Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Аssessment of social skills of children with intellectual disabilities – application of rating scales

dc.creatorDrljan, Valerija
dc.creatorBanković, Slobodan
dc.creatorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.creatorĐorđević, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractDeca s intelektualnom ometenoš"u ispoljavaju širok spektar problema u socijalnom ponašanju koji se mogu manifestovati u vidu de#cita socijalnih veština i bihevioralnih ekscesa. Rejting skale predstavljaju jednu od osnovnih i $esto koriš"enih metoda pri proceni i kategorizaciji ponašanja dece i adolescenata, kao i identi#kaciji ciljnog ponašanja i planiranju intervencije. Cilj rada je da se prikažu skale koje su koriš"ene za procenu socijalnih veština dece i mladih s intelektualnom ometenoš"u.. Pretraga literature izvršena je koriš"enjem elektronskih baza podataka dostupnih preko Konzorcijuma biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku, zatim Google Scholar, elektronske baze zbornika i $asopisa Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju Univerziteta u Beogradu, kao i drugih elektronskih pretraživa$a i materijala dostupnih u papirnoj formi. U radu je prikazano nekoliko skala koje su primenjivane kod dece i mladih s intelektualnom ometenoš"u, ali je samo mali broj kreiran speci#$no za procenu socijalnih veština u ovoj populaciji. Prikazane skale se razlikuju po strukturi i broju ajtema, na$inu ocenjivanja, kao i uzrasnom ospegu dece i mladih kojima su namenjene. Neke od skala imaju forme za razli$ite informante i omogu"avaju procenu u jednom ili više okruženja. Me&utim, one dele neke zajedni$ke prednosti koje se ogledaju u dobrim psihometrijskim karakteristikama, lakoj administraciji i relativno kratkom vremenu popunjavanja.Osim toga, pojedini instrumenti omogu"avaju, pored procene socijalnih veština i bihevioralnih problema, procenu akademskog funkcionisanja. S druge strane, potencijalni nedostaci mogu biti pristrasnost odgovora, nedovoljna osetljivost na male promene u ponašanju, nemogu"nost odre&ivanja prethodnika i posledica odre&enog ponašanja, problemi s pouzdanoš"u izme &u razli$itih procenjiva$a i tokom razli$itih perioda procenjivanja, kao i nedostatak precizne terminologije. Ako se uzmu u obzir navedeni nedostaci, preporuka je da se prilikom procene socijalnih veština rejting skale koriste u kombinaciji s drugim metodama procene kako bi se dobio sveobuhvatniji i objektivniji uvid u socijalno funkcionisanje dece i mladih s intelektualnom ometenoš"
dc.description.abstractChildren with intellectual disabilities exhibit a wide range of social behavior problems that can manifest in the form of social skills de$cits and behavioral excesses. Rating scale is one of the basic and frequently used methods in the processes and categorization of behavior of children and adolescents, as well as the identi$cation of target behavior and intervention planning. Te aim of the paper is to present the scales that have, to a greater or lesser extent, been used for the percentage of social skills of children and youth with intellectual disabilities. Te literature search was performed using electronic databases available through the Consortium of Libraries of Serbia for Uni$ed Procurement, then Google Scholar, electronic database of proceedings and journals of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, as well as other electronic search engines and materials available in paper form. Te paper presents several scales that have been applied to children and youth with intellectual disabilities, but only a small number has been created speci$cally for the assessment of social skills in this population. Te scales shown diWer in the structure and number of items, the method of evaluation, as well as the age range of children and young people for whom they are intended. Some of the scales have forms for diWerent informants and allow assessment in one or more environments. However, they share some common advantages which are re0ected in good psychometric characteristics, easy administration and relatively short $lling time. In addition, some instruments allow, in addition to assessing social skills and behavioral problems, an assessment of academic functioning. On the other hand, potential shortcomings may be response bias, insuXcient sensitivity to small behavioral changes, inability to determine antecedents and consequences of certain behaviors, reliability problems between diWerent assessors and during diWerent assessment periods, and lack of precise terminology. If the above shortcomings are taken into account, it is recommended that when assessing social skills, rating scales be used in combination with other assessment methods in order to obtain a more comprehensive and objective insight into the social functioning of children and youth with intellectual
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//sr
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka školasr
dc.subjectintelektualna ometenostsr
dc.subjectpsihometrijske karakteristikesr
dc.subjectsocijalno funkcionisanjesr
dc.subjectskale procenesr
dc.subjectintellectual disabilitysr
dc.subjectpsychometric characteristicssr
dc.subjectsocial functioningsr
dc.subjectrating scalesr
dc.titleProcena socijalnih veština dece s intelektualnom ometenošću – primena rejting skalasr
dc.titleАssessment of social skills of children with intellectual disabilities – application of rating scalessr



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