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The use of words of the opposite meaning in written and sign language

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorŽunić Pavlović Vesna
dc.contributorGrbović Aleksandra
dc.contributorRadovanović Vesna
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorŠešum, Mia
dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.description.abstractOdsustvo slušanja kod gluve i nagluve dece komplikuje i otežava razvoj govora i jezika. Oni se usvajaju na specifičan način i razvijenost će, u velikoj meri, zavisiti od podsticaja iz okoline. Poseban problem je izgradnja rečnika, usvajanje novih reči, kao i njihovo adekvatno povezivanje sa značenjem. Znakovni jezik za njih nije hendikep već prirodni oblik izražavanja, uporediv sa izražajnim potencijalom govornog jezika. On im omogućava kognitivna, komunikativna i kreativna iskustva. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi stepen usvojenosti reči suprotnog značenja datih imenica, glagola, prideva i priloga u pisanom i znakovnom jeziku gluvih i nagluvih učenika. Korišćen je segment Jezičkog korpusa za procenu leksičko-stilskih specifičnosti (Dimić i Isaković, 2003). Od dece se tražilo da daju suprotna značenja na zadate reči, koristeći pisani i znakovni jezik. Ispitivanjem je oduhvaćeno 54 učenika sa oštećenjem sluha uzrasta od petog do osmog razreda i obavljeno je u Beogradu. Računali smo frekvencije i procente, aritmetičku sredinu i standardnu devijaciju, t-test i njegov značaj, Vilkoksonov test označenih rangova. Uočava se uticaj uzrasta na adekvatnu upotrebu reči suprotnog značenja. Najveći broj pravilno korišćenih reči suprotnog značenja i bolji rezultati dati su u znakovnom jeziku (imenice t = -3,82, p < 0,01; glagoli t = -9,11, p < 0,01; pridevi t = -4,73, p < 0,01; prilozi t = -6,89, p < 0,01). Znakovni jezik treba da bude osnova za razvoj pisanog jezika gluve dece. Njegov razvoj prati razvoj pisanog govora, utiče na bolje razumevanje značenja postojećih reči, kao i na usvajanje značenja nepoznatih reči. Uočene su i date specifične greške.
dc.description.abstractThe absence of the auditory component in deaf children complicates or completely incapacitates the development of speech and language. Language is adopted in a specific manner and its development depends greatly on the stimulus from the environment. Problem in vocabulary building is the assimilation of new words and their adequate association with their meaning. For deaf children, sign language is not a handicap, but a natural form of expression, comparable to the expressive potential of spoken language which provides them with cognitive, communicative and creative experiences. The purpose of this paper was to examine the level of adoption of the opposite meaning of the given nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in written and sign language of deaf and hard of hearing students. The study incorporated a segment of the Language corpus for the evaluation of lexical-style related characteristics (Dimic & Isakovic, 2003). In the tasks that were given to the children, they were asked to give opposite meanings of the given words using written and sing language. The study consisted of 54 deaf students attending fifth to eight grade at two schools in Belgrade. We calculated frequencies and percentage mean score and standard deviations, t-test and its significance, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. We determined the influence of age on adequate use of words of the opposite meanings. The greatest number of correctly used words of the opposite meaning was used in the sign form of expression (nouns t = -3.82, p < 0.01; verbs t = -9.11, p < 0.01; adjectives t = -4.73, p < 0.01; adverbs t = -6.89, p < 0.01). Sign language should be the basis for the development of the written language of deaf children. Its development follows the development of written speech, influences a better understanding of the meaning of existing words, and the acceptance of the meaning of unknown words. Different specific mistakes were observed.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179055/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 10. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija,
dc.subjectreči suprotnog značenja
dc.subjectpisani govor
dc.subjectznakovni jezik
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvi učenici
dc.subjectwords of the opposite meaning
dc.subjectwritten language
dc.subjectsign language
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearing students
dc.titleUpotreba reči suprotnog značenja u pisanom i znakovnom jezikusr
dc.titleThe use of words of the opposite meaning in written and sign language
dc.citation.other: 425-431

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