Now showing items 1-20 of 38

      A telemedical approach to the hearing assessment [1]
      Achievements on the numeracy screener in children From Serbia and Canada [1]
      Communication and social skills of deaf and Hard-of-hearing children [1]
      Communication in teaching as a factor of positive Class climate in schools for deaf and hard of Hearing students [1]
      Contribution of early psychoanalytic learning About mechanisms of defense to psychology of Disability [1]
      Doprinos ranih psihoanalitičkih učenja o mehanizmima odbrane psihologiji ometenosti [1]
      Eksternalizovani i internalizovani Problemi kod dece i adolescenata sa Oštećenjem sluha [1]
      Externalized and internalized problems in children And adolescents with hearing impairment [1]
      Frequency of caesarean section in mothers of Children with speech, language and Learning disorders [1]
      Karakteristike auditivnog ponašanja kod dece sa razvojnim jezičkim poremećajima [1]
      Komunikacija u nastavi kao faktor Pozitivne odeljenske klime u školama za Gluve i nagluve učenike [1]
      Komunikativne i socijalne veštine gluve i nagluve dece [1]
      Kvalitet života porodice gluve dece [1]
      Postignuća na numeričkom skrining testu kod dece iz Srbije i Kanade [1]
      Prepoznavanje reči u govornoj audiometriji [1]
      Prikaz programa rane intervencije gluve i nagluve dece i dece sa kohlearnim implantom [1]
      Quality of life of families with hearing impaired child [1]
      Resentation of educational rehabilitation work Program in early intervention of deaf, hard of Hearing and cochlear-implanted children [1]
      Risk factors for congenital and early onset hearing Impairment in children [1]
      Riziko faktori koji dovode do urođenih ili rano stečenih oštećenja sluha [1]