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Evaluation of decoding voice Analysis and synthesis of words And its importance for the Development of reading and Writing

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorOdović Gordana
dc.creatorOtašević, Jadranka
dc.description.abstractReading and writing are founded base of speech – language system, therefore the development of speech and language precedes reading and writing. A good decoding voice analysis of the words represents a base for correct writing and reading and good literacy thus itself elimination of word structure errors. We conducted a research aimed at examining the ability of voice analysis and word synthesis, in the context of detection and the prediction of difficulty in reading and writing. The survey was conducted on a sample of 482 children of the younger school age, among which was implemented the Test for evaluation of handwriting dysgraphia - a modified version of the scale for the assessment of disgraphia made by authors Ozijas and Aziriager (Ćordić, Bojanin, 1997). It turned out that out of 482 children, the disorder of writing - dysgraphia have 48 of them (9.95%). Based on these findings, in the second step, 30 children who showed disgraphy (experimental group) and 30 children with a harmonious manuscript (control group) were examined. Groups were graded according to the results of the Voice Analysis and Synthesis Test (V. Radičević). The results of this survey show that in the section of the words Analysis Test (voice ahead), statistically people with dysgraphia are significantly worse (p=0.000), as in part of the test (voice behind) (p=0.001). The results of the test of synthesis in the part of the words from multiple syllables respondents with dysgraphia are worse (p=0.000). On the basis of the results we can note that the decoding voice analysis and synthesis of the words is better for the respondents with harmonic handwriting.sr
dc.description.abstractČitanje i pisanje se razvijaju na bazi govorno–jezičkog sistema, zbog toga razvoj govora i jezika predhodi čitanju i pisanju. Dobra glasovna analiza i sin- teza reči je baza za pravilno pisanje i čitanje i predstavlja osnovu dobrog opismenjavanja i eliminisanja grešaka zasnovanih na strukturi reči. Sproveli smo istraživanje sa ciljem ispitivanja sposobnosti glasovne analize i sin- teze reči, u kontekstu detekcije i predikcije teškoća u čitanju i pisanju. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 482 dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta, među kojom je sproveden Test za procenu disgrafičnosti rukopisa – modifikovana verzija skale za procenu disgrafičnosti autora Ozijas i Aziriagera (Ćordić i Bojanin, 1997). Pokazalo se da je od ukupno 482 dece, poremećaj pisanja- disgrafiju imalo njih 48 (9,95%). Na osnovu osnovu ovih nalaza, u drugom koraku je ispitiva- no 30 dece koja su pokazala digrafiju (eksperimentalna grupa) i 30 dece koja su imala skladan rukopis (kontrolna grupa). Grupe su poređene po rezultatima na Testu glasovne analize i sinteze (V. Radičević) Rezultati pokazuju da na delu testa analiza reči (glas ispred) ispitanici sa disgrafijom su statistič- ki značajno lošiji (r=0,000), kao i na delu testa glas iza(r=0,001). Rezultati sinteze višesložnih reči kod ispitanika sa disgrafijom su značajno lošiji (r=0,000). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo konstatovati da je glasovna analiza i sinteza reči bolja kod ispitanika skladnog rukopisa.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitationsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Metode procene u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd,Srbija, 24. decembar 2018.sr
dc.subjectdecoding voice analysis and synthesis of wordssr
dc.subjectglasovna analiza i sintezasr
dc.titleProcena glasovne analize i sinteze reči i njen značaj za razvoj čitanja i pisanjasr
dc.titleEvaluation of decoding voice Analysis and synthesis of words And its importance for the Development of reading and Writingsr



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