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Self-determination of adults with intellectual disabilities

dc.contributor.advisorKaljača, Svetlana
dc.contributor.otherGlumbić, Nenad
dc.contributor.otherGolubović, Špela
dc.creatorCvijetić, Marija
dc.description.abstractSamoodređenje čini skup veština, znanja i uverenja koja omogućavaju pojedincu da samostalno usmeri svoje ponašanje ka željenom cilju. Poslednjih nekoliko decenija u literaturi je primetno povećano interesovanje za samoodređenje osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću, koje se smatra značajnim aspektom kvaliteta života. Uprkos tome, u našoj sredini gotovo da ne postoje istraživanja u čijem su fokusu nivo, profil ili činioci samoodređenja osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću.Iz navedenih razloga, ciljevi ovog istraživanja odnosili su se na utvrđivanje nivoa samoodređenja kod odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću i povezanosti između dostignutog nivoa samoodređenja, sa jedne strane, i odabranih socio-demografskih činilaca, ličnih karakteristika ispitanika i faktora okruženja, sa druge strane.Uzorkom istraživanja obuhvaćeno je ukupno 128 odraslih osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću i umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću, oba pola, starosti od 21,23 do 57,89 godina (AS=33,77; SD=9,27). Prema tipu stanovanja, uzorak je podeljen u tri grupe: ispitanike koji stanuju u svojim primarnim porodicama (N=46), ispitanike koji stanuju u institucijama stacionarnog tipa (N=40) i ispitanike obuhvaćene programom stanovanja uz podršku (N=42).Podaci o kontrolnim varijablama prikupljeni su putem demografskog upitnika, konstruisanog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Za dobijanje podataka koji se odnose na nezavisne varijable upotrebljeni su: zadaci za procenu bazičnih mehanizama egzekutivnih funkcija (radne memorije, inhibitorne kontrole i kognitivne fleksibilnosti), tri supskale Vinelandove skale za procenu socijalnih veština (Sparrow, Cicchetti & Balla, 2006), Upitnik o vršenju izbora (The Choice Questionnaire; Stancliff & Parmenter, 1999) i set kriterijuma za utvrđivanje težine deficita u adaptivnom funkcionisanju (APA, 2013). Informacije koje su se odnosile na zavisnu varijablu prikupljene su primenom Skale samoodređenja (The Arc’s Self-determination Scale; Wehmeyer & Kelchner, 1995).Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju prisustvo određenih specifičnosti u profilu samoodređenja osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću i umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću, koje su ispoljene kroz razlike u nivou razvijenosti pojedinih komponenti samoodređenja (autonomije, samoregulacije, psihološke osnaženosti i samorealizacije).Ispitanici sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću imaju značajno viši ukupan nivo samoodređenja (r=0,000), kao i nivo autonomije (r=0,002) i samoregulacije (r=0,000), u odnosu na ispitanike sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću, nezavisno od tipa stanovanja. Razlike u odnosu na pol utvrđene su samo u domenu autonomije (r=0,014), u korist ispitanica, dok su razlike u odnosu na starosnu dob utvrđene na nivou autonomije (r=0,031) i ukupnog samoodređenja (r=0,039), u korist starijih ispitanika. Stanovanje uz podršku je najpodsticajnije okruženje za razvoj samoodređenja, budući da ispitanici uključeni u ovaj program stanovanja imaju viši nivo samoodređenja, u odnosu na one koji stanuju u svojim primarnim porodicama (r=0,000) ili u institucijama stacionarnog tipa (r=0,000).Rezultati našeg istraživanja ukazuju na to da je nivo samoodređenja osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću značajno pozitivno povezan sa sledećim faktorima: nivoom socijalnih veština (r=0,000), kvalitetom slobodnog vremena (r=0,000), nivoom adaptivnog funkcionisanja (r=0,000) i bolje razvijenim egzekutivnim funkcijama – radnom memorijom (r=0,000), inhibitornom kontrolom (r=0,000) i kognitivnom fleksibilnošću (r=0,000). U grupi od 11 personalnih i sredinskih faktora, uključenih u analizu, identifikovana su četiri faktora koji imaju značajan pojedinačni prediktivni doprinos nivou razvijenosti samoodređenja osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću: dostupnost izbora (r=0,000), tip stanovanja (r=0,000), nivo adaptivnog funkcionisanja (r=0,017) i kvalitet radne memorije ispitanika (r=0,026). Prediktivna vrednost dostupnosti prilika za vršenje izbora upadljivo je viša u odnosu na ostale identifikovane prediktore.Na osnovu rezultata našeg istraživanja, može se zaključiti da je za unapređenje samoodređenja neophodno podsticati razvoj određenih sposobnosti i kompetencija same osobe sa intelektualnom ometenošću, ali i obezbediti optimalne sredinske uslove. Imajući u vidu da smo utvrdili da veći uticaj na nivo samoodređenja imaju spoljašnji faktori, naši rezultati su ohrabrujući u pogledu mogućnosti za razvijanje samoodređenja osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću u odraslom
