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dc.contributor.advisorIlić-Stošović, Danijela
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherGolubović, Špela
dc.creatorBošković, Sandra
dc.description.abstractNačela osiguravanja inkluzivnog pristupa i jednakih prilika u visokomobrazovanju danas su deo globalne inicijative za podsticanje prava naobrazovanje za sve. Istraživanja socijalnih barijera na putu kvalitetnije iobuhvatnije inkluzije adolescenata sa invaliditetom u sistem visokogobrazovanja izdvaja sociološku dimenziju procesa inkluzije kao osnovnipredmet interesa ovog istraživanja.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je sagledavanje uzroka još uvek nedovoljnog učešćastudenata sa invaliditetom u visokom obrazovanju, kroz ispitivanje percepcijestudenata sa invaliditetom o društvenom aspektu inkluzije, ispitivanjempercepcije studenta sa invaliditetom o kvalitetu porodične i vršnjačkepodrške kao prediktora akademskih postignuća i socijalne integracijestudenata sa invaliditetom.Istraživanje je sprovedeno od početka januara 2013. godine do kraja juna2013. godine sa studentima sa invaliditetom Sveučilišta u Rijeci,Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u Republici Hrvatskoj i studentima s hendikepomUniverziteta u Beogradu, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu u Republici Srbiji. Uskladu s postavljenim istraživačkim podciljevima pored teorijske rasprave oproblemima inkluzije i socijalne integracije adolescenata sa invaliditetomsprovedeno je dvofazno istraživanja eksplorativnog karaktera.U prvoj fazi sprovedeno je anketno ispitivanja svih studenta sainvaliditetom koji pohađaju neki od fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj iRepublici Srbiji i rad na analizi i obradi statistički dostupne baze podatakao kvalitetu visokog obrazovanja studenata sa invaliditetom. Od 280 ispitanikau Republici Hrvatskoj kojima su poslati ankentni upitnici, upitnik opštihpodataka (Upitnik 1) i upitnik društvenih činilaca inkluzije (Upitnik 4) je,u potpunosti ispunilo 94 ispitanika. Stopa odziva ispitanika iznosila je33,6%, dok je u Srbiji od ukupno 250 poslatih anketnih upitnika 1. i 4. upotpunosti ispunilo 117 ispitanika što pokazuje stopu odaziva 41,5%. Posebannaglasak je stavljen na pristupačnost akademskog okruženja, kao jednog odznačajnih činilaca kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja studenata sa invaliditetom.Uprvoj fazi istraživanja istraživački postupak podrazumevao je korišćenje dvaupitnika posebno izrađenih za potrebe ovog istraživanja: 1) Upitnik opštihpodataka i 2) Upitnik društvenih činilaca inkluzije izrađenih za ovoistraživanje.U drugoj fazi, formiranjem uzorka studenata sa invaliditetomodabranih metodom slučajnog uzorka, ispitanici su, pored Upitnika 1 iUpitnika 4 ispunjavali i Upitnik 2 i Upitnik 3.U drugoj fazi istraživanjaupitnici su poslati na e-mail adrese 80 studenata sa invaliditetom premaslučajnom odabiru koordinatora od mkojih je u potunosti ispunilo 62ispitanika u Hrvatskoj 29 ispitanika,a u Srbiji 33 ispitanika. U sklopu ovogispitivanja sprovelo se istraživanje i drugih protektivnih činilaca uspešneinkluzije, odnosno adaptacije na studije, odabirom relevantnih varijabli iprimenom odgovarajućeg instrumentarija za ispitivanje adaptacije na studije ikvaliteta socijalne podrške, porodičnih odnosa i kvaliteta vršnjačkih(prijateljskih) relacija.Sprovedeno istraživanje dalo je uvid upercepciju studenata sainvaliditetom o kvalitetu visokog obrazovanjau istraživanim zemljama i uvid uneke od uzroka još uvek nedovoljnog učestvovanja studenata sa invaliditetom uvisokom obrazovanju. Na planu teorijske rasprave o pristupu osobama sainvaliditetom i inkluziji kao multimodalnom procesu istraživanje je pokazaloda je inkluzivni proces u visokom obrazovanju nastavak društvene potrebedrugačijeg sagledavanja problematike pristupa osobama sa invaliditetom, kaoznačajne sociološke dimenzije kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom.Ujedno, istraživanjem je utvrđeno da postoji velika diskrepanca izmeđuproklamovanih i sporovedenih mera usmerenih na osiguravanje kvalitetavisokog obrazovanja studenata sa invaliditetom. Analizom rezultata percepcijeispitanika studenata sa invaliditetom o kvalitetu pristupačnosti akademskogokruženja pokazuje da ispitanici kvalitet pristupačnosti akademskog okruženjaocenjuju veoma lošim i ne postoji statistički značajna razlika izmeđuispitanika iz Hrvatske i ispitanika iz Srbije, kao ni statistički značajnarazlika u odnosu na pol ispitanika. Studiranje van mesta stanovanja, početnegodine studiranja, prisustvo telesnog invaliditeta i podrška porodicekoreliraju sa negativnom percepcijom kvaliteta akademskog okruženja.Rezultatiistraživanja, koji se odnose na percepciju kvaliteta interpersonalnih odnosa uobrazovnom procesu u visokom obrazovanju, pokazuju da su ispitanici zadovoljniinterpersonalnim odnosima sa profesorima i kolegama i kvalitet tih odnosaopisuju kao veoma dobar. