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Assistive technology and leisure time of visually impaired students at the university of Zagreb

dc.creatorSikirić, Dominik
dc.creatorBilić Prcić, Ante
dc.creatorDugandžić, Ana
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractSlobodno vrijeme je važno područje u životu svake osobe pa tako i u životu osoba oštećena vida. Obrazovanje, a samim time i studiranje, značajno je za svaku mladu osobu, jer se tada studenti susreću s novim situacijama, kao što je, između ostaloga, i samostalno donošenje odluka i prihvaćanje odgovornosti. Težina ovih odgovornosti postaje veća kad se na studiranje odluče i studenti oštećena vida. S obzirom da nove tehnologije u velikoj mjeri pridonose promjenama u društvu, njihovo korištenje u slobodno vrijeme može pružiti nove mogućnosti u uklanjanju prepreka i podizanju kvalitete života. Za potrebe ovog rada provedeno je istraživanje u kojem je korišten upitnik vlastite konstrukcije koji se sastojao od 23 čestice podijeljene u tri područja (opći podaci, slobodno vrijeme i nove tehnologije, aspekti kvalitete života). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je steći uvid u korištenje novih tehnologija (reproduktori i snimači, elektronsko povećalo, elektronski štap, skener, govorna jedinica, čitači i uvećivači ekrana, GPS, mobitel) u području slobodnog vremena studenata s oštećenjem vida na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Uzorak ispitanika su činili studenti s oštećenjem vida (n=31) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dobiveni podaci su obrađeni statističkim programskim paketom Statistica 9, a rezultati istraživanja su pokazali utjecaj korištenja novih tehnologija na provođenje aktivnosti slobodnog vremena te važnost i učestalost korištenja novih tehnologija u životu studenata oštećena vida. Nove tehnologije najviše utječu na kvalitetnije izvršavanje obaveza na fakultetu, ostvarivanje novih kontakata i odnosa, organizaciju slobodnog vremena. Aktivnosti slobodnog vremena na koje nove tehnologije najviše imaju utjecaj su zabavno-interesnog
dc.description.abstractLeisure time is important part of life for each person including visually impaired persons. Education, including studying on higher education studies, is integral and important part of young people’s life. In this period of life almost everybody faces with new situations, such as independent decision – making and taking responsibility for these decisions. Making one own’s desicions and taking responsibility for them in this part of life seems even demanding when dealing with visual impairment. Assistive technologies contribute to significant changes in our society and play increasing role in everyday life. Use of assistive technologies can provide new opportunities regarding overcoming the barriers, both physical and social, and improving quality of life. A questionnaire consisted of 23 items divided in 3 parts (general information, leisure time activities, aspects of quality of life) has been designed for the purpose of this research. The aim of this research was to gain comprehensive insight of assitive technology (players and recorders, electronic magnifier, electronic cane, scener, talking unit, screen readers and screen magnifiers, GPS, cell phones) use in leisure time by visually impaired students at University of Zagreb. Participants included in this research were visually imapired students (n=31). The data has been analiyzed with statistical software package Statistica 9, and the results showed the influence of assistive technology use on leisure time activities, as well as the importance and frequency of assitive technology use by visually impaired students. Assistive technologies had the most influence on fulfillment of study obligations quality, creating new contacts and relationships and organizing leisure time. Leisure time activities which are the most affected by using assistive technologies are activities for fun and other
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectnove tehnologijesr
dc.subjectstudenti s invaliditetomsr
dc.subjectslobodno vrijemesr
dc.subjectoštećenja vidasr
dc.subjectassistive technologysr
dc.subjectstudents with disabilitiessr
dc.subjectleisure timesr
dc.subjectvisual impairmentsr
dc.titleNove tehnologije i slobodno vrijeme studenata oštećena vida na Sveučilištu u Zagrebusr
dc.titleAssistive technology and leisure time of visually impaired students at the university of Zagrebsr



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