ovoj oblasti, potrebno je proširiti već postojeća saznanja o značajnim komponentama i karakteristikama primene efikasne rane intervencije, kao i mehanizmima održavanja postignutog napretka tokom vremena. Uspešne programe rane intervencije generalno karakterišu veći intenzitet, raniji početak, duže trajanje, širok spektar dostupnih usluga i angažovanje roditelja kao saradnika i aktivnog učesnika u stimulisanju razvoja svog deteta. Kako se odrastanje deteta odvija u socijalnom kontekstu koji podrazumeva uticaj više faktora na brojnost i kvalitet prilika za učenje i razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti, prilikom planiranja i realizacije rane intervencije potrebno je imati u vidu karakteristike i potrebe samog deteta i njegove porodice, u cilju optimizovanja intelektualnog razvoja i kasnijeg funkcionisanja deteta.sr
dc.description.abstractEarly intervention includes a wide range of activities aimed at fostering the development of the child in the first years of life and preventing or reducing the developmental delay. Along with the findings of developmental and neurobiological studies on the importance of early learning and experience to later intellectual functioning, there is growing interest of researchers and practitioners for early treatment as a potential route of influencing the obstacles and difficulties in cognitive functioning, before their full manifestation. An important support to the process of creating, structuring and implementation of early intervention programs is provided by studies that have observed positive outcomes in the domain of intellectual development as a result of the implementation of early treatment in children with difficulties in intellectual functioning. While the existence of short-term effects generally is no longer called into question, the long-term effectiveness of these programs is still subject to scientific debate and an area which should be further explored thoroughly. In order to promote practical action in this field, it is necessary to expand the existing knowledge of the significant components and characteristics of implementation of effective early intervention, as well as mechanisms to maintain the achieved progress over time. Successful early intervention programs are generally characterized by higher intensity, earlier onset, longer duration, a wide range of services and engaging parents as contributors and active participants in stimulating development of their children. As the growing up of the child takes place in a social context that involves many factors that influence the number and quality of opportunities for learning and development of cognitive abilities, it is necessary to bear in mind the characteristics and needs of the child and his family when planning and implementing early intervention, in order to optimize intellectual development and the subsequent functioning of the child.sr
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectefikasnost ranog tretmanasr
dc.subjectrana intervencijasr
dc.subjectteškoće u intelektualnom razvojusr
dc.subjectdifficulties in intellectual developmentsr
dc.subjectearly interventionsr
dc.subjectefficiency of early tretmentsr
dc.titleZnačaj rane intervencije u tretmanu teškoća u intelektualnom razvojusr
dc.titleImportance of early intervention in treating Difficulties in intellctual developmentsr



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