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u ocenikvaliteta interpersonalnih odnosa između ženskih i muških ispitanika, kaoni između ispitanika iz Srbije i Hrvatske. Analizom učešća pojedinih faktorau percepciji kvaliteta interpersonalnih odnosa, pokazuje da većina ispitanikaživi u gradu u kom studiraju, žive s roditeljima, o njihovom zdravstvenom stanjubrine najviše majka, imaju veliku podršku porodice i da im je podrškaporodice potrebna kako bi uspešno studirali. S obzirom na potrebu zapodrškom porodice, ispitanici iz Hrvatske, kojima nije potrebna podrškaporodice, pokazuju bolju emocionalnu adaptaciju na studije, dok ispitanici izSrbije koji pokazuju potrebu za podrškom porodice pokazuju bolju emocionalnuadaptaciju na studije. Analizom ajtema koje pokazuju stepen podrške porodiceutvrđeno je da ispitanici percipiraju dobru socijalnu podršku porodice, kojase iskazuje kroz emocionalnu, instrumentalnu i informacijsku podršku.Podatak ovog istraživanja da ispitanici i dalje iskazuju potrebu za podrškomporodice u studiranju upućuje na zaključak da percepcija studenata sainvaliditetom o kvalitetu akademskog okruženja i odnosa unutar obrazovnogprocesa uveliko zavisi od doprinosa i angažovanja porodice u studiranju.Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali povezanost među kategorijama percepcijestudenata sa invaliditetom o kvalitetu pristupačnosti akademskog okruženja,sistemske podrške i percepcije kvaliteta inerpersonalnih odnosa unutarobrazovnog procesa kao značajnog faktora u uspešnosti studiranja. Ispitaniciocenjuju podršku prijatelja kao dobru, što ukazuje da ispitanici imaju podrškuprijatelja i da je podrška emocionalna, instrumentalna i informacijska.Analiza tvrdnji koje pokazuju podršku prijatelja, utvrđeno je da je udeo podrškeprijatelja značajan u percepciji socijalne podrške, ali ne statistički značajan.U skladu sa navedenim rezultatima istraživanje pokazuje značajnostaktivnog uključivanja studenata sa invaliditetom u analizu kvaliteta visokogobrazovanja. Utvrđivanje potreba i postavljanje jasnih smjernica kvaliteteakademskog okruženja preduvjet su za kreiranje modela visokog obrazovanjastudenata sa invaliditetom zasnovanog na inkluzivnom pristupu u
dc.description.abstractToday, the principles of ensuring an inclusive approach and equal opportunitiesin higher education are part of the global initiative for fostering the right on educationfor all.Researches on social barriers for a better and more comprehensive inclusion ofadolescents with disabilities into the higher education system distinguish a sociologicaldimension of the process of inclusion as the main subject of interest in this research.The objective of this research was to determine the cause of a still insufficientparticipation of students with disabilities at universities through a perception research inthe social aspect of inclusion among students with disabilities and by examining theperception of students with disabilities on the quality of family and peer support as apredictor for academic achievements and social integration of students with disabilities.The research was carried out from the early January 2013 to the end of June2013 with students with disabilities at the University of Rijeka and Zagreb in theRepublic of Croatia and with students with disabilities at the University of Belgrade andNovi Sad in the Republic of Serbia. In accordance with set research sub-objectivesbesides a theoretical discussion on issues of inclusion and social integration ofadolescents with disabilities, an explorative research was carried out in two phases.In the first phase, a questionnaire was given to all students with disabilities whostudied at a university in the Republic of Croatia or Serbia. The analysis and processingof statistically available data base regarding the quality of higher education of studentswith disabilities was also carried out. Out of 280 participants in the Republic of Croatiato whom the questionnaires were sent (the Questionnaire 1 regarding the general dataand the Questionnaire 4 regarding social factors of inclusion), 94 participants fullycompleted the questionnaires which made a response rate of 33.6% of participants. InSerbia, out of 250 participants to whom the Questionnaires 1 and 4 were sent, 117participants fully completed the questionnaires which made a response rate of 41.5% ofparticipants. A special emphasis is placed on the accessibility of the academicenvironment as one of the significant factors of higher education quality of studentswith disability.Two questionnaires specifically designed for this research were used in the firstphase: 1) General data questionnaire and 2) the Questionnaire of social factors ofinclusion. In the second phase, a sample of students with disabilities was randomlychosen. Besides the Questionnaires 1and 4, participants also completed theQuestionnaires 2 and 3. In the second phase of the research, the questionnaires weresent via e-mail to 80 students with disabilities randomly selected by coordinators.Sixty-two