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Effects of treatment duration on the degree of speech Difficulties and degree of anxiety in communication Situations in adults who stutter

dc.creatorJovanović-Simić, Nadica
dc.creatorArsenić, Ivana
dc.creatorDobrić, Jovana
dc.description.abstractMucanje predstavlja poremećaj fluentnosti govora, tj. poremećaj ritma i tempa govora koji nastaje usled blokiranja vazdušne struje i straha od govora. Manifestuje se čestim repeticijama i prolongacijama glasova, slogova i reči. Cilj ovog rada је bio da se utvrdi uticaj dužine trajanja tretmana na stepen govornih smetnji i stepen doživljaja anksioznosti u govornim situacijama kod osoba koje mucaju. Takođe, u okviru studije je ispitano u kojim komunikacionim situacijama osobe koje mucaju osećaju najmanje ili najviše anksioznosti, kao i u kojim komunikacionim situacijama ove osobe ispoljavaju najmanje ili najviše govornih poteškoća. Uzorak je činio 41 ispitanik, oba pola, uzrasta od 19 do 41 godine. Ispitanici su bili uključeni u tretman koji se izvodi po pravilima metode „Svesne sinteze razvoja” u Zavodu za psihofiziološke poremećaje i govornu patologiju „Prof. dr Cvetko Brajović”. Za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je merni instrument pod nazivom Lista govornih situacija, koji se sastoji od 51 govorne situacije. Ispitanici su na jednom delu instrumenta procenjivali stepen govornih smetnji koji ispoljavaju u govornim situacijama, a na drugom delu su vršili procenu doživljaja stepena anksioznosti u istim govornim situacijama. Rezultati su pokazali da sa dužinom trajanja tretmana opada nivo anksioznosti pacijenata, a da takva korelacija ne postoji kada su u pitanju dužina trajanja tretmana i stepen ispoljavanja govornih smetnji. Najproblematičnije situacije za osobe koje mucaju su one u kojima se dešava da ih drugi požuruju ili prekidaju dok govore. Takođe, za njih je problematičan govor pred grupom, podređen položaj u komunikaciji, tj. razgovor sa autoritetom, razgovor u kome učestvuju nepoznati sagovorici i telefoniranje. Situacije u kojima imaju najmanje poteškoća su: obraćanje životinji, razgovor sa malim detetom, razgovor sa bliskim ljudima, pozdravljanje i razgovor nakon konzumacije alkohola.
dc.description.abstractStuttering is a disorder of speech fluency, i.e. disturbance of rhythm and tempo of speech, which arises from blocking of airflow and fear from speech. It is defined as a speech disorder in which the flow of the speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables and words. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the treatment duration on the degree of speech difficulties and degree of anxiety in speech situations in adults who stutter. Also, within study was examined in which communication situations people who stutter feel the least or the most anxious and in which communication situations these individuals express the least or the most speech difficulties. The sample was consisted of 41 individuals, both sexes, aged 19-41. Respondents were involved in a treatment performed according to the rules of the method "Conscious synthesis of development" in the Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology „Prof. dr Cvetko Brajović”. A measuring instrument called List of Speech Situations which consists of 51 speech situations was used for data collection. In one part of the instrument, the respondents assessed the level of speech difficulties in speech situations, and in the second part they assessed the level of experiencing anxiety in the same speech situations. The results showed that with the duration of the treatment the level of anxiety of the patients decreased, and such a correlation does not exist when it comes to the duration of treatment and the level of expression of speech difficulties. For them, it is also problematic speech in front of the group, a subordinate position in communication, i.e. a conversation with authority, a conversation involving unknown co-speakers and telephony. The least difficult situations are: talking to ananimal, conversation with a little child, conversation with close people, greetings and talking after alcohol consuming.
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Srbije
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu-Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179068/RS//
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectgovorne smetnje
dc.subjectspeech disorders
dc.titleUticaj dužine tretmana na stepen govornih smetnji i stepen anksioznosti u komunikacionim situacijama kod odraslih osoba koje mucajusr
dc.titleEffects of treatment duration on the degree of speech Difficulties and degree of anxiety in communication Situations in adults who stutter
dc.citation.other25(1): 33-45



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