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Promene pri preusmeravanju auditivne i vizuelne informacije između hemisvera analizirane kartografskim EEG - om kod deteta sa sindromom hiperaktivnosti

dc.creatorRadičević, Zoran
dc.creatorJeličić, Ljiljana
dc.creatorBogavac, Ivana
dc.creatorStokić, Miodrag
dc.creatorSovilj, Mirjana
dc.creatorSubotić, Miško
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractThe paper discusses the changes in relations of visual and auditory inputs between the hemispheres in a child with hyperactive syndrome and its effects which may lead to better attention engagement in auditory and visual information analysis. The method included the use of cartographic EEG and clinical procedure in a 10-year-old boy with hyperactive syndrome and attention deficit disorder, who has theta dysfunction manifested in standard EEG. Cartographic EEG patterns was performed on NihonKohden Corporation, EEG – 1200K Neurofax apparatus in longitudinal bipolar electrode assembly schedule by utilizing10/20 International electrode positioning. Impedance was maintained below 5 kΩ, with not more than 1 kΩ differences between the electrodes. Lower filter was set at 0.53 Hz and higher filter at 35 Hz. Recording was performed in a quiet period and during stimulation procedures that include speech and language basis.Standard EEG and Neurofeedback (NFB) treatment indicated higher theta load, alpha 2 and beta 1 activity measured in the cartographic EEG which was done after the relative failure of NFB treatment. After this, the NFB treatment was applied which lasted for six months, in a way that when the boy was reading, the visual input was enhanced to the left hemisphere and auditory input was reduced to the right hemisphere. Repeated EEG mapping analysis showed that there was a significant improvement, both in EEG findings as well as in attention, behavioural and learning disorders. The paper discusses some aspects of learning, attention and behaviour in relation to changes in the standard EEG, especially in cartographic EEG and NFB
dc.description.abstractU radu se analiziraju promene pri preusmeravanju vizuelne i auditivne informacije između hemisfera kod deteta sa sindromom hiperakrivnosti i njihovi efekti koji mogu dovesti do boljeg angažovanja pažnje pri analizi auditivne i vizuelne informacije. Metod je uključio upotrebu kartografskog EEG-a u toku kliničke procedure kod desetogodišnjeg dečaka sa poremećajem pažnje i sindromom hiperaktivnosti, koji je imao theta disfunkciju manifestovanu na standardnom EEG-u. Kvantitativni EEG profil je meren pomoću NihonKohden Corporation, EEG – 1200K Neurofaxaparata, koji obezbeđuje 19 EEG kanala. Elektrode su pozicionirane prema 10/20 Internacionalnom sistemu za pozicioniranje elektroda. Impendanca je bila održavana ispod 5кΩ, sa ne više od 1кΩ razlike između elektroda. Niži filter je bio postavljen na 0,53Hz i viši filter na 35Hz. Snimanje je vršeno tokom mirnog perioda kao i tokom stimulacije koja je uključivala osnove govora i jezika. Standardni EEG i Neurofidbek (NFB) tretman su indikovali više theta opterećenje, alpha 2 i beta 1 aktivnost, merene kartografskim EEG-om, što je urađeno nakon relativnog neuspeha NFB tretmana. Nakon ovoga, primenjen je NBF tretman u trajanju od šest meseci, na način da kada dečak čita vizuelna informacija je prosleđivana levoj hemisferi, a auditivna informacija ograničena na desnu hemisferu. Ponovljene EEG mape su pokazale značajno poboljšanje na planu pažnje i na planu ponašanja i učenja. U radu se diskutuje o određenim aspektima učenja, pažnje i ponašanja u odnosu na promene na standardnom EEGu, posebno kartografskom EEG-u i NFB
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/32032/RS//sr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectcartographic EEGsr
dc.subjectattention disordersr
dc.subjectauditory and visual information processingsr
dc.subjectNeurofeedback treatmentsr
dc.subjectkartografski EEGsr
dc.subjectporemećaj pažnjesr
dc.subjectanaliza auditivne i vizuelne informacijesr
dc.subjectNeurofidbek tretmansr
dc.titleThe changes in relation of auditory and visual input acitivity between hemispheres analized in cartographic EEG in a child with hyperactivity syndromesr
dc.titlePromene pri preusmeravanju auditivne i vizuelne informacije između hemisvera analizirane kartografskim EEG - om kod deteta sa sindromom hiperaktivnostisr

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