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Neuromotor immaturity of schoolchildren as a risk for the acquistion of basic academic skills

dc.contributor.advisorИлић-Стошовић, Данијела
dc.contributor.otherIlić-Stošović, Danijela
dc.contributor.otherИлић-Стошовић, Данијела
dc.contributor.otherIlić-Stošović, Danijela
dc.contributor.otherНиколић, Снежана
dc.creatorИвановић, Лидија
dc.description.abstractBrojna istraživanja, uglavnom stranih autora, su pokazala da u tipičnojpopulaciji školske dece postoje ona koja imaju teškoće u ovladavanju čitanjem,pisanjem, računanjem i imaju probleme ponašanja. Istraživanja takođe potvrđujuda se kod dece kod koje ostanu da perzistiraju aberentni refleksi mogu javititeškoće u usvajanju pojedinih bazičnih akademskih veština. Osnovni cilj ovogistraživanja je utvrditi povezanost stepena neuromotorne zrelosti deceškolskog uzrasta i usvajanja bazičnih akademskih veština, kao i odnosneuromotorne zrelosti i ponašanja. U skladu sa postavljenim ciljempredpostavljamo da tempo neuromotornog sazrevanja dece može biti odgovoran zanastanak poteškoća u usvajanju bazičnih akademskih veština.Istraživanje je sprovedeno u redovnim školama na teritoriji Srbije, aobuhvatilo je 327 dece tipične populacije, mlađeg školskog uzrasta, drugog,trećeg i četvrtog razreda, starosti od 7,5 do 11,5 godina, koja nisu imala bilokakve dijagnostikovane poremećaje . Istraživanje je sprovedeno uz sve potrebnesaglasnosti relevantnih lica i ustanova. Za prikupljanje osnovnihdemografskih podataka konstruisan je Upitnik za prikupljanje opštih podatakao učeniku i porodici. Procena stepena neuromotorne zrelosti vršena jeRazvojnim skrining testom za decu iznad 7 godina. Procena kvaliteta čitanjavršena je korišćenjem Trodimenzionalnog testa čitanja; kvaliteta pisanjaputem diktata pangrama; usvojenost matematičkih operacija listom ajtemaSkrining testa za procenu prisustva diskalkulije. Za procenu prisustvaproblema ponašanja korišćen je Upitnik snaga i teškoća u ponašanju.Nađene su prevalencije neuromotorno nezrelih učenika (16,41%), učenikasa teškoćama čitanja (11,33% učenika sa problemima u smislu preciznostičitanja i 17,18% učenika sa problemima razumevanja i upamćivanja pročitanog),pisanja (11,72%), teškoćama računanja (14,06%) i problema ponašanja (14,06%).Prema dobijenim prevalencijama na dobrom delu ispitanih karakteristika, našivuzorak se u odnosu na prevalencije na svetskom nivou po učestalosti nezrelostii teškoća nalazi u gornjem delu lestvice. Poređene su prevalencije teškoćabazičnih akademskih veština i problema ponašanja kod neuromotorno zreledece u odnosu na nezrelu i pronađeno je da je prevalencija teškoća (čitanja,pisanja, računanja i ponašanja) u grupi nezrele dece statistički značajno veća.Stepen teškoća prisutnih kod dece izražen kvantitativno i kvalitativnosrazmeran je stepenu neuromotorne nezrelosti dece.Obzirom na dobijene rezultate stava smo da oni ukazuju na to da bitrebalo razviti adekvatan sistem detekcije neuromotorne nezrelosti decemlađeg školskog uzrasta bilo u okviru primarne zdravstvene zaštite iliobrazovnog sistema, kako bi se moglo delovati na stimulisanje sazrevanja dece saciljem da se postigne brže i kvalitetnije usvajanje bazičnih akademskihveština i ponašanja. Dobijeni rezultati mogu poslužiti za razvijanjeteorijskih modela ili kao teorijski osnov za razvoj i evaluaciju novih vidovaterapijskih postupaka. Ovo istraživanje govori i u prilog tome da bi uredovnim školama uloga defektologa mogla biti mnogo šira, i izlaziti vaninkluzivne prakse, među tipičnu populaciju školske
dc.description.abstractNumerous studies, mostly, of foreign authors, have shown that in a typicalpopulation of schoolchildren there are those that have difficulties in mastering reading,writing, numeracy and have behavior problems. Studies also confirm that children withremained persisting reflexes may have difficulties in the acquisition of certain basicacademic skills. We assume that the rate of neuromotor maturation of children can beheld responsible for the occurrence of difficulties in a number of children. Therefore,the research is aimed at determining the existence of this relationship.The research was conducted in regular schools in the territory of Serbia on atypical population of 327 early school-age children, in the second, third and fourthgrades, from 7.5 to 11.5 years old, who did not have any diagnosed disorders. Theresearch was conducted with all the necessary approvals of relevant persons andinstitutions. In order to collect basic demographic data, the Questionnaire is designed togather general information about the student and the family. Evaluation of the degree ofneuromotor maturity is performed by the Developmental Screening Test for Use withChildren from 7 Years of Age. Reading quality assessment was carried out by theThree-dimensional reading test; Quality of writing through dictation of pangram; Theacquisition of mathematical operations using the list of items of the Screening Test forAssessment of the Presence of Dyscalculia. To assess the presence of behavioralproblems, The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used.We have found the prevalence of neuromotor immature students (16.41%),students with difficulties in reading (11.33% of students with problems in terms ofaccuracy of reading and 17.18% of the students with the problems in understanding andremembering text), writing (11.72%), difficulties in acquisition of mathematicalknowledge (14.06%) and behavior problems (14.06%). According to the obtainedprevalence on the most of the surveyed characteristics, our sample, compared to theprevalence on the global level, by frequency of immaturity and difficulties is in theupper part of the scale. We compared the prevalence of difficulties in basic academicviskills and behaviour problems in neuromotor mature children compared to immatureand found that the prevalence of difficulties (reading, writing, numeracy and behavior)in a group of immature children was significantly higher. The degree of difficulties inchildren, expressed quantitatively and qualitatively, commensurate with the degree ofneuromotor immaturity in children.According to these results, we believe that they indicate that it should develop anadequate system of detection of neuromotor immaturity of young school childrenwhether within primary health care or educational system, in order to stimulate thematuration of children aimed to achieve faster and better acquisition of basic academicskills and behavior. Very few studies indicate epidemiological data in this field in ourcountry and therefore this research has scientific significance. Also, the results can beused to develop theoretical models or as a theoretical basis for the development andevaluation of new types of therapeutic procedures. This research supports that in regularschools the role of special educator-rehabilitators could be much wider, and go beyondinclusive practice, into a typical population of schoolchildren.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.sourceUniverzitet u Beogradu
dc.subjectнеуромоторна незрелостsr
dc.subjectneuromotor immaturityen
dc.subjectмлађи школски узрастsr
dc.titleNeuromotorna nezrelost učenika kao rizik za usvajanje bazičnih akademskih veštinasr
dc.title.alternativeNeuromotor immaturity of schoolchildren as a risk for the acquistion of basic academic skillsen



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