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Musculosceletal pain as consequence of working activities

dc.creatorMarinković, Tatjana
dc.creatorMarinković, Dragan
dc.creatorBojović, Ivana
dc.description.abstractMuskuloskeletni bol je toliko često prisutan da se smatra normalnim elementom života i rada. Javlja se kao posledica repetitivnih naprezanja zbog intenzivnog radnog napora kao i zbog radom nastalih muskuloskeletnih poremećaja. Muskuloskeletni bol ima značajan učinak na sposobnost za obavljanje radnih aktivnosti, ali i na raspoloženje i motivaciju zaposlenih. Zajedno sa stresom pokazuje snažno sinergističko dejstvo. Osnovni dijagnostički kriterijumi su bol i bolna osetljivost unutar nekog dela tela, a koji potiču iz mišića, ligamenata, kostiju ili zglobova. Tranzicija iz akutnog u hronični muskuloskeletni bol do danas nije u potpunosti razjašnjena. Za potpuno razumevanje nesposobnosti i ograničenosti obavljanja radnih aktivnosti uzrokovane pojavom bola neophodan je biopsihosocijalni pristup. Danas se u kliničke i psiho-socijalne faktore rizika za ograničenost ili nesposobnost za rad ubrajaju: godine starosti, intenzitet bola, prisustvo drugih hroničnih bolesti, stres, negativno emocionalno stanje, način na koji individua reaguje na bol, zadovoljstvo sopstvenim poslom, očekivanja od povratka na posao, finansijsko stanje u porodici. Iz perspektive menadžmenta veoma je važno redukovati intenzitet bola i dužinu njegovog trajanja kod zaposlenih. U ovu svrhu neophodno je primeniti mere kako na kliničkom nivou, tako i na nivou unapređenja psiho-fizičkih sposobnosti zaposlenih i poštovanju načela ergonomije u radnom prostoru. Sa druge strane svesni kompleksnosti fenomena muskoleskeletnog bola i nemogućnosti njegove jednostavne i trajne eliminacije pažnju moramo posvetiti unapređenju funkcionisanja zaposlenih kroz sistemske mere.
dc.description.abstractMusculoskeletal pain is so often present that it is considered a normal element of life and work. It occurs as a consequence of repetitive stress due to intense work effort or because of musculoskeletal disorders. Musculoskeletal pain has a significant effect on the ability to perform work activities, but also on the mood and motivation of employees. Together with stress it shows a strong synergistic effect. The basic diagnostic criteria are pain and painful sensitivity within a part of the body, which comes from muscles, ligaments, bones or joints. The transition from acute to chronic musculoskeletal pain has not been fully clarified till today. In order to fully understand the incompetence and limitation of performing work activities caused by the onset of pain biopsychosocial approach is necessary. Clinical and psycho-social factors that limit capability for work are: age, intensity of pain, the presence of other chronic diseases, stress, negative emotional state, the mode in which the individual responds to pain, satisfaction with his own work, expectations of return to work, financial situation in the family. From the perspective of management, it is very important to reduce the intensity of pain and the length of time it lasts. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply measures both at the clinical level and at the level of improving the psycho-physical abilities of the employees and respecting the principles of ergonomics in the workplace. On the other hand, aware of the complexity of the musculoskeletal pain phenomenon and the impossibility of its simple and permanent elimination, we must pay attention to improving the functioning of employees through systemic measures.
dc.publisherUdruženje zdravstvenih profesionalaca Srbije - UZPS,
dc.sourceZbornik radova
dc.sourceMeđunarodni simpozijum UZPS "Bol kao medicinski, biološki, psihološki, sociološki i kulturološki fenomen"At: Banja Koviljaca, Serbia,
dc.subjectmuskuloskeletni bol
dc.subjectradne aktivnosti
dc.subjectmusculoskeletal pain
dc.subjectworking activities
dc.titleMuskuloskeletni bol kao posledica radnih aktivnostisr
dc.titleMusculosceletal pain as consequence of working activities
dc.citation.other: 175-178



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