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Domestic violence and partner relationships

dc.contributorMacanović N.
dc.contributorPetrović J.
dc.contributorJovanić G.
dc.creatorPetrović, Vera
dc.creatorJovanić, Goran
dc.description.abstractKriminalitet sa elementima nasilja, izvršen u okviru porodice i partnerskih odnosa, izaziva znatno zanimanje javnosti, što se reflektuje i na intenzivniju aktivnost zakonodavca. U Republici Srbiji, pored krivičnopravne zaštite, donošenjem Porodičnog zakona 2005. godine, sistem mera zaštite od nasilja u porodici i partnerskim odnosima je proširen i na porodičnopravnu zaštitu. Dodatno, Srbija je 2013. godine ratifikovala i Konvenciju Saveta Evrope o sprečavanju i borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama i nasilja u porodici iz 2011. godine (Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic violence, CETS No. 10). Poslednji set mera iz ove oblasti je usvojen 2016. godine, kada je Skupština izglasala Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici, koji je stupio na snagu juna 2017. godine. Usvajanjem, izmenama i dopunama zakonodavne materije, predviđene su mere koje se baziraju na multisektorskoj saradnji nadležnih institucija. Ipak, i dalje postoje značajni problemi u njihovoj primeni. Posledice kažnjavanja i segregacije za ovu vrstu delikata, odražavaju se na ukupnost porodičnih odnosa, kažnjenu osobu, ali i na decu, kao direktne ili indirektne žrtve, kako kriminalnog akta, tako i posledica krivičnopravne reakcije. Ciljevi rada su usmereni na eksploraciju diskutabilnih zakonodavnih rešenja, kaznene politike, problema u izvršenju kazne zatvora u Srbiji, koji se dodatno multiplikuju kada je reč o ovoj grupi počinilaca krivičnih dela. Cilj je takođe da se ukaže na nepovezanost državnih sistema, što za posledicu nekada ima neblagovremeno i neadekvatno reagovanje. S druge strane, nastojaćemo ukazati i na primere dobre inostrane prakse, posebno u domenu saradnje institucija, načina reagovanja i primene specijalizovanih tretmana prema počiniocima.
dc.description.abstractCrime with elements of violence committed within a family or romantic relationship attracts significant amount of public interest which is further reflected in more intense legislative actions. Beside criminal justice protection in the Republic of Serbia, the system of measurements of protection against domestic violence and violence in relationships was expanded to family law protection with passing of Family Law in 2005. Additionally, in 2013 Serbia ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence from 2011 (Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, CETS No. 10). The latest set of measurements in this field was adopted in 2016, when the Parliament passed the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence which took an effect in June 2017. Passing, amendments and supplements to the legislative matter introduced measurements based on multi-sector cooperation of appropriate institutions. None the less, significant issues in their application persist. The consequences of punishment and segregation for this sort of crime reflect the entire family relationships, the punished person but also the children, as well as the direct and indirect victims of the criminal act, but also of the criminal law reaction itself. The aims of this paper are directed towards exploration of the controversial legislative solutions, penal policies, issues in prison sentence serving in Serbia which are additionally multiplied when it comes to this group of convicts. The goal is also to stress the lack of communication within the state’s systems which, at times, results in untimely and inadequate reactions. On the other hand, we shall endeavour to point out some examples of a good application in foreign practice, especially in the domain of cooperation between institutions, their manner of reaction as well as the application of specialized treatments towards the offenders.
dc.publisherCentar modernih znanja i Resursni centar za specijalnu edukaciju
dc.sourceZbornik radova Pete međunarodne naučne konferencije “Društvene devijacije: Porodica i savremeno društvo – izazovi i perspektive“
dc.subjectdruštvena reakcija
dc.subjectsocial reaction
dc.titleNasilje u porodici i partnerskim odnosima, Zbornik radova Pete međunarodne naučne konferencije 'Društvene devijacije, Porodica i savremeno društvo – izazovi i perspektive'sr
dc.titleDomestic violence and partner relationships
dc.citation.other: 382-395
dc.description.otherDruštvene devijacije, Porodica i savremeno društvo - izazovi i perspektive



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