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Samopomoć kod dece s blažim kognitivnim deficitom

dc.creatorĐurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
dc.creatorJapundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana
dc.creatorMilanović-Dobrota, Biljana
dc.identifier.issn2545 – 4439
dc.identifier.issn1857-923X (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractSelf-care is an area that aims to develop habits, knowledge and attitudes in helping one self. Children of the typical population adopt these skills by observing the activities of their parents or caregivers. In children with a mild cognitive impairment, the situation is different. Within this population, there are several developmental obstacles that cause delays in the adoption of self-care activities. The delayed development of imitation skills, low quality of ability for receptive speech, and frequent fluctuations in attention make it difficult to perform tasks in this field. However, research shows that, with adequate support, children with a mild cognitive impairment mainly develop self-care skills at the operational level. This paper describes the developmental specifics of children with a mild cognitive impairment in self-care, as well as adequate techniques for supporting these skills. Relying on Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory (Orem, 1991), a system of educational support for self-care skills is proposed. This system is used when a child has abilities to master these skills but requires minimal support. The methodological approach in Orem's Self-Care Theory has three main components: assessment of self-care skills, process schemes as a learning plan for the skills of self-care and implementation of the implemented. Adequate techniques used in learning self-care activities in children with a mild cognitive impairment are described in the paper by definition, with the given operationalization. These are: Task analysis, Creating a visual guide, Verbal and gesture stimulation, “Links in the chain”, Social stories, Video modeling and self-modeling and using mobile applications.
dc.description.abstractSamopomoć je područje koje ima za cilj razvijanje navika, znanja i stavova vezanih za brigu o sebi. Deca tipične populacije usvajaju ove veštine posmatrajući aktivnosti svojih roditelja ili staratelja i vaspitača. Kod dece s blažim kognitivnim deficitom situacija je drugačija. U ovoj populaciji postoji nekoliko razvojnih prepreka koje uzrokuju kašnjenje pri usvajanju aktivnosti samopomoći. Zakasneli razvoj veština imitacije, nizak kvalitet sposobnosti receptivnog govora, kao i česte fluktuacije pažnje otežavaju izvršenje zadatka u ovoj oblasti. Ipak, istraživanja pokazuju da, uz adekvatnu podršku, deca s blažim kognitivnim deficitom uglavnom razviju veštine samopomoći na operativnom nivou. Ovaj rad opisuje razvojne specifičnosti dece s blažim kognitivnim deficitom u okviru samopomoći, kao i adekvatne tehnike podrške ovim veštinama. Oslanjajući se na Teoriju samopomoći Dorotee Orem (Orem, 1991) u radu se predlaže sistem edukativne podrške veštinama samopomoći. Ovaj sistem se koristi kada dete ima sposobnosti da savlada ove veštine, ali mu je za to potrebna minimalna podrška. Metodski pristup u Oremovoj Teoriji samopomoći ima tri glavna dela:procenu veština samopomoći, procesne šeme kao plan učenja veština samopomoći i implementaciju sprovedenog. Adekvatne tehnike koje se koriste pri učenju aktivnosti samopomoći kod dece s blažim kognitivnim deficitom su u radu opisane definicijski, uz datu operacionalizaciju. To su: Analiza zadataka, Kreiranje vizuelnog vodiča, Verbalni i gestikulacioni podsticaj, ''Veze u lancu'', Socijalne priče, Video modelovanje i samomodelovanje i korišćenje mobilnih aplikacija.
dc.publisherIKM – Skopje
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceKNOWLEDGE - International Journal Scientific Papers
dc.subjectchild, mild cognitive impairment
dc.subjectsupport techniques
dc.subjectblaži kognitivni deficit
dc.subjecttehnike podrške
dc.titleSelf-care in children with mild cognitive impairementsen
dc.titleSamopomoć kod dece s blažim kognitivnim deficitom
dc.citation.other: 394-402
dc.description.otherKnowledge - International Journal



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