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dc.creatorMikić, Branka
dc.creatorNikolić, Mina
dc.creatorJotić, Ana
dc.description.abstractHearing impairment is frequently met in preterm babies as compared to well baby population. Incidence of congenital and perinatal hearing loss in prematurely born children is 2-4% and in case of extreme prematurity (less than 32 GW) it could reach 6 %. It could be caused by extreme immaturity of the newborn baby as well as by multiple risk factors (gestational age, extremely low birth weight, hypoxia, hyperbilirubinaemia, infection, ototoxic medication, prolonged NICU stay, mechanic ventilation) Procena stanja sluha kod prevremeno roĊenog deteta je izuzetno sloţena, a tumaĉenje dobijenih rezultata zahteva veliko iskustvo I poznavanje miljokaza i sloţenosti razvoja u ovoj populaciji. Pored kohlearnog oštećenja sluha ĉesto se mogu javiti I retrokohlearni problemi usled auditivne neuropatije i disnhronije, ali i nezrelosti centralnih auditivnih puiteva. Hearing screening in prematurely born babies should not be restricted to otoacoustic emission testing (OAE), but automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) is mandatory for detection of retrocochlear pathology which is frequently seen in those babies. In case of several negative OAE tests baby should be refered for further audiology evaluation. Interpretation of audiology test results is complex and dependent on the degree of prematurity, age at the time of testing and comorbidities. Type and timing of eventual intervention is determined by the degree of the hearing impairment and other developmental disorders. It should be kept in mind that one third of babies identified as significant hearing loss in the first months oflife, later on could achieve normal hearing thresholds through maturation process. It is essential to monitor development of these children closely at least during first two years of life in order toadjust type of amplification and habilitation of hearing and speech
dc.publisherLife Activities Advancement Center
dc.publisherThe Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology ―ĐorĊe Kostić‖
dc.publisherCosmoanelixis - Prenatal and Life Sciences
dc.sourceProceedings of 7th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, ISBN: 978-86-89431-39-1
dc.sourceProceedings Speech and language 2019 7th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language
dc.subjectpreterm babies
dc.subjecthearing loss
dc.subjecthearing assessment
dc.titleSpecific Protocol for Hearing Assessment in Preterm Babiessr
dc.description.otherInternational Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language

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