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Verbal expression of features in partially and Completely deaf children

dc.creatorVeselinović, Ivana
dc.description.abstractThe verbal communication of partially and completely deaf persons is specific. In the verbal expression of partially and completely deaf children, adjectives are a particular problem. Adjectives express abstract features, which is why partially and completely deaf children later adopt and specifically use this type of word. Research aim was to estimate the difference in use of adjectives types in partially and completely deaf children and typically developing children. The study included 130 children of both sexes, average intellectual abilities and without additional impairments. All children attended higher classes of elementary school. Sample was divided into two experimental groups (E and E1) and one control group (C). All students in E and E1 group have hearing impairment more than 70 dB. The E group consisted of 40 children who attended schools for hearing impaired children in Serbia. The E1 group consisted of 10 children who attended schools for the typically developing children in Serbia. The C group consisted of 80 typically developing children from Belgrade. A special protocol for data collection was constructed. In addition to this protocol, predefined topics for writing four compositions of different genres were used: narrative, descriptive, exposition and argumentative. Obtained data were processed using the statistical package SAS 9.3, and a qualitative analysis of the material was done. Research results are presented in tabular form and then discussed. Research results suggest that partially and completely deaf children who attend schools for hearing impaired children, during sentence construction used statistically significant less different adjectives in relation to partially and completely deaf children who attend schools for the typically developing children, but in relation to typically developing children. Partially and completely deaf children who attend schools for the typically developing children showed the best results between all three groups of examined children. Their results regarding the use of different types of adjectives are qualitatively much more similar to those of children with typical language development than to their peers from schools for hearing impaired children. Within all three study groups, significant individual differences were observed between children. Agrammatic constructs and meaningless lexemes appeared in large percent in children from schools for hearing impaired children, which was not the case in the group of partially and completely deaf children who attend schools for the typically developing
dc.description.abstractVerbalna komunikacija gluvih i nagluvih osoba je specifična. U ver- balnom izražavanju gluve i nagluve dece pridevi predstavljaju poseban problem. Pridevima se izražavaju apstraktne osobine, pa zato gluva i nagluva deca ovu vrstu reči kasnije usvajaju i specifično upotrebljavaju. Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi razlika u upotrebi pojedinih vrsta prideva kod gluve i nagluve dece i kod dece tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 130 učenika V, VI, VII i VIII razreda, oba pola, prosečnih intelektualnih sposobnosti. Uzorak je podeljen u dve eksperimentalne (E i E1) i jednu kontrolnu (K) grupu. Svi ispita- nici iz E i E1 grupe imali su oštećenje sluha od preko 70 dB. E grupa je obuhvatila 40 učenika koji su pohađali škole za gluvu i nagluvu decu u Srbiji. E1 grupu činilo je 10 učenika koji su pohađali škole za decu tipičnog razvoja u Srbiji. Kao kontrolna grupa ispitano je 80 učenika tipičnog razvoja. Za prikupljanje podataka koristili smo protokol konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja i teme za pisanje sastava različitih ža- nrova – narativ, deskripcija, ekspozicija i argumentativ. Podaci dobijeni istraživanjem obrađeni su pomoću statistič- kog paketa SAS 9.3, a urađena je i kvalitativna analiza materija- la. Rezultati istraživanja prikazani su tabelarno, a zatim su i diskutovani. Rezultati istraživanja govore da su deca koja pohađaju škole za gluve i nagluve prilikom formiranja iskaza upotrebila bitno manje različi- tih vrsta prideva u odnosu na gluvu i nagluvu decu koja pohađaju škole za decu tipičnog razvoja, ali i u odnosu na decu tipičnog jezičkog razvoja. Gluva i nagluva deca iz škola za decu tipičnog razvoja pokazala su ubedljivo najbolje rezultate u okviru sve tri ispitivane grupe dece. Njihovi rezultati u upotrebi različitih vrsta prideva su kvalita- tivno mnogo sličniji rezultatima dece tipičnog jezičkog razvoja, nego rezultatima njihovih vršnjaka iz škola za gluve i nagluve. U okviru sve tri ispitivane grupe zabeležene su i velike individu- alne razlike između dece.U okviru sve tri ispitivane grupe zabeležene su i velike individualne razlike između dece.Agramatične konstrukcije i besmislene lekseme pojavile su se u velikom procentu kod dece iz škola za gluve i nagluve, što nije bio slučaj u grupi gluve i nagluve dece koja pohađaju škole za decu tipičnog
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//sr
dc.sourceSpecifičnost oštećenja sluha – nove tendencije tematski zbornik radovasr
dc.subjectpartially and completely deaf childrensr
dc.subjecttypically developing childrensr
dc.subjectadjectives typessr
dc.subjectgluva i nagluva decasr
dc.subjectdeca tipičnog jezičkog razvojasr
dc.titleVerbalno izražavanje osobina kod gluve i nagluve decesr
dc.titleVerbal expression of features in partially and Completely deaf childrensr



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