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Influence of prefferd model of employment on public attitudes toward employment of people with intelektual disabilities

dc.creatorNikolić, Milena
dc.creatorVantić-Tanjić, Medina
dc.creatorBegić Jahić, Hurma
dc.description.abstractShvatanje stavova javnosti prema zapošljavanju osoba sa intelektualnim teškoćama je veoma važan faktor za uspešnu socijalnu inkluziju ovih oso- ba u integrisanu radnu sredinu. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koji model zapošljavanja osoba sa intelektualnim teškoćama javnost preferira, te ka- kav uticaj preferirani model zapošljavanja ima na stavove javnosti prema zapošljavanju ovih osoba. Ispitan je i uticaj karakteristika ispitanika na percepciju najboljeg modela zapošljavanja. Uzorak je činilo 77 ispitanika. Stavovi javnosti prema zapošljavanju osoba sa intelektualnim teškoćama is- pitani su modifikovanim Upitnikom za procenu stavova prema osobama sa intelektualnim teškoćama (Questionnaire of Attitudes toward Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities; Burge, Quellette-Kuntz & Lysaght, 2007). Rezultati su pokazali da javnost ne preferira nijedan od modela zapošlja- vanja osoba sa intelektualnim teškoćama (segregacijski i/ili integracijski). Statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika koji su odabrali različite mo- dele zapošljavanja utvrđene su na četiri varijable. Ispitanici koji preferiraju segregacijski model zapošljavanja osoba sa intelektualnim teškoćama sma- traju da bi ove osobe na radnom mestu stvarale više incidenata i narušavale sigurnost rada, kasnile bi ili izostajale sa posla više od drugih radnika, te da je prepreka njihovom zapošljavanju njihovo stanje. Ispitanici koji pre- feriraju integracijski model zapošljavanja osoba sa intelektualnim teško- ćama smatraju da poslodavci misle da osobe sa intelektualnim teškoćama nemaju potrebne veštine za obavljanje posla. Karakteristike ispitanika (pol, hronološka dob, nivo obrazovanja, radni status, mesto stanovanja), kao i percepcija težine intelektualnog oštećenja nisu imali uticaja na odabir naj- boljeg modela zapošljavanja osoba sa intelektualnim teškoć
dc.description.abstractUnderstanding the views of the public toward employment of people with intellectual disabilities is an important factor for their successful inclusion integrated work environment. The aim of the research was to determine which model of employment of people with intellectual disabilities preferred the public, and what kind of influence the preferred model of employment has on public attitudes towards the employment of these persons. The influence of the characteristics of the respondents on the perception of the best model of employment was also examined. The sample consisted of 77 respondents. Public attitudes towards the employment of persons with intellectual disabilities were examined with a modified Questionnaire for Assessing Attitudes toward Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Burge, Quellette- Kuntz & Lysaght, 2007). The results showed that the public does not prefer any form of employment of people with intellectual disabilities (segregation and/or integration). Statistically significant differences between respondents who selected different employment models were determined on four variables. Respondents who prefer the segregation model for hiring people with intellectual disabilities consider that these people would create more incidents in the workplace and violate work safety, they would be late or absent from work more than other workers, and that their situation is an obstacle to their employment. Respondents who prefer an integration model for employment of people with intellectual disabilities consider that employers think that people with intellectual disabilities do not have the necessary skills to perform their jobs. The characteristics of the respondents (gender, chronological age, level of education, working status, place of residence), as well as the perception of the severity of intellectual disability did not have an impact on the selection of the best model of employment of persons with intellectual
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectintegracijski model zapošljavanjasr
dc.subjectprepreke zapošljavanjusr
dc.subjectsegregacijski model zapošljavanjasr
dc.subjectintegration model of employmentsr
dc.subjectemployment barrierssr
dc.subjectsegregation model of employmentsr
dc.titleUticaj preferiranog modela zapošljavanja na stavove javnosti prema zapošljavanju osoba sa intelektualnim teškoćamasr
dc.titleInfluence of prefferd model of employment on public attitudes toward employment of people with intelektual disabilitiessr

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