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Changes of attitudes toward students with down syndrome using the program of imagined contact

dc.creatorTalijan, Bojana-Konsuelo
dc.identifier.issn2406-1328 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractProcena efikasnosti programa zamišljenog kontakta značajna je jer pruža saznanja o opravdanosti njihove primene u nastavi. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li program zamišljenog kontakta utiče na stavove učenika prema vršnjacima sa Daunovim sindromom, kao i da li znanje o Daunovom sindromu, kontakt sa ovim osobama i empatija ispitanika imaju uticaj na efikasnost programa zamišljenog kontakta. Ispitano je 50 učenika četvrtog razreda osnovnih škola, a podeljeni su u eksperimentalnu grupu koja je učestvovala u programu zamišljenog kontakta i kontrolnu grupu. Primenjeni su Čedok–Mekmaster skala za procenu stavova prema osobama sa hendikepom, Skala za procenu dečjeg znanja o osobama sa ometenošću, Skala za procenu kontakta sa osobama sa ometenošću i Indeks međuljudskog reagovanja. Učenici su nakon sprovođenja programa zamišljenog kontakta ispoljili pozitivnije stavove prema osobama sa Daunovim sindromom, kao i viši nivo znanja o njima u odnosu na procenu pre sprovođenja programa, dok su stavovi u kontrolnoj grupi ostali nepromenjeni. Implementacija ovog programa nije uticala na odnos stavova prema osobama sa Daunovim sindromom sa znanjem o njima i kontaktom sa ovom populacijom, kao i empatijom ispitanika. Primena programa zamišljenog kontakta u nastavi je opravdana u cilju pripreme učenika za mogući dolazak deteta sa Daunovim sindromom u odeljenje.sr
dc.description.abstractAssessment of the effectiveness of the program of imagined contact is important because it provides information about the justification of its use in the classroom. The aim of this study was to determine whether the program of imagined contact affected the attitudes of students toward their peers with Down syndrome, and whether the knowledge of Down syndrome, contact with these people, and empathy of respondents had an impact on the efficiency of the program of imagined contact. The survey included 50 fourth grade students of elementary schools, divided into an experimental group, which participated in the program of imagined contact, and a control group. Chedoke–McMаster Attitudes Towаrds Children with Hаndicаps Scаle, The Contact with Disabled Persons Scale, Children’s Knowledge аbout Hаndicаpped Persons Scаle and Interpersonаl Reаctivity Index were applied in this research. Pupils showed more positive attitudes towards people with Down syndrome, as well as a higher level of knowledge about them after the implementation of the program of imagined contact compared to the assessment before the implementation of a program, while the attitudes remained unchanged in the control group. Implementation of this program had no effect on the correlation of attitudes towards people with Down syndrome with knowledge about them and contact with this population, or with empathy of subjects. The use of the program of imagined contact in teaching is justified in order to prepare students for the possible arrival of a child with Down syndrome in the class.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitacijusr
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacijasr
dc.subjectDaunov sindromsr
dc.subjectpromena stavovasr
dc.subjectprogram zamišljenog kontaktasr
dc.subjectDown syndromesr
dc.subjectattitudes changesr
dc.subjectprogram of imagined contactsr
dc.titlePromena stavova prema učenicima sa Daunovim sindromom primenom programa zamišljenog kontaktasr
dc.titleChanges of attitudes toward students with down syndrome using the program of imagined contactsr



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