participants fully completed questionnaires out of which 29 students withdisabilities were from Croatia and 33 from Serbia. The research of other protectivefactors of a successful inclusion, i.e. adjustment to studies, was also carried out withinthis research. It was carried out by a selection of relevant variables and applyingappropriate instruments to explore adjustment to studies and the quality of socialsupport, family relations and the quality of peer (friends’) relations.The research gave an insight into the perception of students with disabilities onthe quality of higher education in these countries and into some samples of the stillinsufficient inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education. In terms of atheoretical discussion on the approach towards persons with disabilities and theinclusion as a multi-modal process, the research showed that the inclusive approach inhigher education was a continuation of a social need of a different overview of issues inapproaching persons with disabilities as a significant sociological dimension of the lifequality of persons with disabilities. At the same time, it was found that there was a greatdiscrepancy between declared and implemented measures aimed at ensuring the qualityof higher education of students with disabilities. Analyzing the results of participants’perception of the quality of the accessibility of academic environment, it can be seenthat the participants evaluated the quality of accessibility of academic environment asvery poor and there was no statistically significant difference between participants fromCroatia and Serbia, nor the one regarding the participants’ gender. Studying outside theplace of residence, the initial years of studying, the disability and family supportcorrelated with the negative perception of the quality of the academic environment.Research results refering to the perception of the quality of interpersonal relations ineducation process in higher education indicated that participants were satisfied withinterpersonal relationships with professors and peers. They described the quality of thatrelationships as very good. There was no statistically significant difference in thequality of interpersonal relationships between male and female participants and betweenparticipants from Serbia and Croatia. Analyzing the participation of certain factors inthe perception of the quality of interpersonal relationships, it was visible that themajority of participants lived in the city where they studied, they lived with parents,mother took care about their health condition the most, they had great family supportthat was very important for successful studying. Taking into account family support,participants from Croatia, who didn’t need family support, showed a better emotionaladjustment to studies, while a better emotional adjustment to studies in Serbia showedparticipants who needed family support. Analyzing items that showed the level offamily support, it was defined that participants perceive good social support provided byfamily through emotional, instrumental and informative support. The data of theresearch that participants still expressed the need for family support while studying ledto the conclusion that the perception of students with disabilities on the quality ofacademic environment and relations within the education process depended on thecontribution and involvement of the family. Research results indicated the connectionbetween categories of perception on the quality of accessibility of academicenvironment, systematic support and the perception of the quality of interpersonalrelations within the education process as a significant factor of successful studying.Participants evaluated peer support as a good one that demonstrated that participantshad peer support and that the support was emotional, instrumental and informative. Theanalysis of statements that indicated peer support, defined that the share of peer supportwas important in the perception of social support but statistically it was not significant.In accordance with the results, the research shows the importance of active inclusion ofstudents with disabilities in the analysis on higher education quality. Identification ofneeds and setting clear guidelines for a quality academic environment is a preconditionfor creation of a higher education model for students with disabilities based on aninclusive approach in higher education.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectстуденти са инвалидитетомsr
dc.subjectstudents with disabilitiesen
dc.subjectинклузија у високом образовањуsr
dc.subjectквалитета академског окружењаsr
dc.subjectадаптација на студијеsr
dc.subjectсоцијална подршкаsr
dc.subjectinclusion in higher educationen
dc.subjectthe quality ofacademic environmenten
dc.subjectadjustment to studiesen
dc.subjectsocial supporten
dc.titleInkluzija studenata sa invaliditetom u sistem visokog obrazovanjasr

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