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Connection of sociopathological phenomena and psychopathology of adolescents with parents personality structure and family functioning

dc.contributor.advisorĆorić, Branko
dc.contributor.otherŠvrakić, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherRadulović, Danka
dc.contributor.otherPopović-Ćitić, Branislava
dc.contributor.otherĆorić, Branko
dc.creatorDukanac, Vesna V.
dc.description.abstractPorodica je primarna zajednica biosocijalnog karaktera, koja kroz istoriju menja svoje oblike i funkciju, ali u osnovi nastaje kao društveno sankcionisana veza između žene, muškarca i njihove dece. Životne cikluse u porodici možemo definisati u odnosu na značajne događaje i razvojne faze pojedinih članova porodice. Jedna od najznačajnih faza i u individualnom i u porodičnom razvoju predstavlja period kada deca ulaze i prolaze kroz adolescenciju. Adolescencija je razvojni period brzih fizičkih, psiholoških, sociokulturoloških i kognitivnih promena, koje adolescenti traba da savladaju za kratko vreme, a istovremeno uspostave svoj identitet i autonomiju. To je razvojno normativna kriza koju karakteriše visok potencijal rasta, ali i nestalne snage Ega, koje pojačavaju vulnerabilnost ličnosti ka sociopatološkim pojavama i psihopatologiji. Razvojni problemi, sociopatološke pojave i strukturisana psihopatologija adolescenata, predstavljaju eksternalizaciju roditeljskih individualnih nerešenih problema ili problema u roditeljskoj dijadi tj. njihovom funkcionisanju. Povezanost sociopatoloških pojava i strukturisane psihopatologije značajna je i često predstavlja veliki problem u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici zbog čestih međusobnih preklapanja.Osnovi cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje razlike u strukturi ličnosti roditelja, porodičnog funkcionisanja i ličnosti adolescenata u tri jasno definisane kliničke grupe istraživanja: socijalizovanog poremećaja ponašanja, zloupotrebe supstanci i novoformirane nehemijske zavisnosti: „internet zavisnosti“, kao i utvrđivanje razlika ovih grupa sa kontrolnom grupom adolescenata opšte populacije.Nakon utvrđenih razlika, ispitivali smo povezanost ličnosti roditelja, porodičnog funkcionisanja i ličnosti samih adolescenata sa ispoljenim sociopatološkim pojavama i psihopatologijom adolescenata, kako bismo utvrdili njihov prediktivni potencijal.U uzorak istraživanja ušlo je po 30 adolescenta za svaku kliničku grupu ispitivanja, 30 adolescenata opšte populacije i njihovi roditelji. Ukupan uzoraksastojao se iz 120 adolescenata i 240 roditelja...sr
dc.description.abstractFamily is a primary community of bio-social character whose shapes and functions have been changed through history, but basically it appears as a socially sanctioned connection between a woman, a man and their children. We can define life cycles in a family in relation to important events and developmental phases of certain members of the family. One of the most important phases in individual and family development is a period when children enter and go through the period of adolescence. Adolescence is a developmental period of rapid physical, psychological, sociocultural and cognitive changes that adolescents are supposed to overcome within a short period of time and at the same time to establish their own identity and autonomy. This is a developmental and normative crisis characterized by high growth potential, but also by unstable Ego strengths that intensifies personality vulnerability towards socio-pathological phenomena and psychopathology. Developmental problems, socio-pathological phenomena and structural psychopathology of adolescents represent externalization of parental individual unsolved problems in parental dyad i.e. their functioning. Connection between socio-pathological phenomena and structural psychopathology is significant and often represents a large problem in differential diagnostics due to frequent overlapping.The basic aim of the research has been to establish differences in parents personality structure, in family functioning structure and in adolescent personality functioning in three clearly defined clinical groups of the research: socialized behavioral disorder, substances abuse and newly formed non-chemical addiction: “the Internet addiction”, as well as to establish differences between these groups and a control group of adolescents of general population. After the differences have been stated, we have researched the connection between the parents' personality, family functioning and the personality of the adolescents themselves and the expressed socio-pathological phenomena and psychopathology of adolescents, all in order to establish their predictive potential.The sample consisted of 30 adolescents for each clinical group of the research, 30 adolescents from general population and their parents. In total, the sample consisted of 120 adolescents and 240 parents...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectbehavior disorderen
dc.subjectpsychoactive substance abuseen
dc.subjectInternet addictionen
dc.subjectпоремећај понашањаsr
dc.subjectзлоупотребе ПАС-аsr
dc.subjectинтернет зависностsr
dc.titlePovezanost sociopatoloških pojava i psihopatologije adolescenata sa strukturom ličnosti roditelja i porodičnim funkcionisanjemsr
dc.titleConnection of sociopathological phenomena and psychopathology of adolescents with parents personality structure and family functioningen



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