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The obstacles in the inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing children

dc.contributorAnđelković Marija
dc.contributorSretenović Ivana
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorŠešum, Mia
dc.creatorRadić-Šestić, Marina
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the inclusive education is to enable the persons with disabilities, regardless of their abilities and capabilities,to attend regular schools and have equal access to the educational institutions as well as to the activities of the social community. As a result of their limited perceptiveness as well as of the oral language production, deaf and hard of hearing children face difficulties as regards the development of their social skills and academic achievements at regular schools. If they do not use the same language as their peers (which is frequently the case as a lot of them use sign language), they cannot take part in the communication and thus they lag behind in the educational process. Teachers’ attitude to the inclusion is of key importance to the accomplishments of the students. The analysis of various studies leads to two groups of factors which have a direct impact on deaf and hard of hearing children at inclusive schools, namely the internal factors (individual characteristics of children, early intervention, communication and social skills)and the external factors(which relate to the school environment, the inclusion of parents and acceptance). Even the very advocates of the inclusive system are of the opinion that the inclusion of the deaf is often implemented erroneously, without the expert support rendered to students and that their participation in classes is reduced to a minimum. The results of a large number of studies suggest that deaf and hard of hearing children at inclusive schools are often limited or even excluded from social interactions with their peers who can hear and that the existence of the communication barriers as well as differences between them intensifies that, which altogether has a negative effect on their education.sr
dc.description.abstractSvrha inkluzivnog obrazovanja jeste da omogući osobama sa ometenošću, bez obzi- ra na sposobnosti i mogućnosti, da pohađaju redovne škole i imaju isti pristup obrazovno – vaspitnim ustanovama, kao i aktivnostima društvene zajednice. Gluva i nagluva deca, usled ograničene sposobnosti percepcije, ali i produkcije govornog jezika, imaju teškoće u pogledu razvoja socijalnih veština i aka- demskog uspeha u redovnim školama. Ukoliko ne koriste isti jezik kao njihovi vršnjaci (što je često, jer mnogi koriste znakovni jezik) ne mogu učestvovati u komunikaciji, a samim tim zaostaju i u edukativnom proocesu. Odnos nastavni- ka prema inkluziji ključan je za uspešnost učenika. Analizom različitih istraživanja dolazi se do dve grupe faktora koji di- rektno utiču na gluve i nagluve učenike u inkluzivnim školama. Unutrašnji (individualne karakteristike dece, rana intervencija, socijalne i vešti- ne komunikacije) i spoljašnji faktori (koji se odnose na školsku sredinu, uključenost roditelja i prihvaćenost). Zastupnici inkluzivnog sistema obrazovanja često smatraju da se inkluzija gluvih uglavnom sprovodi pogrešno, bez stručne podrške učenicima i da se njihova participacija u nastavi svodi na minimum. Rezultati većeg broja istraživanja sugerišu da su gluva i nagluva deca u inklu- zivnim školama često ograničena, ili čak isključena iz socijalnih interakcija sa vršnjacima koji čuju i da postojanje komunikacionih barijera, kao i međusobnih različitosti, to pojačava, što sve negativno utiče na njihovu edukaciju.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceNacionalni naučni skup „Evaluacija efekata inkluzivnog obrazovanja u republici Srbiji” - Zbornik radovasr
dc.subjectsocial interactions, deaf and hard of hearing studentssr
dc.subjectkomunikacija, socijalne interakcijesr
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvi učenicisr
dc.titlePrepreke u inkluziji gluvih i nagluvih učenikasr
dc.titleThe obstacles in the inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing childrensr



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