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Influence of education and professional training on reduction of recidivism risks of sentenced persons

dc.contributor.advisorJovanić, Goran
dc.contributor.otherIlić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherStevanović, Zoran
dc.creatorIlijić, Ljeposava
dc.description.abstractObrazovni tretman koji podrazumeva osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje i profesionalnoosposobljavanje predstavlja vrlo važnu kariku u lancu uspešno sprovedenogtretmana, koji značajno doprinosi adekvatnoj socijalnoj reintegraciji bivšihosuđenika. Naučna literatura beleži rezultate koji ukazuju da je upravoučestvovanje u obrazovnim aktivnostima, kao i profesionalna obuka prilagođenapotrebama pojedinca i tržišta rada, snažan faktor koji može da redukujerecidivizam. U svetlu krize zatvora, povećanja broja zatvorske populacije i svevećeg broja onih koji se opet u zatvor vraćaju, autor u ovoj disertaciji naglašavavažnost koju obrazovni proces ima na efikasnost izvršenja zatvorske kazne. Ucilju sveobuhvatnog sagledavanja povezanosti i uticaja procesa osnovnoškolskogobrazovanja i profesionalnog osposobljavanja na redukciju rizika recidivizma ipostizanje pozitivnih promena u ponašanju osuđenih, kao opšti ciljevi i zadacidoktorske disertacije navode se: utvrđivanje razlika u nivou rizika u zavisnosti oduključenosti u obrazovni proces; utvrđivanje direktnih i indirektnih veza izmeđuobrazovnog nivoa i rizika od recidivizma; utvrđivanje direktnih i indirektnihveza između uključenosti u obrazovni proces i rizika recidivizma; utvrđivanjedirektnih i indirektnih veza i uticaja obrazovnih procesa na postizanjepozitivnih promena u ponašanju osuđenih. Uzorak istraživanja čine podaciprikupljeni iz Upitnika za procenu rizika i potreba osuđenih preko tri godine,ličnih listova i Izveštaja stručnih službi o ponašanju i vladanju osuđenih. IzUpitnika za procenu rizika i potreba, prikupljani su podaci iz svih četrnaestodeljaka, primarnim i sekundarnim merenjem, odnosno, pre uključivanja u obrazovniproces i nakon završenog obrazovnog procesa (obrazovne grupe) grupe koja jeuključena i prilikom reklasifikacije i revidiranja Upitnika grupe koja nije bilauključena u obrazovni proces (kontrolna grupa).Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje razlika u skoru rizika recidivizma uzavisnosti od uključenosti u obrazovni proces. Grupa ispitanika koja jeučestvovala u obrazovnom procesu, generalno ima manji skor rizika od grupe kojanije učestvovala u obrazovnom procesu. Sekundarnim merenjem skora rizikarecidivizma, utvrđene su promene kod obe grupe. Grupa koja je učestvovala uobrazovnom procesu beleži pad skora rizika recidivizma, dok grupa koja nije bilauključena u obrazovni proces beleži blagi porast skora rizika recidivizma.Navedene razlike su statistički značajne. U pogledu modifikacije ponašanja,utvrđeno je da obrazovna grupa ostvarila određeni napredak koji se ogleda upozitivnim promenama u ponašanju prema drugima, većem zalaganju tokom obuke, naosnovu čega je više puta nagrađivana, češće je reklasifikovana u povoljnijitretman i manje disciplinski kažnjavana. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju da jeobrazovni proces ostvaruje pozitivne efekte koji se ogledaju u redukciji rizikarecidivizma i pozitivnim promenama u ponašanju osuđenih.sr
dc.description.abstractEducational treatment, comprised of primary education and professional training,represents a very important link in the chain of a successfully conducted treatment, whichsignificantly contributes to adequate social reintegration of former convicts. Scientificliterature records show that the participation in educational activities, as well asprofessional training customised to fit the needs of an individual and the job market,represent a powerful factor that could reduce recidivism. In the light of prison crisis, theincrease in numbers of convicted persons, along with the increased number of those whoreturn to prison, the author of this dissertation emphasizes the importance of the educationalprocess in effectiveness of a prison sentence. In order to get a full insight into theconnection and the influence of the primary education process and professional training tothe reduction of recidivism risks and accomplishing positive changes in a sentencedpersons' behaviour, the general objectives and goals of the PhD thesis are: ascertainingdifferences in a risk level, depending on the inclusion in the educational process;establishing direct and indirect connections between educational level and risks ofrecidivism; establishing direct and indirect influences and connections of educationalprocesses on positive changes in the behaviour of convicted persons. Research sample iscomprised of data collected from the Questionnaire for Risk and Needs Assessment ofpersons convicted to three or more years in prison, personal files and the Report of expertservices regarding behaviour and conduct of the convicts. The Questionnaire for Risk andNeed Assessment served as a source of data from all fourteen departments, and by primaryand secondary measurement, i.e. before the inclusion in the educational process and afterthe completion of the educational process (educational groups) of the groupincluded and during reclassification and revision of the Questionnaire of the group that wasnot included in the educational process (control group).The results of the research indicate that there is a difference in the recidivism risk score,depending on the inclusion in the educational process. The group of examinees, whichparticipated in the educational process by and large, has a lower score risk than the group,which did not participate in the educational process. Secondary measurement of therecidivism risk score established changes in both groups. The group, which participated inthe educational process, records a decrease of score of recidivism risk, while the group,which did not participate in the educational process, records a slight increase of score ofrecidivism risk. The aforementioned differences are statistically significant. In terms ofbehaviour modification, it has been established that the educated group achieved certainprogress visible in the positive changes in the behaviour towards others; greatercommitment during the training, owing to which they were awarded several times; it wasmore often reclassified into the more favourable treatment and was less subjected todisciplinary measures. These results show that the educational process produces positiveeffects visible in the reduction of recidivism risk and positive changes in the behaviour ofthe convicted persons.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectобразовни процесsr
dc.subjectосновношколско образовањеsr
dc.subjectпрофесионално оспособљавањеsr
dc.subjectризик рецидивизмаsr
dc.subjecteducational processen
dc.subjectprimary educationen
dc.subjectprofessional trainingen
dc.subjectrecidivism risken
dc.titleUticaj obrazovanja i profesionalnog osposobljavanja na redukciju rizika recidivizma kod osuđenih licasr
dc.titleInfluence of education and professional training on reduction of recidivism risks of sentenced personsen



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