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dc.creatorMaćešić-Petrović, Dragana
dc.creatorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.creatorBašić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorGajić, Anja
dc.creatorArsić, Bojana
dc.creatorZdravković, Ružica
dc.description.abstractU okviru savremenog obrazovnog sistema na Univerzitetu u Beogradu značajno mesto trebalo bi da pripada infarmacionim tehnologijama u službi sticanja i prezentacije znanja, kako studenata tako i nastavnog osoblja na Univerzitetu. Ovaj značaj ogleda se u različitim domenima i segmentima visokoškolske nastave i kreće se od upotrebe informacionih tehnologija ( u daljem tekstu IT) u sticanju, proveri i komunikaciji znanja izmedju studenata do pripreme, prezentacije i provere nastavnih sadržaja od strane nastavnog osoblja na Univerzitetu – nastavnici i saradnici Univerziteta. U tom smislu u radu je tretiran i obrađen segment značaja i koristi pojedinih sistema IT u studijama koncipiranim prema Bolonjskom sistemu, kao sitemu definisanom akreditacijom državnih fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, a prema zahtevima modernog obrazovanja i inovacijama 21.veka u domenu svih naučnih disciplina pa i društveno-humaničkih nauka. Cilj studije bio je ispitati stavove i mišljenje studenata Fakulteta za specijallnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju Univerziteta u Beogradu o značaju primene različitih segmenata IT okruženja u visokoškolskoj nastavi ove obrazovne ustanove. Uzorkom su obuhvaćena 204 respodenta, studenta Fakulteta za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, svih nivoa studija izuzev doktorskih studija, koji su online popunjavanjem ankete pruzili podatke za realizaciju ove studije istraživačkog tipa. Za ispitivanje stavova i mišljenja studenata o postavljenom istraživačkom problemu korišćen je merni instrument procene stavova studenata- Set upitnik 2103, Univerziteta Glazgov ( Honeychurch, S., McCluckie, B., 2014). Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na visok procenat ispitanika (preko polovina ispitanog uzorka) koja se izjasnila za visoko značajno učešće tehničkih rešenja u svim ispitanim domenima izuzev u domenu kreiranja i prezentiranja video materijala u ispitanim segmentima nastave. Takođe je ukazano na visok značaj komunikacije tehničko-tehnoloških i društveno-humanističkih nauka u kreiranju obrazovnog ambijenta i obrazovnog sistema Univerziteta u Beogradu.
dc.description.abstractWithin the modern education system at the University of Belgrade, an important place should belong to information technology in the service of acquiring and presenting knowledge of both students and teaching staff at the University. This importance is reflected in different domains and segments of higher education and ranges from the use of information technology (hereinafter referred to as IT) in the acquisition, assessment and communication of knowledge between students; to the preparation, presentation and validation of teaching content by teaching staff at the University. In this sense, this paper deals with and elaborates the segment of the importance and benefits of individual IT systems in studies designed according to the Bologna system, as a system defined by the accreditation of the state faculties of the University of Belgrade, and according to the requirements of modern education and innovations of the 21st century in the field of all scientific disciplines, including social sciences and humanities. The aim of the study was to examine the attitudes and opinions of the students of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade on the importance of applying different segments of the IT environment in the higher education teaching of this educational institution. The sample included 204 respondents, students of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, all levels of study except doctoral studies, who provided online data for completing this research-type study by completing the survey. To measure students 'attitudes and opinions about the research problem posed, a measurement instrument was used to assess students' attitudes - Set Questionnaire 2103, Glasgow University (Honeychurch, S., McCluckie, B., 2014). Preliminary research results indicate a high percentage of respondents (over half of the sample surveyed) who declared themselves to have a high participation of technical solutions in all tested domains except in the domain of creating and presenting video materials in the examined teaching segments. The importance of communication between the technical, technological and social sciences in the creation of the educational environment and the educational system of the University of Belgrade was also pointed out.
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 2020 (Novi Sad : FTN, Grafički centar GRID)
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.sourceU: Vladimir Katić (Ur.): XXVI Skup trendovi razvoja: “inovacije u modernom obrazovanju”
dc.subjectHigh School
dc.titleZnačaj informacionih tehnologija u modernom visokoškolskom obrazovanjusr
dc.description.otherTREND XXVI Skup trendovi razvoja: inovacije u modernom obrazovanju



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