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Control and prevention of stressogenic factors in the working environment

dc.creatorMarinković, Dragan
dc.creatorMarinković, Tatjana
dc.description.abstractStres kao opšta nespecifična reakcija organizma izazvana nepovoljnim i štetnim uticajima iz spoljašnje i unutrašnje sredine (stresogenim faktorima) može biti po svojoj prirodi fizički, biološki, psihološki, socijalni i psiho-socijalni. Kod profesionalnog stresa fizički i psihosocijalni faktori radne sredine se posmatraju kao faktori stresa koji mogu da dovedu do poremećaja fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja radnika, a njegova etiologija vezana je za uslove i zahteve posla, ali i individualne karakteristike samog radnika. U ovom smislu stres je uzročno-posledično povezan sa zamorom i ergonomskim rizikom. Razumevanje fenomena stresa i detekcija stresogenih faktora prvi su korak u unapredjenju radne sredine. Drugi korak u ovom procesu predstavlja kontrola stresogenih faktora i razvoj mera prevencije za sprečavanje pojave stresa kod zaposlenih. Krajnji efekat primene ova dva koraka biće veća produktivnost rada, redje odsustvo sa posla i bolje opšte i psihičko zdravlje zaposlenih. U ovom radu pokušali smo da definišemo sve stresogene faktore u radnoj sredini, uzroke njihove pojave, kao i mere za njihovu kontrolu i prevenciju koje je neophodno preuzeti.
dc.description.abstractStress as a general non-specific reaction of an organism caused by adverse and harmful influences from the external and internal environment (stress factors) can be physical, biological, psychological, social and psycho-social in its nature. In occupational stress, physical and psychosocial factors of the work environment are considered as factors of stress that can lead to disruption of the physical and mental health of the worker, and their etiology is related to the conditions and requirements of the job as well as to the individual characteristics of the worker. In this sense, stress is causally linked to fatigue and ergonomic risk. Understanding the phenomenon of stress and the detection of stress factors are the first step in improving the working environment. The second step in this process is the control of stress factors and the development of prevention measures. The ultimate effect of applying these two steps will be higher productivity of work, less time off from work, and better general and mental health of employees. In this paper we have tried to define all the stress factors in the work environment, the cause of their occurrence, as well as the measures for their control and prevention that need to be taken.
dc.publisherBeogradska politehnika
dc.sourcePeti naučno-stručni skup Politehnika 2019
dc.subjectstresogeni faktori
dc.subjectradna sredina
dc.titleKontrola i prevencija stresogenih faktora u radnoj sredinisr
dc.titleControl and prevention of stressogenic factors in the working environment
dc.citation.other: 420-424
dc.description.otherPeti naučno-stručni skup Politehnika 2019

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