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Detrminating factors of inclusion of the deaf and hard of hearing persons in work process

dc.contributor.advisorRadić-Šestić, Marina
dc.contributor.otherKovačević, Jasmina
dc.contributor.otherRajović, Vera
dc.creatorМитровић Ђорђевић, Ивана
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je realizovano u cilju utvrđivanja faktora koji utiču na uspešno uključivanje G/N osoba u inkluzivnu radnu sredinu.Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 210 ispitanika, 140 ispitanika tipične populacije (TP) i 70 gluvih i nagluvih (G/N) ispitanika koji su zaposleni u otvorenoj privredi (OP) (građevinske firme, štamparije, zdravstvene ustanove, kozmetički i frizerski saloni, perionice, magacini itd.), i u zaštitnoj radionici (ZR) (DES u Kajmakčalanskoj i Kumodraškoj ulici u Beogradu).Za potrebe prikupljanja podataka od tipičnih ispitanika korišćena je Skala za procenu odnosa čujućih osoba prema zapošljavanju gluvih i nagluvih radnika (Radić Šestić, 2011; Adaptiran Employer attitudes questionnaire, Diksa & Rogers, 1996). Skala se sastoji iz tri supskale: Supskala opštih stavova o zapošljavanju G/N osoba (7 ajtema), Supskala za procenu radnih kompetencija G/N osoba (22 ajtema) i Supskala za procenu socijalnih kompetencija G/N osoba (16 ajtema).Likertova (Likert) Skala se sastoji iz 35 tvrdnji sa stepenima slaganja od 1 (ne slažem se/ nije tačno je) do 3 (slažem se/tačno je). Pogodna je za obradu faktorskom analizom.Za testiranje interne konzistentnosti Skale za procenu stavova poslodavaca prema zapošljavanju G/N osoba korišćen je Cronbach α koeficijent. Globalna interna konzistentnost Skale je solidne pouzdanosti i iznosobe sa ometenošću α=0,609. Interna konzistentnost Supskale opštih stavova prema zapošljavanju G/N osoba iznosi α=0,733. Interna konzistentnost Supskale za procenu radnih kompetencija G/N osoba iznosi iznosi α=0,796, a Supskale za procenu socijalnih kompetencija G/N osoba iznosi α=0,805.Za procenu stavova G/N radnika prema zapošljavanju u otvorenoj privredi korišćena je Skala za procenu motivacije za uključivanje u otvorenu privredu (Motivation to engage in coping Behavior - MECB, Caska, 1998, 15) ajtema koja procenjuje spremnost, samouverenost, inicijativu, saradljivost, učenje, potrebu za prekvalifikacijom i adaptacijom). Konzistentnost Skale je solidne pouzdanosti G/N osoba iznosi α=0,754. Analiza prikupljenih podataka obrađena je metodama parametrijske i neparametrijske statistike. Za prikazivanje osnovnih statističkih parametara korišćenesu mere centralne tendencije i mere disperzije. Za proveru pouzdanosti primenjenih instrumenata primenjena je relijabilna analiza. Prilikom utvrđivanja statistički značajnih razlika među dihotomnim nezavisnim varijablama korišćena je neparametrijska analiza varijanse (Kruskal-Wallis Test), t-test i Mann–Whitney U test. Za utvrđivanje značajnosti odnosa između posmatranih varijabli korišćen je χ2 test i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije. Za utvrđivanje značajnosti odnosa između nezavisnih i zavisnih varijabli korišćena je dvofaktorska analiza varijanse i multifaktorska analiza varijanse. Dobijeni rezultati su prikazani tabelarno i grafički.Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja utvrdili smo niz faktora koji utiču na uključivanje G/N osoba u radni proces.Odgovarajući na drugi zadatak istraživanja, a to je koji sociodemografski faktori utiču na uključivanje gluvih i nagluvih osoba u radni proces utvrdili smo nekoliko sociodemografskih faktora koje smo podelili po grupama.Prva grupa sociodemografskih faktora koji utiču na uključivanje G/N u otvorenu privredu su tip preduzeća, pol, starosna dob i stepen obrazovanja. U zavisnosti od tipa preduzeća (ZR ili OP) ispitanici su imali različit odnos prema radnim i socijalnim kompetencijama G/N osoba, ali veoma ujednačene opšte stavove prema zapošljavanju G/N osoba. Pol, kao drugi sociodemografski faktor, pokazao se statistički značajnim kada je u pitanju odnos ispitanika prema radnim i socijalnim kompetencijama G/N osoba. Treći sociodemografski faktor, strosna dob, odredio je odnos ispitanika prema adaptaciji radnog mesta G/N osobe i komunikacionim veštinama G/N osoba. Razlike u stepenu obrazovanja ispitanika je faktor koji je uticao na percepciju adaptacije radnog mesta i socijalnih