Приказ резултата 465-484 од 634

      Selektivna pažnja i inhibicija kod dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta [1]
      Self-assessment of the engagement of students with disabilities in the school context [1]
      Self-blame in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and children with physical disabilities: The role of a child's problem behavior and personality traits [1]
      Self-concept of low vision adolescents and their peers without visual impairment [1]
      Self-concept of people with intellectual disabilities-implications for support program development [1]
      Self-efficacy and job satisfaction of teachers in schools for students with disabilities [1]
      Self-efficacy perception in high school students with mild intellectual disability in practical training [1]
      Sensory processing of children and students with autism spectrum disorder and typical development in relation to gender and age [1]
      Senzorno procesiranje dece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma i tipičnog razvoja u odnosu na pol i uzrast [1]
      Sexual offenders treatment models [1]
      Sexuality of persons with autism: Approaches to sexuality education [1]
      Short-term verbal memory and psychophysiological response to emotion-related words in children who stutter [1]
      Significance of self-efficacy model in educational work with adolescents [1]
      Sistem kalendara i komunikacija slepo-gluve dece [1]
      Skala interakcije sa osobama s ometenošću - provjera faktorske strukture [1]
      Social adjustment of adolescents with hearing impairment in Nigeria: Will televised aggression and pornographic addiction mediate? [1]
      Social and emotional school readiness of children with cerebral palsy [1]
      Social attitudes and beliefs of sighted people towards blindness and blind persons [1]
      Social distance from people with intellectual disability [1]
      Social distance of general population towards the blind three decades ago and today [1]