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Contemporary theoretical considerations of participation in disability studies

dc.creatorMilićević, Milena
dc.description.abstractU ovom tekstu prikazane su aktuelne teorijske rasprave o participaciji. Smatra se da je participacija dokaz promena koje su načinjene prelaskom sa medicinskog na socijalni, a potom i biopsihosocijalni model sagledavanja ometenosti, odnosno različitih zdravstvenih stanja, te da govori u prilog opravdanosti promena koje su započele u poslednjim decenijama XX veka. Polazeći od postojeće definicije i biopsihosocijalnog modela na kome se temelji, ovaj pojam se razgraničava od pojmova sa kojima se najčešće dovodi u vezu. Takođe, traga se za odgovorom na pitanje o razlozima rasprostranjenosti interesovanja za participaciju u studijama ometenosti. Nakon osvrta na prirodu participacije, a posebno na njeno mesto u modelu Međunarodne klasifikacije funkcionisanja, invalidnosti i zdravlja, ukazano je da su mogućnosti operacionalizacije, merenja i optimalizacije jedno od mogućih objašnjenja. Razmatra se paralelna subjektivna i objektivna priroda participacije uz težnju da se izdvoje i ustanove promene i savremeni tokovi u načinu sagledavanja ovog koncepta. Izdvojena je kritika koja se odnosi na nedovoljno jasnu distinkciju između aktivnosti i participacije. Novije rasprave o kriterijumima za njihovo razdvajanje su rezultirale iniciranjem uvođenja subjektivng doživljaja uključenosti kao trećeg kvalifikatora. Rezultati ove studije ilustruju da je potrebno dalje ispitivati, teorijski i empirijski, opravdanost ovog
dc.description.abstractIn this text, the current theoretical discussions on participation are presented. Participation is considered to be evidence of changes that have been made by moving from the medical to the social model of disability, and then to the biopsychosocial model of disability, or various health conditions, and that it speaks in favour of the justification of the changes that began in the last decades of the 20th century. Starting from the existing definition and the biopsychosocial model on which it is based, this concept is being differentiated from other concepts that are most often associated with it. The attempts are made to answer the question on reasons for widespread interest in participation in disability studies. After reviewing the nature of participation, especially its position in the model of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, It was pointed out that the possibilities of operationalization, measurement and optimization are one of the possible explanations. The parallel subjective and objective nature of participation is considered, with the aim to single out and determine changes and contemporary trends in the way of understanding this concept. A critique addressed to the insufficiently clear distinction activities and participation. Recent discussions on the criteria for their distinction resulted in the initiation of the introduction of a subjective experience of involvement as a third qualifier. The results of this study illustrate the need to further examine, theoretically and empirically, the justification of this
dc.publisherDrustvo defektologa Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47011/RS//sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectbiopsihosocijalni model ometenostisr
dc.subjectMeđunarodna klasifikacija funkcionisanjasr
dc.subjectinvalidnosti i zdravljasr
dc.subjectmerenje participacijesr
dc.subjectsocijalni model ometenosti"sr
dc.subjectbiopsychosocial modelsr
dc.subjectInternational Classification of Functioningsr
dc.subjectDisability and Health participation measurementsr
dc.subjectsocial model of disabilitysr
dc.titleSavremena teorijska razmatranja participacije u studijama ometenostisr
dc.titleContemporary theoretical considerations of participation in disability studiessr

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