dc.description.abstractSelf-determination represents a set of skills, knowledge and beliefs that enable individuals to self-direct their behaviour towards the desired goal. Over the last several decades, in scientific literature, there has been a markedly increased interest in the self-determination of persons with intellectual disabilities, which is considered to be a significant aspect of the quality of life. Regardless of that fact, there had been hardly any studies focusing on the level, profile or factors of self-determination of persons with intellectual disabilities in our surroundings.For the above reasons, the goals of this research were to establish the level of self-determination in adults with intellectual disabilities and the relationship between the achieved level of self-determination, on the one hand, and the selected socio-demographic factors, personal characteristics of respondents and environmental factors, on the other.The research sample included a total of 128 adults with mild intellectual disability and moderate intellectual disability, of both sexes, aged 21.23 to 57.89 years (M=33.77; SD=9.27). When it comes to the types of housing, the sample was divided into three groups: respondents residing in their primary families (N=46); respondents residing in residential institutions (N=40) and respondents included in the assisted housing program (N=42).Data on the control variables were collected by using a demographic questionnaire, constructed for the purposes of this research. Data related to the independent variables were collected by using the following instruments: tasks for the assessment of the basic mechanisms of executive functions (working memory, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility), three subscales of the Vineland scale for the assessment of social skills (Sparrow, Cicchetti & Balla, 2006), the Choice Questionnaire (Stancliff & Parmenter, 1999), and a set of criteria for determining the severity of deficits in adaptive functioning (APA, 2013). Information related to the dependent variable was collected by using the Arc’s Self-Determination Scale (Wehmeyer & Kelchner, 1995).The obtained results have shown the presence of certain specificities in the profile of self-determination of persons with mild intellectual disability and moderate intellectual disability, expressed through the differences in the level of development of individual components of self-determination (autonomy, self-regulation, psychological empowerment and self-realization). Respondents with mild intellectual disability have shown a significantly higher overall level of self-determination (p=0.000), as well as autonomy (p=0.002) and self-regulation (p=0.000), compared to respondents with moderate intellectual disability, regardless of the type of housing. Genderdifferences were found only in the domain of autonomy (p=0.014), in favour of the female respondents, while differences in relation to age were determined in the level of autonomy (p=0.031) and overall self-determination (p=0.039), in favour of older respondents. Assisted housing was proven to be the most conducive environment for the development of self-determination, given that respondents included in this housing program had a higher level of self-determination, compared to those residing in their primary families (p=0.000) or residential institutions (p=0.000).The results of this research indicate that the level of self-determination of persons with intellectual disabilities is significantly positively related to the following factors: level of social skills (p=0.000), quality of leisure time (p=0.000), level of adaptive functioning (p=0.000) and better developed executive functions – working memory (p=0.000), inhibitory control (p=0.000) and cognitive flexibility (p=0.000). In a group of 11 personal and environmental factors included in the analysis, four factors were identified as having a significant individual predictive contribution to the level of development of self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities: availability of choice (p=0.000), type of housing (p=0.000), level of adaptive functioning (p=0.017), and quality of working memory (p=0.026) of the respondents. The predictive value of the availability of choice was strikingly higher compared to the other identified predictors.Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that, to improve self-determination, it is necessary to encourage the development of certain abilities and competencies of the very person with intellectual disability, but also to provide optimal environmental conditions. Considering that it has been shown that external factors have a greater impact on the level of self-determination, these results are encouraging when it comes to the potential for the development of self-determination of persons with intellectual disabilities in adulthood.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Факултет за специјалну едукацију и рехабилитацијуsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectинтелектуална ометеностsr
dc.subjectдоступност избораsr
dc.subjectтип становањаsr
dc.subjectintellectual disabilityen
dc.subjectavailability of choiceen
dc.subjecttypes of housingen
dc.titleSamoodređenje odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.title.alternativeSelf-determination of adults with intellectual disabilitiesen



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