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Level of cognitive dysfunctions of persons With multiple sclerosis

dc.creatorBubanja, Ivana
dc.creatorCukić, Živana
dc.creatorStanisavljević, Saša
dc.description.abstractMultipla skleroza predstavlja hronično inflamatorno oboljenje centralnog nervnog sistema. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u nivo kognitivnih disfunkcija obolelih od multiple skleroze u odnosu na formu bolesti, starosnu dob i pol ispitanika. U uslovima globalne pandemije izazvane virusom COVID-19 istraživanje je sprovedeno online, na različitim internet grupa obolelih od multiple skleroze. Za izradu ovog istraživanja korišćen je upitnik Perceived deficits questionnaire (PDQ). Upitnik se sastoji od opštih demografskih podataka i 20 ajtema, koje su bazirane na proceni nivoa kognitivnih disfunkcija (pažnja/koncetracija, retrospektivna memorija, potenicjalna memorija i planiranje/organizacija). Za statističku obradu podataka, korišćen je Studentoov t-test, na uzorku od (N=80) ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja, ukazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika u međusobnom poređenju na subskalama ( p < .001). Nije utvrđena statistički značajnost na relaciji nivo kognitivnih disfunkcija obolelih od multiple skleroze u odnosu na pol, starosnu dob i formu bolesti. Uzorak istraživanja nije bio ujednačen prema polu, starosnoj dobi i formi bolesti ispitanika, predlog je ponoviti ovo istraživanje na većem i reprezentativnijem uzorku.sr
dc.description.abstractMultiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The aim of the study was to examine the differences in the level of cognitive dysfunctions in patients with multiple sclerosis in relation to the form of the disease, age and sex of the subjects. In the conditions of the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, the research was conducted online, on various internet groups of people suffering from multiple sclerosis. The Perceived Deficits Questionnaire (PDQ) questionnaire was used to develop this study. The questionnaire consists of general demographic data and 20 items, which are based on the assessment of the level of cognitive dysfunction (attention / concentration, retrospective memory, potential memory and planning / organization). For statistical data processing, Student’s t-test was used, on a sample of (N = 80) subjects. Research results, indicate that there is a statistically significant difference in mutual comparison on subscales (p <.001). No statistical significance was found in relation to the level of cognitive dysfunctions in patients with multiple sclerosis in relation to gender, age and form of the disease. The research sample was not uniform according to the gender, age and form of the respondents’ disease, it is proposed to repeat this research on a larger and more representative sample.sr
dc.publisherPerfecta, Sarajevosr
dc.sourceZbornik sazetaka – Četvrta međunarodna konferencija „Multidisciplinarni pristupi u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Sarajevo, BiH, 9–11.04.2021.sr
dc.subjectmultiple sklerozasr
dc.subjectkognitivne disfunkcijesr
dc.subjectmultiple sclerosissr
dc.subjectcognitive dysfunctionssr
dc.titleNivo kognitivnih disfunkcija osoba sa Multiplom sklerozomsr
dc.titleLevel of cognitive dysfunctions of persons With multiple sclerosissr



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