kompetencija G/N osoba, posebno prema njihovim komunikacionim veštinama.Druga grupa faktora koji determiniše odnos ispitanika prema uključivanju G/N osoba u proces rada su opšti stavovi. Spremnost ispitanika da zaposli G/N osobu u otvorenoj privredi nije jasno determinisana. Naime, primetno je kolebanje u odgovorima, koje se ogleda u približnom broju onih koji nisu sigurni da li bi zaposlili G/N osobu. Situacija se dodatno komplikuje kada je 92,8% ispitanika izjavilo da ne bi radili sa G/N osobom. Kontradiktorni rezultati ukazuju da ni poznavanje G/N osobe (njih 73,6% je istaklo da poznaje G/N osobu) nije pozitivno uticalo na opšti stav ispitanika prema zapošljavanju G/N osoba u inkluzivnoj radnoj sredini. Iako veći broj ispitanika poznaje G/N osobu oni se ne bi sa njom družili, što je još jedan pokazatelj negativnog opšteg stava prema ovoj suppopulaciji. Ovim faktorima treba pridodati i nepoznavanje Zakona koji obezbeđuju prava osoba sa ometenošću. Nedovoljna informisanost o pravima G/N osoba ide u prilog negativnim stavovima prema zapošljavanju osoba oštećenog
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted in order to determine the factors that influence successful inclusion of the deaf and hard of hearing in an open economy environment.The sample comprised 210 participants: 140 participants from typical population (TP), and 70 deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH) participants employed in an open economy (OE) environment (construction companies, printing houses, health care facilities, beauty parlours, hair salons, laundries, warehouses, etc.) or in sheltered workshops (DES d.o.o. Beograd) in Kajmakcalanska and Kumodraska streets in Belgrade.For the purpose of collecting the data from the respondents from the typical population this study employed The Scale for the Assessment of the Attitudes of Hearing People Towards the Employment of D/HH Workers (Radic Sestic, 2011; Employer attitudes questionnaire, Diksa & Rogers, 1996.). This scale comprises three subscales, namely general attitudes towards employment of deaf and hard of hearing persons (7 items), assessment of work competence of D/HH persons (22 items), and assessment of social competence of D/HH persons (16 items).Likert scale consists of 45 items i.e. statements to which respondents assign their level of agreement ranging from 1 (I don't agree/ it is not right ) to 3 ( I agree/ it is right). This scale is convinient for factor analysis.Cronbach's alpha was used as a measure of internal consistency of The Scale for the Assessment of Employer Attitudes Towards Hiring D/HH Persons. Global internal consistency of the Scale was adequate and measured α=0,609. Internal consistency of the Subscale for the assessment of general attitudes towards employment of D/HH persons measured α=0,733. Internal consistency of the Subscale for the assessment of work competence measured α=0,805.The attitudes of the DHH participants towards employment in an open economy environment were assessed according to Motivation to Engage in Open Economy Scale (Motivation to Engage in Coping Behavior - MECB, Caska, 1998). The Scale comprises 15 items that assess readiness, self-confidence, initiative, cooperation, education, need for retrainig and adaptation. The consistency of the scale was adequate and measured α=0.754.Each answer that the respondents gave was assigned a score from 1 to 3 points, and then, by adding points for each statement, the total score was obtained as a representation of the respondents' attitude.Data processing was carried out using The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS V16.0). Both parametric and nonparametric statistical methods were used to analyse the data. Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion were used to present the basic statistical parameters. In order to ensure that the instrument consistently reflected the construct it was measuring, reliability analysis was applied. In determining statistically significant differences between dichotomous independent variables we used nonparametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis test), t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. To determine the significance of the relationship between the observed variables, the χ2 test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. ANOVA and multifactor analysis of variance were used to determine the significance of the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. The results are presented in tables and graphs.The findings suggest that there is no significant difference in the attitudes towards the employment of D/HH workers among the participants from the typical population (TP) who work in an open economy (OE) environment and the participants from the typical population who work in a sheltered workshop. The respondents from the typical population employed in an open economy environment are not acquainted with the needs of D/HH workers in the same extent as their counterparts employed in sheltered workshops (SW), which can be explained by the fact that D/HH persons are less likely to find employment outside sheltered workshops. The participants in the study who have a D/HH individual in their social circle have a different attitude towards their work competence and workplace accommodations from that of the respondents who are not acquainted with D/HH individuals. The respondents acquainted with D/HH individuals have shown more positive attitudes towards the social competence of D/HH workers.Based on the results obtained, we identified a number of factors affecting the inclusion of D/HH persons in the working process.The second task of the research aimed to identify the sociodemographic factors that influence the inclusion of D/HH persons in the work process. These factors were grouped in the manner described in the following paragraphs.The first set of sociodemographic factors affecting the inclusion of D/HH in an open economy comprises: type of enterprise, gender, age and education level. Depending on the type of the company (SW or OE) respondents had different attitudes towards the work and social competence of D/HH persons, but very uniform general attitudes towards the employment of D/ HH persons. Gender, as the second sociodemographic factor, proved to be statistically significant when it comes to the attitude of the respondents towards the work and social competence of D/HH persons. The third sociodemographic factor, age, specified the attitude of the respondents towards the workplace adaptations and adjustments for D/HH persons and communication skills of D/HHpersons. Differences in education level of the respondents figured as a factor that influenced the perception of the workplace adaptations and social competence of D/HH persons; especially the perception of their communication skills.The second group of factors that determine the attitude of the respondents towards the inclusion of D/HH persons in the labor market comprises general attitude. The respondents' willingness to hire a D/HH person in an open economy could not be clearly determined. In fact, a difference in replies was noticeable, i.e. there were a number of respondents that were not sure whether they would employ a D/HH person. The situation was further complicated when 92.8% of the respondents said they would not work with a D/HH colleague. These contradictory results indicate that an acquaintanceship with a D/HH person (73.6% of the respondents pointed out that they knew a D/HH person) does not necessarily have a positive impact on the general attitude of the respondents towards the employment of D/HH people in an inclusive work environment. Although quite a few respondents indicated that they were acquainted with a D/HH person, they would not socialize with her, which is another indicator of the negative general attitude towards this subpopulation. To these factors we should add the ignorance of the Law that protects persons with disabilities from discrimination. The lack of information on the rights of D/HH people is indicative of negative attitudes towards the employment of persons with hearing impairment...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectотворена привредаsr
dc.subjectзатворена привредаsr
dc.subjectглуви и наглувиsr
dc.subjectopen economyen
dc.subjectsheltered workshopsen
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearingen
dc.titleFaktori uspešnog uključivanja osoba oštećenog sluha u radni processr
dc.title.alternativeDetrminating factors of inclusion of the deaf and hard of hearing persons in work processen



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