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Značaj rane intervencije za decu sa teškoćama u mentalnom razvoju

dc.creatorKrstić, Sanja
dc.creatorĐurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
dc.identifier.issn1857-923X (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractO važnosti i značaju rane intervencije kod dece predškolskog uzrasta govore činjenice da ona vrši podsticaj svih domena razvoja i na taj način obezbeđuje detetu priliku da razvije svoje potencijale do maksimuma. Pregledom literature uviđaju se pozitivni efekti rane intervencije na decu predškolskog uzrasta, a posebno se evidentiraju značajni napreci rane intervencije kod dece koja imaju teškoće u mentalnom razvoju (TuMR). Rani predškolski uzrast je vreme u kome se detektuje najveći broj poteškoća kod dece, te je ovaj period ključan trenutak za početak adekvatnog tretmana. Cilj ovog rada jeste da utvrdi u kojoj meri deca sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) imaju potrebu za ranom intervencijom, u odnosu na prisutne probleme u ponašanju. Dok se postojanje kratkoročnih efekata uglavnom više ne dovodi u pitanje, dugoročna efikasnost ovih programa i dalje je predmet naučne rasprave i predstavlja oblast koju je potrebno dalje temeljno istraživati, uz sistematično kontrolisanje faktora koji bi mogli imati uticaj na kasnije ishode u domenu intelektualnog funkcionisanja. Rana intervencija predstavlja vrlo značajan segment rada za decu sa TuMR, ali i za njihove roditelje i celu porodicu. Ističe se neophodnost sistemske podrške, koja često izostaje. Rana intervencija ne podrazumeva samo rad sa detetom koje ima TuMR, nego obuhvata i pružanje informacija, savetodavni rad, kao i pružanje podrške roditeljima, kako bi na najbolji mogući način ukazali podršku detetu kako bi razvilo do maksimuma svoje potencijale. Uz pomoć roditelja, stručnjaci prepoznaju oblasti u kojima je detetu potrebna podrška, a potom pronalaze servise koji bi mogli pružiti detetu tip podrške koji bi u tom trenutku na najbolji način zadovoljio njegove potrebe. Jedno od osnovnih pitanja sa kojima se roditelji, ali i mnogi stručnjaci suočavaju, jeste izbor adekvatnog modela rane intervencije za dete sa autizmom. Gotovo je pravilo da su medijski najatraktivniji tzv. komplementarni tretmani čija efikasnost nije zasnovana na dokazima. U praksi se povremeno sprovode čak i neki oblici tretmana za koje se danas sasvim pouzdano zna da ne mogu dovesti do poboljšanja kliničke slike, a u nekim slučajevima nanose nepopravljivu štetu detetu sa autizmom. Nalazi brojnih istraživanja ukazuju na činjenice da deca predškolskog uzrasta ispoljavaju značajne poteškoće u ponašanju i socijalnim veštinama, te je neophodno uključiti decu u adekvatan tretman i otpočeti proces rane intervencije.
dc.description.abstractThe importance and importance of early intervention in preschool children is explained by the fact that it stimulates all domains of development and thus provides the child with an opportunity to develop its potential to the maximum. The literature review identifies the positive effects of early intervention on preschool children, and notably records significant advances in early intervention in children with mental disabilities. Early preschool age is the time when the greatest number of difficulties in children is detected, and this period is a crucial moment for the beginning of adequate treatment. The aim of this paper is to determine the extent to which children with autism spectrum disorder are in need of early intervention in relation to the behavioral problems present. Early intervention programs have a positive impact on the development of intellectual capacity in children with intellectual disabilities and children at risk for cognitive impairment. The effectiveness of these programs is reflected in improving the level of intellectual functioning and preventing or minimizing stagnation or decline in cognitive development. While the existence of short-term effects is largely out of the question, the long-term effectiveness of these programs is still a matter of scholarly debate and is an area that needs to be further thoroughly investigated, with systematic scrutiny of factors that may influence later outcomes in the intellectual functioning domain. early intervention is a very important segment of work for children with mental disabilities, but also for their parents and the whole family. With the help of parents, experts identify areas where the child needs support and then find services that can provide the child with the type of support that would best meet his or her needs at that point. One of the basic issues facing parents, as well as many professionals, is the choice of an appropriate early intervention model for a child with autism. It is almost a rule that the media are the most attractive ones. complementary treatments whose effectiveness is not evidence-based. In practice, even some forms of treatment that are nowadays known with certainty that cannot improve the clinical picture are occasionally administered and in some cases do irreparable harm to a child with autism. The findings of numerous studies point to the fact that pre-school children exhibit significant behavioral and social skills difficulties, and it is necessary to involve children in appropriate treatment and in an open early intervention process.
dc.publisherIKM – Skopje
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.sourceKnowledge - International Journal
dc.subjectrana intervencija
dc.subjectpredškolski uzrast
dc.subjectintelektualna ometenost
dc.subjectearly intervention
dc.subjectpreschool age
dc.subjectintellectual disability
dc.titleThe importance of early intervention for children with intellectual disabilitiesen
dc.titleZnačaj rane intervencije za decu sa teškoćama u mentalnom razvoju
dc.citation.other: 1163-1168
dc.description.otherXXIII International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE



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