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Frequency of caesarean section in mothers of Children with speech, language and Learning disorders

dc.creatorMaksimović, Slavica
dc.description.abstractConditions under which intrauterine development, childbirth, and period immediately after childbirth occurs, effects the creation of child’s organism basic capacity. Development of child’s primary capacities but also the ability to receive and use stimulus from the external environment are affected by those conditions. This chapter discusses the impact of childbirth with anesthesia (Cesarean section and vaginal birth with epidural anesthesia) as mediating factors which cause significant consequences on the child and also the influence of complications that occur immediately after the birth (asphyxia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress) that are the result of immaturity, infections or metabolic processes. Based on theoretical indicators and empirical experience, the author emphasizes the advantage of natural childbirth for normal, harmonious physical and mental development of the child, but also the importance of treating the symptoms that are a consequence of the traumatic effects of a Caesarean section. Speech and language development are a very complex process and understanding of this process is especially important for speech-language disorders therapy. Development of speech and language is influenced by a large number of factors that may be related to the integrity of the nervous system, cognitive and intellectual capacities, pathways of processing information as well as emotional influences. Cesarean section is in the research of many authors (Emerson, 1998; Janus, 1991; Levine and Kline, 2007; Curran, et al., 2015) portrayed as traumatic experience for a baby with far-reaching consequences on both physical and mental development. This paper presents the results of the birth method study on 205 children with speech, language, learning and behavior disorders and showed that 63% were children born by labor during which anesthesia was used. Of these, 29% were planned Caesarean sections, 14% emergency Caesarean sections and 20% vaginal ones with epidural
dc.description.abstractUslovi pod kojima se odvija intrauterini razvoj, uticaji tokom porođaja i neposredno posle porođaja, učestvuju u stvaranju bazičnog ka- paciteta organizma deteta koji ono donosi rođenjem. Od toga zavisi razvoj detetovih primarnih kapaciteta ali i sposobnost primanja i korišćenja uticaja iz spoljne sredine. U poglavlju se razmatra uticaj porođaja uz primenu anestezije (car- ski rez i vaginalni porođaj sa epiduralnom anestezijom), kao posrednog faktora, koji može izazvati suštinske posledice po dete i kompli- kacije koje se javljaju neposredno po rođenju (asfiksija, hiperbilirubine- mija, hipoglikemija, respiratorni distres) a posledica su nezrelosti, infekcija i metaboličkih procesa koji se pokreću, u novim sredinskim uslovima, na razvoj deteta. Autor kako na osnovu teorijskih pokazatelja tako i empirijskog iskustva ističe prednost prirodnog porođaja za normalan, skladan fizički i psihički razvoj deteta, ali i značaj tretiranja simptoma koji su posledica traumatskih efekata carskog reza. Usvajanje govora i jezika je veoma kompleksan razvojni proces, a raz- umevanje ovog procesa je posebno značajno za terapiju govorno-jezičkih poremećaja. Sam razvoj govora i jezika je pod uticajem velikog broja fak- tora koji mogu biti povezani sa integritetom nervnog sistema, kog- nitivnim i intelektualnim kapacitetima, putevima procesiranja informacija, kao i emotivnim uticajima. Carski rez je u istraživanjima mnogih autora (Emerson, 1998; Janus, 1991; Levine, Kline, 2007; Curran, et al., 2015) prikazan kao traumatično iskustvo za bebu sa dalekosežnim posledicama po njen fizički i psi- hički razvoj. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja načina rođenja 205 dece sa poremećajima govora, jezika, učenja i ponašanja i pokazalo da je 63% dece rođeno porođajima u toku kojih je korišćena anestezija. Od toga 29% su bili planirani carski rezovi, 14% hitni carski rezovi i 20% vaginalni porođaji uz primenu epiduralne
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//sr
dc.sourceSpecifičnost oštećenja sluha – nove tendencije tematski zbornik radovasr
dc.subjectcaesarean sectionsr
dc.subjectcarski rezsr
dc.subjectponašanje učenjesr
dc.titleUčestalost carskog reza kod majki dece sa poremećajima govora, jezika, učenja i ponašanjasr
dc.titleFrequency of caesarean section in mothers of Children with speech, language and Learning disorderssr



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