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Differences in personality traits and drug addicts' experience between perpetrators of certain forms of criminal offence of robbery

dc.contributor.advisorĆorić, Branko
dc.contributor.otherRadulović, Danka M.
dc.contributor.otherMihaljev Martinov, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherĆorić, Branko
dc.creatorDaruši, Dragana
dc.description.abstractDruštveni milje i nove anomične strukture su se pokazale podsticajne iinspirativne u planiranju životnih eksperimenata, kojima su posebnonaklonjeni adolescenti. Bolest zavisnosti od droge je jedna od rizičnih oblikaponašanja, koja linearno u vremenu poprima razmere epidemije. Neminovno sapomenutim se povećao i broj kriminalnih radnji, posebno razbojništva. Ovosloženo krivično delo je za zavisnike najprihvatljivije, obzirom da sadržielemente planirane radnje kojom se najbrže dolazi do cilja. Ličnost adolescentasa odlikama poremećaja ponašanja prepoznatim još u maloletničkom uzrastu,postaje upadljiva kao formirani “heroj” današnjice, visoko kotiran usubkulturi zavisnika i delikvenata.Podaci za analizu, za potrebe istraživanja, su preuzeti iz sudskih spisa imedicinske dokumentacije zavisnika od droge. U okviru toga za potrebe proceneosobina ličnosti tokom lečenja i veštačenja ovih osoba korišćen je MMPI – 202test. Posebna pažnja poklonjena je rezultatima dobijenim kanoničkomdiskriminativnom analizom u sklopu SPSS programa. Ovom analizom Wilks’lambda ukazuje na jačinu statističke značajnosti ovoga uzorka, definisanuvrednošću 0.389. Kao takva dozvoljava da se radi diskriminativna kanoničkaanaliza sa veoma jasnom signifikantnom vrednošću 0.000.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi da li postoje razlike u osobinamaličnosti i narkomanskoj karijeri kod počinilaca pojedinih oblikarazbojništva, i da li se na osnovu osobina ličnosti mogu predvideti razlike učinjenju ovog krivičnog dela.Imajući u vidu dejstvo droge na mozak i organizam uopšte, istraživanje jedokazalo da ličnost izmenjena po organskom tipu, što se u ovom slučajupodrazumeva, ne isključuje mogućnost korišćenja MMPI testa, a u svrhe proceneličnosnih karakteristika. Naime, dobijeni rezultati koji ukazuju naorganicitet nisu bitno različiti u odnosu na povišene vrednosti kodispitanika čiji rezultati ukazuju na postojeći poremećaj strukture ličnosti,odnosno psihopatiju, što je detaljno izneto u tekstu koji sledi.Istraživanje je takođe dokazalo da su zavisnici od droge sa prepoznatimporemećajem ponašanja, u mlađem uzrastu, kod kojih prednjače povišenevrednosti na skalama hipohondrije, psihopatske devijacije, histerije ihipomanije, a niske na konfuznom mišljenju i rigidnosti, češće označeni kaoispitanici koji čine lakše oblike razbojništava, za razliku od zavisnika oddroge starijeg uzrasta, takođe sa višim vrednostima na pomenutim skalama, kojise češće opredeljuju za činjenje razbojništva težeg oblika...sr
dc.description.abstractThe social environment and new anomic structures have proved enticing andinspirational in planning life experimenting to which adolescents are especially prone.Suffering from being dependent on drugs is one of forms of risky behaviour, which,linear with time, acquire the form of epidemics. Unavoidably, with this, a number ofcriminal offences have risen, especially robbery. This complex criminal offence is mostacceptable for addicts, since it contains elements of planned action with intents to reachthe goal in the quickest way. An adolescent’s personality is marked as behaviourdisorder, and is recognized even in the early teenage years, and as such it becomesprominent as a formed “hero” of today and highly regarded in the addicts’ anddelinquents’ subculture.The analysis data for the research work have been taken over from the drug addicts’court cases and medical records. Within it, for the needs of estimating personality traitsduring treatment and court specialist’s reports on these persons, a MMPI-202 test wasused. Special attention was given to the results obtained through the canonicaldescriptive analysis within the SPSS programme. With this analysis Wilks’ lambdapoints to the strength of the statistic significance of this sample, defined by the value of9.389. As such, it allows for the discriminative canonical analysis with a very clearsignificant value of 0.000.The aim of this research was to determine if there are any differences in personalitytraits in the drug addicts’ experience, with perpetrators of various forms of robbery andwhether one can foresee differences in perpetrating this criminal offence based onpersonality traits.Having in mind the effect drugs have on the brain and human organism in general, theresearch has shown that the personality that is organically altered, which goes withoutsaying in this case, does not exclude MMPI test from being used for the purpose ofestimating personality features. Namely, the obtained results that point to organicity arenot significantly different when compared to the increased values of subjects whoseresults point to the existing deviation in the personality structure, i.e. psychopathy,which is reported in detail in the following text.The research has also shown that drug addicts with a recognized behaviour disorderearlier in life, with increased values at behaviour scales of hypochondria, psychopathicdeviations, hysteria and hypomania, and low values at confused thoughts and rigidity,are often marked as subjects who perpetrate ‘lighter’ forms of robbery as opposed toolder drug addicts, also with higher values at the mentioned scales, who decide toperpetrate ‘heavier’ forms of robbery more often...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectзависност од дрогаsr
dc.subjectdrug addictsen
dc.subjectpersonality traitsen
dc.subjectособине личностиsr
dc.titleRazlike u osobinama ličnosti i narkomanskoj karijeri između učinilaca pojedinih oblika krivičnog dela razbojništvasr
dc.titleDifferences in personality traits and drug addicts' experience between perpetrators of certain forms of criminal offence of robberyen



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